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Stable Update 1.20

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I am glad to find that newer versions of Reshade seem to work now. 👍 saves me from having to install geforce for nvidia filters.



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PC Stable 1.20 Update 4 - Version 1.20.155881 (Released on 08.03.2023)

If your community server was impacted by the duplicated objects through object spawner usage, we are highly recommending to wipe your server contents to assure game stability. Not following this procedure can result in severe instabilities. 
After careful evaluation of 1.20 update, we have reached a decision not to wipe the official servers. We will reserve this for future updates that would require central economy changes later in the year.




  • Weapons that in previous version were bugged due to loading a bullet from a ruined magazine need to chamber a bullet to function again
  • Haha 1

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  On 3/7/2023 at 2:56 PM, Kyiara said:

Everything should be up to date. PLS le tme know If you are still having issues.

It's not, the most recent release says 1.20 but if you open up types.xml the new masks ain't there.

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  On 3/8/2023 at 12:19 PM, PATAPOsha said:

I Any compensation for my ~30 hours of game? 

Yes you get a big virtual hug from me. come here. hug hug hug.

  • Haha 1

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How do i update the game? i got it yesterday on steam and today i can't join becuase i got version 155844 and i need 155881. steam claim im updated.

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So, are we done with 1.20? Is team are now focused on developing upcoming 1.21?

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  On 3/8/2023 at 8:35 AM, Kyiara said:

PC Stable 1.20 Update 4 - Version 1.20.155881 (Released on 08.03.2022)

If your community server was impacted by the duplicated objects through object spawner usage, we are highly recommending to wipe your server contents to assure game stability. Not following this procedure can result in severe instabilities. 
After careful evaluation of 1.20 update, we have reached a decision not to wipe the official servers. We will reserve this for future updates that would require central economy changes later in the year.

Hi, if i not using custom object over Object Spawner, isn't the duplication problem affecting me?

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  On 3/8/2023 at 12:52 PM, dirtylarry said:

How do i update the game? i got it yesterday on steam and today i can't join becuase i got version 155844 and i need 155881. steam claim im updated.

The game should auto update when you are not in game, if your PC is on, and connected to the net. But you can verify the files by opening steam library , choose dayz, then right click properties, local files, verify , also in that section make sure auto update is enabled

  • Beans 1

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So there s a bug when a player is leaving, if they chooses to skip the 15 second wait and exit, the server will display "Player kicked off" message.

If the player waits the 15 seconds the message does not show.

Edited by WansZai
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  On 3/8/2023 at 5:12 PM, WansZai said:

So there s a bug when a player is leaving, if they chooses to skip the 15 second wait and exit, the server will display "Player kicked off" message.

If the player waits the 15 seconds the message does not show.

yep, the same

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oh, ok, thx for the info, i`ve noticed that issue(PS5), too.

Edited by RenDark2000

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  On 3/8/2023 at 8:35 AM, Kyiara said:

PC Stable 1.20 Update 4 - Version 1.20.155881 (Released on 08.03.2022)

If your community server was impacted by the duplicated objects through object spawner usage, we are highly recommending to wipe your server contents to assure game stability. Not following this procedure can result in severe instabilities. 
After careful evaluation of 1.20 update, we have reached a decision not to wipe the official servers. We will reserve this for future updates that would require central economy changes later in the year.




  • Weapons that in previous version were bugged due to loading a bullet from a ruined magazine need to chamber a bullet to function again

Can you fix the problem with displaying community servers from CIS countries in the launcher? How long will you ignore this problem?

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  On 3/10/2023 at 8:31 PM, lionssong said:

Can you fix the problem with displaying community servers from CIS countries in the launcher? How long will you ignore this problem?

This is not a problem. It shows that those are official decisions. For example, the last update blocked all IP addresses in Asia, including Singapore

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  On 3/10/2023 at 9:21 PM, GreenIsRabbit said:

This is not a problem. [Это не проблема.] It shows that those are official decisions. [Это показывает, что это официальные решения.]  For example, the last update blocked all IP addresses in Asia, including Singapore [Например, последнее обновление заблокировало все IP-адреса в Азии, включая Сингапур.] 

This should not be, we are all united, and we play the same game, we should not be divided by anything, or change something in us, regardless of what is happening around, limiting someone in the possibility of playing in certain conditions is not right and not fair, any player from any country must have equal rights, and see all the servers in the community tab that are there, blocking the visibility of individual servers from individual countries in the launcher, this is infringement and oppression

  • Thanks 1

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  On 3/11/2023 at 7:14 AM, lionssong said:

This should not be, we are all united, and we play the same game, we should not be divided by anything, or change something in us, regardless of what is happening around, limiting someone in the possibility of playing in certain conditions is not right and not fair, any player from any country must have equal rights, and see all the servers in the community tab that are there, blocking the visibility of individual servers from individual countries in the launcher, this is infringement and oppression


DayZ Server Monetization

If we feel anyone on the list at https://www.bohemia.net/monetization/approved/dayz is exploiting any loopholes or is not acting in the best interests of the community, we will remove them. That will mean they will have to cease this kind of monetization immediately or face legal action. 

Obviously, according to the agreement, they have the right to do so

  • Confused 1

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  On 3/11/2023 at 8:26 AM, GreenIsRabbit said:


DayZ Server Monetization [Монетизация сервера DayZ] 

If we feel anyone on the list at https://www.bohemia.net/monetization/approved/dayz is exploiting any loopholes or is not acting in the best interests of the community, we will remove them. [Если мы почувствуем, что кто-либо из списка на https://www.bohemia.net/monetization/approved/dayz использует какие-либо лазейки или действует не в интересах сообщества, мы удалим их.] That will mean they will have to cease this kind of monetization immediately or face legal action. [Это будет означать, что им придется немедленно прекратить этот вид монетизации или предстать перед судом.]  

Obviously, according to the agreement, they have the right to do so [Очевидно, по договору они имеют на это право.] 

Do you know how to read in general, or do you not read in general?
Do you understand the meaning of the words written there?
What is said here about specific servers, and not about the fact that all servers of certain countries are not displayed, please, before writing anything, first think, and then write, but not the other way around as you do

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Has the issue with rate of fire (it's limited to 600 or 900 rpm due to server fps or something) been fixed? I assume no?

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  On 3/12/2023 at 8:32 PM, Buakaw said:

Has the issue with rate of fire (it's limited to 600 or 900 rpm due to server fps or something) been fixed? I assume no?

No, and I don't think they have any plans to fix it anytime soon... if ever.

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  On 3/8/2023 at 8:35 AM, Kyiara said:

PC Stable 1.20 Update 4 - Version 1.20.155881 (Released on 08.03.2022)

If your community server was impacted by the duplicated objects through object spawner usage, we are highly recommending to wipe your server contents to assure game stability. Not following this procedure can result in severe instabilities. 
After careful evaluation of 1.20 update, we have reached a decision not to wipe the official servers. We will reserve this for future updates that would require central economy changes later in the year.




  • Weapons that in previous version were bugged due to loading a bullet from a ruined magazine need to chamber a bullet to function again

@Kyiara Is there a reason why the title of your updates claim these updates are released on 08.03. 2022 and not 2023?

Edited by erares

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