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Should lighting be adjusted?

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Screenshot taken at ~13:00 o clock mid day, no overcast, no wind.


Top looks like the sun emits grey light. Theres a permanent grey shade.
Bottom is only achievable in offline mode with Reshade.

Is my TN playing tricks on me or does the current lighting leave a lot to be desired?

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Yeah second screeenshot could also be from Arma 3 Chernarus CUP maps 2.0...and again...the lighting of the last pre Enfusion version was the best we ever had...day and especially night lighting...

and the list goes on 😕

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I believe they have already said they weren't going to do anything more with the lighting.

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6 hours ago, drgullen said:

I believe they have already said they weren't going to do anything more with the lighting.

does that mean you surrendered the idea of the game changing positively?

Edited by Buakaw

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Comparison to ARMA 2, no clouds/fog, same dates. Notice the bluer sky as well.





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While I agree that the lightning now is weird and definitely lacking, still most of the lower screens look like an over exposed image. For me this also ties to proper season implementation. While on the screens labeled 20/12, if that is indeed December 20th, the upper screen is more fitting for a country like Chernarus. Whereas in 28/6 screens the lower one makes more sense. Still, the shadows seem too weak for the lighting conditions that these are supposed to be. Makes it look overall very flat, in fact as if there was an overcast but someone increased the brightness. 

On the first pair of screens the lower one seems outright overblown as if this was taken somewhere way south in Africa, yet the shadows are mild and the sky is cloudy, so again it makes no sense that the whole picture would be that bright. For me these various reshades look more a like a fix for someone's bad monitor rather than the real issues of lighting in games. 

We are also of course also lacking any HDR to properly simulate eyes and sun glasses have no effect either. 

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I really miss the old, brownish/red color scheme of Chernarus. Looked bleak, yet somehow inviting and beautiful.

Looks like they turned exposure/gamma to 0 and forgot to turn it up again.

@William Sternritter the new renderer added HDR. Where do you think the bright white fog everywhere comes from? Also my 5 minute reshade edit looks very close to Gews Arma 2 screenshots.. so what's your point? Never stated it was perfect. I'd sure take it over what currently looks like the sun emits grey light tho.

Here are some more screenshots I found

1.07 Bez%C2%A0tytu%C5%82u12.png







Edited by Buakaw

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also this hurts EKttD2cWoAA7Qxd?format=jpg&name=medium

who even CARES that you can turn up gamma, it looks amazing.

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1 hour ago, Buakaw said:

I really miss the old, brownish/red color scheme of Chernarus. Looked bleak, yet somehow inviting and beautiful.

Looks like they turned exposure/gamma to 0 and forgot to turn it up again.

@William Sternritter the new renderer added HDR. Where do you think the bright white fog everywhere comes from? Also my 5 minute reshade edit looks very close to Gews Arma 2 screenshots.. so what's your point? Never stated it was perfect. I'd sure take it over what currently looks like the sun emits grey light tho.


Then perhaps I am confusing the render techniques , what I meant was simulation of pupil so when you go to a dark areas it gets a bit brighter after a while, then you can get blinded by a powerful light source etc. I saw that once in Half-Life and not really done in that way since. This game could benefit from that more than any other I know. 

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2 hours ago, Buakaw said:

also this hurts EKttD2cWoAA7Qxd?format=jpg&name=medium

who even CARES that you can turn up gamma, it looks amazing.

I believe the current "bright" night setting on official 3PP servers is closer to the 0.63 lighting than the image below it, but I still can't fathom why they can't build a night lighting that is dynamically dependent on moon phase and cloud cover. Weather/overcast values does have influence, but the mon does not - all it does is paint shadows which you can't even see in the dark settings since NO surfaces will reflect any moonlight whatsoever. Apart from how the ground absorbs moonlight I prefer the dark night settings, but the "dead" moon really annoys me...

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Probably they copied or bought some outdated tech from bethesda...they are famous for their bad lighting and using coloured filters  xD

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12 hours ago, Buakaw said:

also this hurts EKttD2cWoAA7Qxd?format=jpg&name=medium

who even CARES that you can turn up gamma, it looks amazing.

What also hurts is this terrible night color saturation we have now.

In old DayZ standalone versions and in ARMA, at night, like in real life, you would lose most or all of your colour vision as you do in real life. Cones and rods, etc. The ARMA devs made this feature for extra realism and immersion.

But now when it's night, you still have plenty of colour! It's just darker colours. They pulled (or failed to replace) this feature that was previously in the game.

Old DayZ, mostly greyscale nights, unless you have a light source such as a street lamp, fireplace, flashlight, in which case you can see full colours in the area illuminated.

New DayZ, weirdly coloured nights. It looks weird because it's unnatural to see so many colours at night. This is midnight:

Example of providing light revealing colours. Pretty dated now (ARMA 2).


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I never looked into DayZ modding, is it possible to open and edit the different pbo's and configs like it is in Arma ? 

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my friends and me are still talking about all the epic moments that we shared playing the mod...


Edited by Private Evans

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