Kyiara 791 Posted June 9, 2023 💡Greetings survivors! Are you pondering over various aspects of the game, wanting to separate fact from fiction and understand how specific mechanics work? Perhaps you wish to debunk some popular DayZ myths? Ask your questions here. We will do our best to provide you with the answers. Please note that it might take slightly longer to get you the answers as we plan to answer during our streams or use video/images to explain. THANK YOU! 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DefectiveWater 542 Posted June 9, 2023 (edited) There's one myth that keeps popping up occasionally in the community. Some people say that clothes can get infected with diseases. For example: you get a cold and you wear a facemask, so now the facemask is infected and you will keep getting sick over and over. Some people also say that bottles can get infected by a sick player, I don't mean the water inside but the bottle itself. I personally never encountered those but I do wonder if those used to be features at some point before the engine change. Edited June 9, 2023 by DefectiveWater 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RenDark2000 34 Posted June 12, 2023 (edited) -deleted- Edited November 29, 2023 by RenDark2000 keeping the space clean... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RenDark2000 34 Posted June 12, 2023 (edited) Reveal hidden contents Is it possible to burn&destroy a barrel in a firebarrel? Edited November 29, 2023 by RenDark2000 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RenDark2000 34 Posted June 14, 2023 (edited) Reveal hidden contents i tried it and it is possible! Edited November 29, 2023 by RenDark2000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RenDark2000 34 Posted June 26, 2023 (edited) Reveal hidden contents hm, that`s strange, no more myths to bust??? So, Can i ask you some questions about several oddities in the game mechanics i have noticed in the past 3 years then, @Kiara? Edited November 29, 2023 by RenDark2000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kyiara 791 Posted June 26, 2023 On 6/26/2023 at 12:25 AM, RenDark2000 said: hm, that`s strange, no more myths to bust??? So, Can i ask you some questions about several oddities in the game mechanics i have noticed in the past 3 years then, @Kiara? Hi, this thread is to solve myths as some of the stuff mentioned above. Oddities might be more for feedback tracker, If you think it's something that should be fixed or not working as intended. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RenDark2000 34 Posted July 1, 2023 (edited) Reveal hidden contents Ok ok. no problem. ( but perhabs you misunderstood me a bit;-)) Then please let me try to make some myths out of the oddities: 1. about Wolfpacks: is it true, that - the player who can hear the wolfes first is also their primary target? - that they normally attack only one player at the same time (see above/ when playing in a team) - that the howling of the wolfes is not affected by the physical law of sonic speed (like shots) and that it is played everywhere, immediately in the hole range and that only the loudness is different? - that you only need to shoot the white leading wolf.. (ok, lol, come on! i hope it`s not that stuff you expected here, dear Kiara?! Is there still anybody left believing this ???) But this could be cool if true. i think !) - howling wolfes can alarm/attract other wolfpacks in range, increasing the amount of attacking animals over the limit of 5. - wolfes never fight against bears(and other way around) - wolfes don`t attack players holding a burning torch or near a campfire (this one is on my "that would be cool"-wishlist, too) - wolfes don`t attack you in a improvised shelter - a wolf doesn`t attack you, as long as you point with a gun on him - you can immobilize a wolf with a beartrap for some seconds - wolfes can be killed with a flashbang - wolfes are more active/agressive at fullmoon - an attacking wolfpack with less than 5 animals is always an indicator for other players activity - wolfes don`t attack you in a stillstanding car with engine off - once spawned, the wolfes start to travel around in their area as long as they don`t have any target - the presence of wild boars(other animals) can attract wolfes - wolfes can be disattracted by the corpse of an infected or player Ok, i think for today (and about wolfes) these should be enough myths for you to bust in the first place. ;-) Of course, many of these myth are just fake and in most cases i already know the answer(but some people maybe not). Some are only my secret wishes or pipedreams. But few of these questions are really interesting for me and i honestly like to know more about it. (i.e. everything about the soundeffects/the howling, or why they don`t howl sometimes on the other side) and of course their attack scheme (which player has the agression? the closest in the moment they spawn or who enters their area first? shooting on them? or is it somehow related to the sound they make/i hear before they attack? ) greetz Edited November 29, 2023 by RenDark2000 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RenDark2000 34 Posted July 6, 2023 (edited) -deleted- Edited November 29, 2023 by RenDark2000 keeping this space clean Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Just Caused 423 Posted July 6, 2023 If you've got your radio on on your vest, and someone approaches you and speaks to you, does their voice broadcast over the radio even though they are not carrying it? And also, do I need to carry it in my hands to broadcast or can it say turned on on my vest? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kyiara 791 Posted July 7, 2023 On 7/6/2023 at 10:47 PM, RenDark2000 said: ok, i´m waiting for some answers, Kyiara. this is your thread, you asked us, and it is a bit unpolite to ignore or just "like" some questions here. At all, it`s not very encouraging to discuss with you, honey! As mention in the original post: "Please note that it might take slightly longer to get you the answers as we plan to answer during our streams or use video/images to explain. THANK YOU!" So once the above is done, the answer will be placed here as well. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RenDark2000 34 Posted July 18, 2023 (edited) Reveal hidden contents hey Kyiara, today, i have some questions about Bears: it`s not a myth that we have a small chance to survive a bears` attack, as long as we don`t shoot at him . But: 1. In case i`m just pointing with my weapon into his direction, what`s then? is that enough to force his attack and does the bear count it as an agression/attack from my side? 2. what happens when i use a melee weapon, but only defensive(holding up and moving backwards)? 3. and what about the following situation: i`m sitting in my shelter, , i have no weapon in my hands and i`m doing nothing.(standing still and silent) Suddenly a bear is spawning nearby, coming closer. Will he attack me or not? 4. Shortcut of my questions: What is the rule behind it?(except of not shooting, or throwing something!) and how high is the random factor? PS: Quote If you've got your radio on on your vest, and someone approaches you and speaks to you, does their voice broadcast over the radio even though they are not carrying it? And also, do I need to carry it in my hands to broadcast or can it say turned on on my vest? the answers here are: 1. yes (as far as i know it`s also the case when the radio is on the ground. But the range of transmission is very short) 2. no, you don`t need to carry it in your hands and it`s working on your vest. 3. Important: any other ingame sound is not transmitted! (only VOIP!!!) Edited November 29, 2023 by RenDark2000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RenDark2000 34 Posted July 19, 2023 (edited) Reveal hidden contents Dayz and the nails of the tentacle: item: Nails In-game description: "A stack of 8.89cm(90mm) long nails" Size: 1 Slot Weight: 2.54 kg (5.6 lb) Capacity: 70 Nails (Box) / 99 Nails (Stake) => 2.54kg / 70pcs = 0.0362857142857 kg/Nail => 27.5595976299 pcs/kg =>1000:27,6= 36,23 g/nail Volume of a common sized 3.4*90mm nail = volume cylinder(nail)= π × (cyl.radius(nail))² × cyl.height(nail) <=> volume cyl(nail) = 3.14159265359 * (3,4mm/2)² * 90mm = 817.13mm³ = 0.82cm³ Density of iron = 7.86 g/cm3 Weight of a common sized 3.4*90mm iron nail = density(iron) * volume(nail) = 7.86g/cm3 * 0.82cm3 = 6.4452 g/nail => 0.34cm*9cm*7,86g/cm³ = 0.006kg *70 = 0.49kg 70 Iron nails have a weight of 0,49kg in Reality. => 2540g / 0.006kg/nail = 423.333333333 nails In a 2.5 kiloramm box of nails there are about 423 iron nails in RL Cross check: compare it with the nails of the same/similar size (see table 1): Size: 3,4 mm(diameter) x 90 mm(length) -> aprox 154 pcs/kg =>1000g / 154 pcs = 6.49350649351 g/nail => 154 * 2.54 = 391.16 pcs/2.54kg --> CHECK! the Difference between the ingame-weight of 1 nail, the calculated weight of 1 iron nail and the standart reference nail (table 1):= 36.2857142857g - 6.4452g = +29.85g = 36.2857142857g -6.4935g = +29.789g The weight of 1 Nail in Dayz(~36.3g) is ~ 5.67 times higher than the weight of a common Iron nail(~6.4g) in reality!!! Cross Check: Two of the heaviest elements on earth are gold(19,32g/cm3) and iridium(22.42 g/cm³). => 70 pcs of 3.4*90mm pure solid golden nails = 1.105kg (15.8424g/nail) => 70 pcs of 3.4*90mm full metal irridium nails = 1.282kg (18.314g/nail) --> Irridium nails are just half (and golden nails even less) as heavy as the nails we have in Dayz! So, what exotic material are NAILS made of??? and without any proof of the existance of tentacled aliens in Dayz until now: how can the redicoulus weight of NAILS be explained then??? ad astra Table 1: common sizes of nails (Ø x Length) and pieces per Kilogram 2,5 x 60 mm - ca. 440 Stück | 3,1 x 70 mm - ca. 350 Stück 3,1 x 80 mm - ca. 212 Stück | 3,4 x 90 mm - ca. 154 pcs 3,8 x 100 mm - ca. 111 Stück | 4,2 x 110 mm - ca. 82 Stück 4,2 x 120 mm - ca. 77 Stück | 4,6 x 120 mm - ca. 61 Stück 5,0 x 140 mm - ca. 45 Stück | 5,0 x 150 mm - ca. 42 Stück 5,5 x 160 mm - ca. 32 Stück | 6,0 x 180 mm - ca. 25 Stück 7,0 x 210 mm - ca. 16 Stück | 9,0 x 300 mm - ca. 7 Stück Edited November 29, 2023 by RenDark2000 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parazight 1606 Posted July 19, 2023 These detailed questions regarding animal AI do not seem to be in line with the purpose of this thread. It would be unauthentic if all wolves/bears acted the same. kyiara’s post looks to address holistic questions aimed at general knowledge and not detailed scripting information. And this makes sense. I would encourage the team to NOT post this info. We don’t need to know exactly how NPCs behave. If you really want to further understand how animals work, that’s fine. But don’t ruin the mystery for the rest of us. Why not make your own server and figure it out yourself? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
madimbu3 0 Posted July 19, 2023 in dayz is there a way to set fire to the gate or wall of a base to invade? myth or truth? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RenDark2000 34 Posted August 2, 2023 (edited) Reveal hidden contents Myths to bust: (common and casual) 1. you can cover a activated grenade on the ground with a plate armor to avoid any damage from the explosion 2. you can survive a spawn on a landmine 3. you can`t shoot through water 4. a bear won`t attack you when you dance for him(using the emote) 5. there is a hidden cave at Kamensk, but the entry is closed 6. Dayz nails are a tribute to the band NIN 7. you can catch more fish at specific daytimes and weather 8. you can cure the Kannibal-desease, just look long enough at a teddybear 9. driving over the map border instantly ruins the vehicle and kills all passengers 10. behind Skalisty is another island hidden in the southeast corner, called Debug-island(see video above) 11. a press-vest can tank the same damage as the plate carrier 12. military infected wearing a barret are "commanders" and their scream has higher range(can call more infected) 13. you can remote the PA with a radio 14. a cutted tree always falls in the same direction 15. cars have a build-in planned obsolescence because the body is not repairable 16. bumbers and/or Engine hoods are saving the body of your car (or the engine) from damage as long they are not ruined 17. you can use the clock on the dashboard of the vehicle 18. all vehicles of same kind have the same Mileage. (it`s the only part of the dashboard that doesn`t have a function) 19. the amount of meat you can get from an animal depends on how much shots you need to kill it 20. you can`t escape from a prison cell on prison island 21. a log out behind the map border kills you 22. a cooking pot full of water takes less damage from cooking 23. you can keep a ruined cooking pot as container enough for now. cheers Edited November 29, 2023 by RenDark2000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kyiara 791 Posted August 7, 2023 On 7/19/2023 at 11:04 AM, Parazight said: These detailed questions regarding animal AI do not seem to be in line with the purpose of this thread. It would be unauthentic if all wolves/bears acted the same. kyiara’s post looks to address holistic questions aimed at general knowledge and not detailed scripting information. And this makes sense. I would encourage the team to NOT post this info. We don’t need to know exactly how NPCs behave. If you really want to further understand how animals work, that’s fine. But don’t ruin the mystery for the rest of us. Why not make your own server and figure it out yourself? I have hidden the previous "off-topic" posts because I want to keep this thread clean for questions. However, I am keeping this one here since Parazight got it right. We are not planning to delve too deeply into the details. It's not because it's a secret or anything, but simply because we believe certain aspects should remain hidden unless the player is eager to uncover them on his own (for an example, wobo is doing pretty good job on this). I appreciate all of your questions, and we will find a way to address them. However, we won't be providing in-depth information about the mechanics themselves. 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RenDark2000 34 Posted November 16, 2023 (edited) -deleted- Edited November 29, 2023 by RenDark2000 keeping the space clean... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RenDark2000 34 Posted November 27, 2023 (edited) -deleted- Edited November 29, 2023 by RenDark2000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bartboyblu 1 Posted January 29, 2024 One that comes to mind is that when a zombie is on top of a roof it's been said that this means another player has been nearby. Never found anything to corroborate this and I have found one thread stating this is just bad AI for zombie spawns. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
etwas 147 Posted January 29, 2024 On 1/29/2024 at 5:41 AM, Bartboyblu said: One that comes to mind is that when a zombie is on top of a roof it's been said that this means another player has been nearby. Never found anything to corroborate this and I have found one thread stating this is just bad AI for zombie spawns. yea thats no intended mechanic^^ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lemmac 102 Posted January 29, 2024 On 1/29/2024 at 5:41 AM, Bartboyblu said: One that comes to mind is that when a zombie is on top of a roof it's been said that this means another player has been nearby. Never found anything to corroborate this and I have found one thread stating this is just bad AI for zombie spawns. Nah, it doesn't mean anyone is nearby... it just means a player had shut it in the building it is standing on Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bartboyblu 1 Posted January 29, 2024 On 1/29/2024 at 7:58 PM, lemmac said: Nah, it doesn't mean anyone is nearby... it just means a player had shut it in the building it is standing on That sounds like someone is nearby XD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lemmac 102 Posted January 29, 2024 On 1/29/2024 at 9:38 PM, Bartboyblu said: That sounds like someone is nearby XD Ok... they definitely were nearby, at some point before now... are they still nearby? That's debateable 🤣 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DonnieSkuza 5 Posted January 30, 2024 Will DayZServer.exe ever run on Linux with Wine? 🤣🤣🤣 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites