Kyiara 791 Posted March 4, 2023 Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed update 1.20 even though some issue went along, and some issues are still being worked on (as mentioned in the threads here and here and also HERE). We really appreciate your constructive feedback! We also keep reviewing your suggestions and ideas posted on the forum and are pleased to have such a great and caring community! Would you be up for a small "quiz" and reply briefly to those three questions? Please always pick just one thing, the most important to you. 1) What did you like the most about this update? 2) What did you like the least about this update? 3) What would it be if you could add anything to the game? (just have fun with this one, as you know, I am no goldfish) ☺️ Please keep it tidy. I will hide off-topic posts. For feedback or anything else 1.20 related, please use the threads mentioned above or, even better, our Feedback tracker. Thank you ♥️ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kathosky 119 Posted March 4, 2023 27 minutes ago, Kyiara said: 1) What did you like the most about this update? Weight carried impacts inertia movement. I like this kind of stuff that forces the player to make decisions. Inertia in particular was a great addition, something IMO needed from a long time ago. I can choose more changes I like from this patch, but I stick to the rules and just write that one. 27 minutes ago, Kyiara said: 2) What did you like the least about this update? Mmmh, I don't know, maybe the bugs that came with the update, although they are getting fixed eventually. I could say mime masks, although I think they are cool they should be very rare. I don't want to see everyone wearing one because I am going to have to KOS them even if I don't want to. 28 minutes ago, Kyiara said: 3) What would it be if you could add anything to the game? Add real values in all weapon ballistics; muzzle velocity, air friction, travel time, sound, subsonic distance... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GameComplainer 10 Posted March 4, 2023 1 hour ago, Kyiara said: Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed update 1.20 even though some issue went along, and some issues are still being worked on (as mentioned in the threads here and here and also HERE). We really appreciate your constructive feedback! We also keep reviewing your suggestions and ideas posted on the forum and are pleased to have such a great and caring community! Would you be up for a small "quiz" and reply briefly to those three questions? Please always pick just one thing, the most important to you. 1) What did you like the most about this update? 2) What did you like the least about this update? 3) What would it be if you could add anything to the game? (just have fun with this one, as you know, I am no goldfish) ☺️ Please keep it tidy. I will hide off-topic posts. For feedback or anything else 1.20 related, please use the threads mentioned above or, even better, our Feedback tracker. Thank you ♥️ 1) fixing ADS bug 2) Lack of content(not an issue) 3) Better gunplay with sway and weight to the weapons 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jevez 34 Posted March 5, 2023 4 hours ago, Kyiara said: 1) What did you like the most about this update? Some of the bug fixes were really nice, such as the ADS bug and the hitboxes of items being misaligned when they were in your hands. 4 hours ago, Kyiara said: 2) What did you like the least about this update? The changes to the eye zoom when sprinting, it felt like a completely random and unnecessary change that nobody asked for, and it just made the moment to moment gameplay more annoying for me. 4 hours ago, Kyiara said: 3) What would it be if you could add anything to the game? Does it have to be "add" as in something new, or can we change an existing part of the game? I guess I'll give one of each to be safe. My "add" vote goes to helicopters, they are an iconic part of DayZ that brought thrills and epic moments for many years and deserve to be back in the game, they can also be easily balanced in a way that keeps them rare, exciting and not overpowered. My "change" vote goes to reworking the gunplay, the current arcadey gunplay doesn't fit DayZ. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DefectiveWater 542 Posted March 5, 2023 11 hours ago, Kyiara said: 1) What did you like the most about this update? Ignoring the ADS bug fix (and in general bug fixing), I would say I like the improved inertia (character weight affects inertia). 11 hours ago, Kyiara said: 2) What did you like the least about this update? I know it was supposed to be a primarily stability/bug fix update, but I disliked the lack of content. Mime masks are cool, but they might have the same issue as does 85% of wearable items in DayZ have and that is the cold/low insulation. 11 hours ago, Kyiara said: 3) What would it be if you could add anything to the game? (just have fun with this one, as you know, I am no goldfish) ☺️ Add or change existing stuff (like balance or mechanics)? If add, then I would definitely add more variety of clothing items. Civilian gloves (wool gloves), scarves, shemagh, more belt types (police belt, tool belt), more types of jackets/shirts/pants/backpacks... everything essentially lol. If it's not add only, but change could be made then it's definitely: a) the gun handling and shooting mechanics OR b) the infected AI (pathfinding, climbing obstacles...). It is supposed to be a hardcore realistic open-world sandbox survival game with "zombies". Give us that hardcore realistic feel. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tonyeh 454 Posted March 5, 2023 1. ADS fix. 2. The zeds still cannot kill you 3. Make the zeds kill you. Seriously, make the zeds kill players. It downright stupid that they don't. 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alisson bitencourt 0 Posted March 5, 2023 (edited) 1) O que você mais gostou nesta atualização? Gostei das mascaras de muitos bugs que foram tirados e como ele fico mais leve no xbox 2) O que você menos gostou nesta atualização? Oque eu não gostei foi como o hamvee ele e fraco demais e esta muito bugado o sistema de macha dele 3) O que seria se você pudesse acrescentar algo ao jogo? (apenas divirta-se com este, como você sabe, não sou um peixinho dourado) ☺️ Gostaria de uma construção mais ampla para fazer a base isso limita muito o jogo e mais tipos de cinto (cinto da polícia, cinto de ferramentas), mais tipos de jaquetas/camisas/calças/mochilas... tudo essencialmente lol nao esquecendo o xbox Edited March 5, 2023 by alisson bitencourt Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pyongo Bongo 247 Posted March 6, 2023 (edited) 1. I love the new weapon-in hands hitboxes. This realistic detail really elevates the game to another level. I have had my M4 ruined, I have been shot through both of my hands and my gun at the same time with my gun getting ruined. But I loved it xD 2. What I dislike: I remember a dev saying on a stream, when asked about the PayDay masks: We have enough masks in the game, they wont be re-added. Now we get 5 or so new masks which are NOT our beloved payday masks people had been asking for. 3. Accurate melee like in DayZ .62, combined with 1.20 blocking and power attacks. (The things listed below were already in DayZ years ago but got removed in favor of blocking and power attacks) You could insta-KO people with a hammer to the head, decide to break individual bones or execute someone with an aimed strike. Nowadays it seems that you aim above someones head but still hit him, you hit him in the knee with a sledgehammer to take a hostage but he dies after two hits, the weapon physically connects but it counts as a miss, and the running attack has 5 meters range and aimbot. Back in the day you could literally clash blades with swords (the swords would connect, you would hear "CLING" and both attacks would count as blocked), you could also decide to smash the environment, smash items and cars (no damage) and you could attack while moving and even jumping :) You could punch SUNFLOWERS in their blossoms / faces and they would fall over xD Dean Hall showed in a devblog of 2012 how the melee weapon drew an invisible line to check if it connects with something when swinging, and exactly on that spot the swing would connect and visibly stop, this detail would be amazing to have again :] Edited March 6, 2023 by Pyongo Bongo 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Parazight 1606 Posted March 6, 2023 On 3/4/2023 at 3:32 PM, Kyiara said: 3) What would it be if you could add anything to the game? I would add staff to the Bohemia Interactive team. It is obvious to everyone that an MMO cannot exist in this day and age without active admins present on their servers. Even the most well funded institutions around the world deal with cyber criminal behavior on a daily basis and struggle. Hackers, cheaters, and exploiters ruin the game every day. It's absurd to think a product will ever work without present and active staff to circumvent bad actors. I would not add security measures into your code, compromising the performance of it when you can just hire staff as security instead. I would love to see the developers recognize the glaring errors they've made and one day tell their customers that they won't be doing that again. 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lay-4bd59d3ef91bba9a 5 Posted March 7, 2023 (edited) 1) What did you like the most about this update? Fixed further exploits to glitch the camera through walls 2) What did you like the least about this update? Nothing in particular, all the changes/fixes make sense I guess. 3) What would it be if you could add anything to the game? (just have fun with this one, as you know, I am no goldfish) ☺️ Better gun play and I'm not talking about realism, go wild, make gunfights interesting again, not this dot-on-screen incentivized "hip fire" or press hold breath to become the best sniper to ever existent. Edited March 7, 2023 by lay-4bd59d3ef91bba9a 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Gews- 7443 Posted March 10, 2023 I don't like the changes to zoom (eyesight) while sprinting. Zoom was already reduced from ARMA 2/3, now reduced more. I don't think it's so realistic to obscure your vision while sprinting, if I run in real life I don't suddenly have half the vision as if I was walking (you can try this at home). In my opinion it would make more sense for the zoom to reduce when you TURN your head past a certain point while you are sprinting, just because in real life you can't practically look steadily behind you while running full speed across a field or forest... But most of all, it's distracting and annoying, instead of seamless gameplay you notice this annoying zoom in and out.I hope this new feature is removed or at least made into server option. It feels worse to play! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SleeperZ 52 Posted March 10, 2023 10 minutes ago, -Gews- said: I don't like the changes to zoom (eyesight) while sprinting. Zoom was already reduced from ARMA 2/3, now reduced more. I don't think it's so realistic to obscure your vision while sprinting, if I run in real life I don't suddenly have half the vision as if I was walking (you can try this at home). In my opinion it would make more sense for the zoom to reduce when you TURN your head past a certain point while you are sprinting, just because in real life you can't practically look steadily behind you while running full speed across a field or forest... But most of all, it's distracting and annoying, instead of seamless gameplay you notice this annoying zoom in and out.I hope this new feature is removed or at least made into server option. It feels worse to play! I think they should have just slown it down to 0.62 levels instead of just reducing it. I think the problem is just spamming it at every angle 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RenDark2000 34 Posted March 14, 2023 (edited) 1. staking without leaving inventory 2. changes to 3pp camera: the auto-zoom next to EVERY obstacle is absolutely annoying and it`s causing issues on PS5. 3. vehicles should not be lost with ruined body(cannot be repaired at the moment) Edited March 14, 2023 by RenDark2000 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tex_TF2 3 Posted March 23, 2023 1) ADS Bugfix 2) Lack of content and time needed for evaluation of this update 3) Bring back "Status Reports" each month (or at least every season), like it was before 2017, keeping DayZ Community up-to-date with current developement not only via Dev Streams on Twitch, teasing contents of upcoming updates inside these status reports. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
In_search_of_Trip 26 Posted March 24, 2023 (edited) On 3/4/2023 at 11:32 PM, Kyiara said: Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed update 1.20 even though some issue went along, and some issues are still being worked on (as mentioned in the threads here and here and also HERE). We really appreciate your constructive feedback! We also keep reviewing your suggestions and ideas posted on the forum and are pleased to have such a great and caring community! Would you be up for a small "quiz" and reply briefly to those three questions? Please always pick just one thing, the most important to you. 1) What did you like the most about this update? 2) What did you like the least about this update? 3) What would it be if you could add anything to the game? (just have fun with this one, as you know, I am no goldfish) ☺️ Please keep it tidy. I will hide off-topic posts. For feedback or anything else 1.20 related, please use the threads mentioned above or, even better, our Feedback tracker. Thank you ♥️ Gunter in 1.20 is broken. Wheels when you ride on grass do something insane. Try to go from hill and up hill. It's horrible. I tried the same on other cars like Olga, it rides normal. Edited March 24, 2023 by In_search_of_Trip Share this post Link to post Share on other sites