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I dropped a can of beans on a street in the middle of Cherno.

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Guess what happend?

Edit: THE STORY!!!

So i set the beans in the middle of the road near the brown building that looks like a church (with pointy roof thing) but isn't. I used my binoculars to see if anyone would pick it up. A little bit of evil was inside of me and i planned to throw a grenade i found if someone were to pick it up. About 7 min. later and i see 2 guys proning their way through town. One has an enfiled while the other has a hatchet. They gets closer and SEE THE BEANS . I was very surprised because beans are kinda hard to see in the middle fo a road and they actually saw it. Anyways, they stopped and i was thinking of throwing the grenade when hatchet guy accidenly crawled on rubble and did that run-glitch, which triggered a monkey zombie. The enfield man shot the zombie, and like a dinner bell, it attracted many zombies. I was laughing, but some funnier shit happend. More came and the guy was shooting like crazy. He must have been low on ammo and mad at the hatchet man because he looked straight at the hatchet man and shot his leg! The guy fell over and the other dude ran right past the hatcheter and ran off while the zed chomped on the guys face..

The beans were never taken, and someone was murdered that day because of my beans.... ;P

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A guy walked over to it and tried to eat it... Then he got shot by you?

No.. good guess though.:P

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No.. I'm just gonna have people keep on guessing. It is literally the best thing i have ever seen in dayz... (not really but it was funny)

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Guess what happend?

A rainbow shot out of the sky and struck the ground near it. Then a sparkling unicorn being ridden by an angelic maiden, clad in a flowing silk dress, galloped down the rainbow to the can of beans. The moment the unicorn touched the ground, green grass and sunflowers began to grow and the world was filled with serenity. Every player put down their weapons and all the infected were miraculously cured via divine intervention because of your selfless act and you uninstalled ArmA 2 and DayZ with a supreme feeling of satisfaction. :angel:

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Somebody riding a bike crashed into the can, it propelled him 100FT in the air and he smashed his face in the supermarket window? Discovering his body you looted it and took back the can of beans that was rightfully yours.

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Absolutely nothing, as any near by survivor got shot by a sniper?

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A Huey filled with MK 48 tottin badasses landed in the middle of cherno while mowing down countless newbs and zombies, while under a hail of DMR fire from the hills picked up the beans and then flew off. Right as they were about to enter the sunset someone hit them with an AT4 and sent the chopper crashing into a mountain.

Everyone then rushed it in a attempt to claim those beans. It was a mexican mowdown. People where trying to murder eachother with crowbars, some just picked off all of the helples sones who had been knocked it. Others rushed the crashsite, and were promptly axed.

After many hours of fighting, one man, armed with the Lerroy Enfield, mangaged to zig zag between bullets and get to the site. There he took the beans, and instead of disconnecting, he made a run for it. Shooting 3 snipers and 5 hatchetmen, he escaped with thoes beans.

No one has found him too this day.

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Somebody riding a bike crashed into the can' date=' it propelled him 100FT in the air and he smashed his face in the supermarket window? Discovering his body you looted it and took back the can of beans that was rightfully yours.


This. Some experienced player's wouldn't even budge if they saw this happen :)

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pointless thread as besides 'someone ran by and picked it up whereupon something happened to this person' absolutely anything fathomable/unheard of could have happened. Just tell us what happened >=P

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'Soldier of Failure' made it a lot less pointless. Thank you for "Leroy Enfield", I can't belive I haven't heard that one before.

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Ok i'll tell you guys.

So i set the beans in the middle of the road near the brown building that looks like a church (with pointy roof thing) but isn't. I used my binoculars to see if anyone would pick it up. A little bit of evil was inside of me and i planned to throw a grenade i found if someone were to pick it up. About 7 min. later and i see 2 guys proning their way through town. One has an enfiled while the other has a hatchet. They gets closer and SEE THE BEANS :D. I was very surprised because beans are kinda hard to see in the middle fo a road and they actually saw it. Anyways, they stopped and i was thinking of throwing the grenade when hatchet guy accidenly crawled on rubble and did that run-glitch, which triggered a monkey zombie. The enfield man shot the zombie, and like a dinner bell, it attracted many zombies. I was laughing, but some funnier shit happend. More came and the guy was shooting like crazy. He must have been low on ammo and mad at the hatchet man because he looked straight at the hatchet man and shot his leg! :D The guy fell over and the other dude ran right past the hatcheter and ran off while the zed chomped on the guys face..

The beans were never taken, and someone was murdered that day because of my beans.... ;P

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Threads gotten extremely boring now. Won't even be funny anymore.

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Threads gotten extremely boring now. Won't even be funny anymore.

Already posted what happend. It may not seem that funny but if you were there u would be laughing your ass off. I have never seen anything like that. ( a friend shooting another friend because he ruined the bean heist)

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the sad part is that the enfield noob shot when the hatchet guy could have killed that crowd easily

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Oh lordy. That's pretty insulting. Dying over a can of beans, and not even getting them.

I'm gonna have to try this in Vybor and Lopatino now. See if any wayward survivors take the bait.

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