Kyiara 791 Posted November 4, 2021 Xbox Experimental Update 1.15 - Version 1.15.154300 (Released on 04.11.2021) NOTES In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q. or DayZ F.A.Q. You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker. GAME ADDED AUR A1 assault rifle AUR AX assault rifle 30rd AUR magazine Hunter vest UI indicator when being hit Craftable barbed wire baseball bat Craftable Sawed-off LE-MAS New female survivor Sounds for switching the fire mode of a firearm Day-time setting for night vision optics Metal wire can now be crafted out of barbed wire FIXED Fixed: "Open store" option for the Livonia DLC was stuck after entering the settings menu Ski masks and balaclavas would clip with several pieces of headgear Fixed a server error caused by specific attachment slots Electric appliances would always make plug-in sounds when the user was connecting to the server ( The sawed-off version of the BK-43 had wrong fire mode names Added a missing bed in the big yellow medical tent Fixed bad collisions in the yellow medical tents A killed chicken couldn't be picked up properly in all cases The fishing hook was not visible on the boonie hat on the ground If a player died while in surrender stance, the death animation was played twice Base building parts could become indestructible under specific circumstances The CR-75 could not be damaged by gunfire Small items could not be picked up from specific positions in car wrecks (, Livonia bunkers were missing textures of fallen leaves CHANGED Grenades can't be pinned anymore, once the fuse has started Adjusted the thresholds for energy and hydration levels Food now takes longer to process in the stomach Slightly reduced the health damage caused by dehydration and starvation Adjusted weapon fire rates and recoil Added new variants of muzzle flash for more variety Secondary cooking processes were adjusted to not ruin the food in all cases (e.g. boiling already boiled food) Changed the weight of tents to be more realistic Head torches now count as eye-wear so they can be worn with other types of head gear Removed ghillie wrap attachment slot from the sawed-off BK-43 It is now possible to craft rags using the shovel or farming hoe Bushes drop more long sticks instead of short sticks Dry bags can now be repaired with the tire repair kit ( Removed grenade armor and cut protection from the high capacity vest Unconsciousness caused by firearms lasts longer Reduced the inventory size of the carp fillet from 2x3 to 1x3 CENTRAL ECONOMY Fixed: Infected weren't spawning at the Balota air field and military area Fixed: Position of some loot spawn points on the western helicopter crash site Fixed: Incorrect loot spawn points of Land_HouseBlock_2F1 Fixed: Incorrect loot spawn points of Land_House_2W01 Fixed: Livonia CE tiers 1 and 2 were mixed together ( SERVER Added: cfgweather.xml for configuring weather ( Added: cfggameplay.json for configuring several gameplay elements ( Added: cfggameplay.json can define custom object spawners json files to populate the world without the need to use central economy ( Added: Basic XML errors for invalid XMLs Fixed: Crash fixes for the Linux server build Fixed: Some mission files were not distributed in their lowercase form Changed: Weather init removed from default init.c (now done automatically from c++) Changed: FoodDecay parameter is now multiplier (instead of 0 - 1 toggle), meaning decay can be made faster or slower, 0 still switches it off Tweaked: Linux server now also shuts down on SIGTERM/SIGQUIT in addition to SIGINT KNOWN ISSUES Road flares and torches are missing their particle effects AUR rifles might miss certain sounds Xbox Experimental 1.15 Update 2 - Version 1.15.154315 (Released on 11.11.2021) GAME FIXED Fixed a server error related to particles The LE-MAS and sawed-off LE-MAS were missing their sounds for shooting when not chambered in prone stance The AUR rifles were missing their sounds for shooting when not chambered Bad sounds when shooting with the standardized suppressor on the AUR AX No sounds when unjamming the AUR rifles Bleeding sources were still displayed in the inventory view, even if the wound was bandaged already Directional hit indication was not present in prone stance The ejection cover of the LE-MAS rifle clipped through the gun when chambering a round Torches and road flares were missing their particles Slicing rotten pumpkin produced raw pumpkin slices CHANGED Increased the volume of the LE-MAS reload sounds to make it more audible ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Xbox Experimental 1.15 Update 3 - Version 1.15.154337 (Released on 19.11.2021) GAME FIXED Focus was lost in the inventory when navigating through the inventory of an infected Charcoal tablets were functioning only for a very short time The fishing rod was not animated properly when deployed AUR variants had the same barrel length CR-61 had missing muzzle flash particles at the start of shooting It was not possible to switch on the flashlight when attached to a helmet There was no sound when unloading a magazine from AUR rifles CHANGED Adjusted attachment conditions for head gear, glasses, head straps and masks to make equipping more consistent Closed containers won't show their cargo space anymore Increased water and energy consumption (still non-linear in nature) Further increased time it takes the stomach to process its contents Adjusted the size of the inner circle of the AUR A1 reticle to match person at 300 meters Splash hit effect iteration (more subtle, slightly bigger, and less accurate) Legacy red overlay hit effect disabled (still possible to enable it through the configuration) Increased volume of reload sounds of AUR rifles An empty fireplace (with no attachments) would not destroy itself if it had cargo (now results in dropping items on the ground) SERVER Added: Configuration for the onscreen directional effects into the server-side gameplay settings Added: More types of onscreen directional indicators (available through the server-side gameplay settings) 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Derleth 1357 Posted November 4, 2021 Guys. Really guys - while I think everything else in the patch notes is nice - that you choose to add another assault rifle is simply ridiculous. In two variants even. Where's the Longhorn? The P1? The Red-9, Trumpet, Rak, Pistol-grip BK133, deringer? Where's the fudging bow and crossbow? Okay, I understand these new rifles are basically effortless content since they allegedly trickle down from the still unnamed Enfusion title, but please - DayZ does not need more assault rifles. It needs more variety and smoother progression in the low tier game. Gods, this made me really, really disappointed. 2 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KoS_Girth 2 Posted November 4, 2021 Love the game, been playing since release on Xbox. I've got so many people into this game. Why why why are we adding more weapons when you are still unable to build a base unless it's in a house, barn or city. You will spend days trying to get a base to connect/close building in the woods. So frustrating to spend all that time collecting materials and building/rebuilding just to not be able to. Even though no slope exists. Smh 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gimmeurlard 21 Posted November 4, 2021 Sounds great! Can't wait for stable. On 11/4/2021 at 9:27 AM, Kyiara said: Added: cfggameplay.json for configuring several gameplay elements ( So this also means server owners can configure disableIsPlacementPermittedCheck etc right? Disabling all of that building and placement restrictions is a must on official servers too imo. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GopnikSZN 7 Posted November 4, 2021 Base building and raiding system further development would be nice. New tools for raiding, Gate/door rams made of wooden logs manned by 2 players, working chainsaw, craftable explosives, 5 digit locks, craftable sound alarm system's for base securing. New structures to build and enable setting fence kits in more place's as its very limited for now. For more content i would greatly appreciate new Civilian clothing pieces, new army uniforms with different camo version's and ability to spray our equipment with spray paint can's. Thx. Love this game 💯 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
helpthedeadwalk 179 Posted November 4, 2021 On 11/4/2021 at 1:37 PM, KoS_Girth said: Love the game, been playing since release on Xbox. I've got so many people into this game. Why why why are we adding more weapons when you are still unable to build a base unless it's in a house, barn or city. You will spend days trying to get a base to connect/close building in the woods. So frustrating to spend all that time collecting materials and building/rebuilding just to not be able to. Even though no slope exists. Smh you need to read this - Added: cfggameplay.json for configuring several gameplay elements ( 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrewz Darling 0 Posted November 4, 2021 Instead of AR why don't you create more weather elements like snow.?! Love the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mls-3937c3c4a6925589 4 Posted November 4, 2021 Vay, harika. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bill__carson 0 Posted November 4, 2021 Greetings! Do you know when will the zombies have human voices? Is it still relevant ? It would make the atmosphere much more immersive. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Official Calvin 1 Posted November 4, 2021 I play on the series s xbox and my game runs smooth and fine but it does crash while driving. Meaning, the game will freeze and crash to the home screen. Once I log back in the car will have broken parts even though it didn't hit anything.. Even if I am not driving the game crashes once every 2 hours or so. My friend never has crashing issues and he plays on the original xbox one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Claude Ward 0 Posted November 4, 2021 I love this game and you guys have really been on top of things. I realize Dayz is a complicated game system but base building needs more work and snow with white camo would be great. Also bows and crossbows. A graphic overhaul needs to be worked on with a next gen update. Thanks Devs for the great work please keep the updates coming. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FireFox4272 0 Posted November 4, 2021 I would like to say i can not wait for this update to drop on stable! with us being able to get access to these new files we are going to be able to make our servers even more unique. I would also like to add and agree with other people we do not need any more guns!! Some different stuff like bows, push bikes, some wore work on the building section would make really add more to the game than another gun. Keep up the great work Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lorrax-a8d30fd246ee9c0f 0 Posted November 4, 2021 tracks, player tracks, car tracks, animal tracks, zombie tracks tracks in snow/mud deeper/more visible. tracks decay fastest in grass, slower in dirt, slower in mud, faster with rain/snow/wind. Substrate - track visibility, track decay, track identification: Bare dirt - moderate, slow, easy. Short grass - high, rapid, moderate. Tall grass - high, moderate, difficult. Snow - high, slow, high. Mud - high, slow, moderate. Sand - high, fast, difficult. Leaves - moderate, moderate, difficult. Pavement/rock - very low, slow, very difficult. Track maker - visibility modifier, decay modifier, identification modifier. Barefoot - less, faster, easier. Animal - less, none, easier. Light shoe - You get the idea... This will take the game to an entirely new level. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grants 4 Posted November 4, 2021 Any update is very much welcomed. My friends n I all love the updates no matter how big or small. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KoS_Girth 2 Posted November 4, 2021 On 11/4/2021 at 1:54 PM, helpthedeadwalk said: you need to read this - Added: cfggameplay.json for configuring several gameplay elements ( I play community. I'm not into modding/modded servers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KoS_Girth 2 Posted November 4, 2021 (edited) On 11/4/2021 at 1:54 PM, helpthedeadwalk said: you need to read this - Added: cfggameplay.json for configuring several gameplay elements ( I just don't see how the base building is so basic and minimal. Like there should be hatches for the watchtowers. Should be able to close off a watch tower. Create a foundation so you can build without spending hours trying every angle because of a slight slope. 95% of the chernaraus map outside of cities and buildings is unable to be built on. Edited November 4, 2021 by KoS_Girth Editing last response Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DefectiveWater 542 Posted November 4, 2021 (edited) Suggestion for the hit indicator: Normal hits should be black/darker. Hits that make you bleed should have a bleeding indication. Hopefully with enough onscreen feedback we can move from having HUD always visible to it being dynamic/non-existant. Would make the game more immersive. Edited November 4, 2021 by DefectiveWater Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dean Eistetter 0 Posted November 5, 2021 Be nice to have an option to build a solid floor in a watch tower and select the rotation of the stairs as well as make it more accessible to build in the Forrest, takes for ever to try placing fence kits to make a compound around the base. We don't need more weapon don't need more weapon options just attend to the base building that would be great. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BrandonxDx 2 Posted November 5, 2021 (edited) Very nice server settings changes, love the object spawner and weather editions, and the build anywhere mod on Console, amazing. Good work guys. Would love to see some more logs be printed in the ADM files, things like "Player(pos=>location) has entered Drivers Seat of VehicleCivilianSedan.", "Player(pos=>location) has exited of VehicleCivilianSedan.", "Player(pos=>location) opened combination lock.", "Player(pos=>location) HP: [playerhp] crashed vehicle HP: [engineHP]." I run a PVE server with a fair amount of rules. I use my custom node js bot to automatically punish or reward people based on what the logs prints. A more detailed log would be incredible, but you guys are killing it with these new updates! Edited November 5, 2021 by BrandonxDx Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ash Dawson 0 Posted November 5, 2021 Awesome update everyone at Bohemia, I have a Linux install of the experimental server (running great btw, should absolutely look to release official build, a lot of money to be saved on licensing etc.) I have tried to experiment with the cfggameplay.json, looks like the file is not being read by the game at the moment, even with the "enableCfgGameplayFile = 1;" inside my server.cfg file. Is this file not modifiable yet ? Eager to experiment :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
helpthedeadwalk 179 Posted November 5, 2021 On 11/4/2021 at 10:14 PM, KoS_Girth said: I just don't see how the base building is so basic and minimal. Like there should be hatches for the watchtowers. Should be able to close off a watch tower. Create a foundation so you can build without spending hours trying every angle because of a slight slope. 95% of the chernaraus map outside of cities and buildings is unable to be built on. IMO, DayZ just isn't a base-building game. IIt never was back in the a2:dayzmod days either and sa has about the same constructs. Once you start adding more complex base building, players are going to want raid times, unraidable bases, sleeping bag base spawns codelocks, cement walls, multi-story and all sorts of other things that are either impractical or just too permanent. dayz is always temporary. base building is something todo, but it's not supposed to last. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wastelander6 5 Posted November 5, 2021 So I'm not a DayZ Vet but I have played for a decent length of time. Loved the game from when I started playing, then after a while I noticed the faults. Building IMO (coming from games like Fallout 4) is in dire need of attention. I hope that with the new clipping disabled codes it helps a lot especially the terrain one, so this may make building out in the forest a lot easier. I don't really think we needed two new AS especially ones that fire the same rounds...again... the implications to the M4 in 1.15 are far too much. It definitely needs to be put back to 1.14 as far as the M4 is concerned. In coming updates I'd like to see the M249 SAW fixed. More storage options such as lockers, gun rack. Even just a craftable one would be so much better. Maybe a 1 man 100 slot Tent that rolls up and attaches to the bottom of the backpack. Better building options like a smaller fence/gate kit to block off 1 normal sized door so when your boarding a house up its easier to block the doors and windows. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kohlbar 270 Posted November 6, 2021 From what I've played, the combat is very good. Zombies seem to be super alert now and I like it. However, I think the directional hit markers are silly at best and terribly arcade at worst. I also am disappointed to see the M4 getting higher rate of fire and what looks like significantly easier recoil. Adding new assault weapons is great and all, but I'm really missing the red 9 and more of those special zany guns listed a few posts above. PvP-based changes always make me nervous because what makes this game special, not like any other game, to me, is the survival aspect of it. Many of my friends get much more immersed and invested in their characters when there's a legit struggle to survive. If we wanted a high speed hardcore shooter we've got plenty of options. DayZ's something else. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SillyJoe 112 Posted November 9, 2021 Would you please add the "toggle VOIP option by double tapping d-pad down" on xbox (it works PS4/5 since day one)... It's so annoying and uncomfortable to hold down the d-pad when interacting with other players! And don't forget to address the lighting issues when zoomed in (a real game breaker imo). TY 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lynn.zaw 256 Posted November 11, 2021 Xbox Experimental 1.15 Update 2 - Version 1.15.154315 (Released on 11.11.2021) GAME FIXED Fixed a server error related to particles The LE-MAS and sawed-off LE-MAS were missing their sounds for shooting when not chambered in prone stance The AUR rifles were missing their sounds for shooting when not chambered Bad sounds when shooting with the standardized suppressor on the AUR AX No sounds when unjamming the AUR rifles Bleeding sources were still displayed in the inventory view, even if the wound was bandaged already Directional hit indication was not present in prone stance The ejection cover of the LE-MAS rifle clipped through the gun when chambering a round Torches and road flares were missing their particles Slicing rotten pumpkin produced raw pumpkin slices CHANGED Increased the volume of the LE-MAS reload sounds to make it more audible Share this post Link to post Share on other sites