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State of the 1.07 Console Issues

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Dear Survivors,

yesterday's 1.07 Update regrettably introduced several new issues to the game. To be as transparent as possible with you, we would like to go into some detail on those problems and what we intend to do about them.

The game crash (blue screen on PS4), that most of you are currently experiencing, is a consequence of the recent work that was put into the inventory. However, as our inventory is quite complicated with countless options of switching and swapping on both the PC and console inventory, this error occurred on the consoles, as a result from the fixes. Our programmers are currently going through all interactions that are moving items to adjust them.

We have also seen a server crash appear which is most likely tied to the physics-based dropping of large items. This issue also seems to appear more often on console servers. So we will most likely revert the change temporarily, until a more solid solution is found.

An issue not as game-breaking, but certainly frustrating, is the voice-chat being triggered during inventory navigation. While we are currently prioritizing the crashes, we will fix it as soon as possible.

Last, but not least, we have received your reports of FPS-drops during the gameplay. But as we haven't been able to find their cause yet, we would ask you to provide us with some data on where you are experiencing the lag. Critical information is here:

  1. The location your character is at
  2. The server you are playing on
  3. If there is anything unusual about this location, be it a player-made base, large amounts of loot, or just many structures

We will continue to focus on these priority issues, and hope to have fixes tested and ready for release by the beginning of next week. We apologise for the inconveniences and hope to have the problems resolved swiftly.

- Tim

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  On 2/14/2020 at 4:46 PM, Teleposca 1892 said:

What about missing admin logs on console?

The missing logs aren’t an issue can wait for them, it’s the files we have got but don’t seem to be working(not when you up the loot) but when I lowered loot it does seem like there is less.

Do the files work or nah?

btw, not experienced any bugs or crashes as of yet, PS4 slim.

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i noticed "jittery" lag out in a field just north of Radunin, this was on a private server "EXILED SURVIVAL RP" on xbox

Also we are having and issue to where the server owner cannot join in his own server

He can join every other server just not his own


Edited by dAnarchy32
left out detail

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For PS4 on server 2719 the castle structures closest to Bogatyrka would drop in fps when you were looking towards the river below.

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  On 2/14/2020 at 5:08 PM, lJamesHalel1 said:

The missing logs aren’t an issue can wait for them, it’s the files we have got but don’t seem to be working(not when you up the loot) but when I lowered loot it does seem like there is less.

Do the files work or nah?

btw, not experienced any bugs or crashes as of yet, PS4 slim.

Of course its an issue. We have rules and can't control them. 

The logs are a big thing for us. I don't think i'm the only one who cares about this shit. 

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  On 2/14/2020 at 6:00 PM, Teleposca 1892 said:

Of course its an issue. We have rules and can't control them. 

The logs are a big thing for us. I don't think i'm the only one who cares about this shit. 

They be put in when they’re put in, you really think given the crap they’re getting for releasing an update that’s causing more issues than before they’d leave it out just because? No, they’ve gave us enough files to keep us going for a little while longer, not that I want to wait months for it but if it was worth doing they would of to shut everyone up.

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I have noticed Frame drop in vehicles when around structures.. large clusters of trees. In towns is really bad and around any high amount of loot. PS4 and anywhere on either Maps

Edited by Stunting

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  On 2/14/2020 at 4:42 PM, ImpulZ said:

We will continue to focus on these priority issues, and hope to have fixes tested and ready for release by the beginning of next week. We apologise for the inconveniences and hope to have the problems resolved swiftly.

Lul, I would be very surprised if you are able to fix these problems by the beginning of the next week. Since DayZ on console I don't have any faith in your devs anymore. But hey, please prove me wrong.

To be honest, I'll bet 3x copys of DayZ for PS4 that they will not fix any major problems on console (Desync, Ghost Bullets, Inventory issues with looting >> aka DESYNC ISSUES) by the "end" of next week. I'm not even take cars into the mjaor issues since the physics part of the game is so damn broken (e.g. corpses fall into buildings) that I'm quite sure that they can't even fix this by the end of the year. Anyway, they have at least 5 full working days to fix those named issues... Does anyone want to bet against me? 😅

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  On 2/14/2020 at 6:18 PM, SillyJoe said:

Lul, I would be very surprised if you are able to fix these problems by the beginning of the next week. Since DayZ on console I don't have any faith in your devs anymore. But hey, please prove me wrong.

To be honest, I'll bet 3x copys of DayZ for PS4 that they will not fix any major problems on console (Desync, Ghost Bullets, Inventory issues with looting >> aka DESYNC ISSUES) by the "end" of next week. I'm not even take cars into the mjaor issues since the physics part of the game is so damn broken (e.g. corpses fall into buildings) that I'm quite sure that they can't even fix this by the end of the year. Anyway, they have at least 5 full working days to fix those named issues... Does anyone want to bet against me? 😅

At least they are getting better at communicating in some circumstances.

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  On 2/14/2020 at 6:22 PM, lJamesHalel1 said:

At least they are getting better at communicating in some circumstances.

Umm yeah sure, it does help a lot right? Communicating is one thing and addressing the game breaking issues another... I hope they get better at both but the latter is by far more important.

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Any chance you could please enable the ability to toggle voice chat on/off for Xbox users.


Also, it would be nice if player's like myself that have the HUD off could have the ability the press a button to make it appear on-screen for a few seconds.


Anyway, thank you for your hard work, tis greatly appreciated.

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  On 2/14/2020 at 6:28 PM, SillyJoe said:

Umm yeah sure, it does help a lot right? Communicating is one thing and addressing the game breaking issues another... I hope they get better at both but the latter is by far more important.

Never said it helps but they’re trying and they have been for several months now. It’s just the issues the plague the game that annoys people but there’s not any other game like it(on console)

that alone puts this in its own little part of the market, do I think they’ve gone in over their heads? Yeah. But they haven’t gave up and one day they will because all people do is moan(not on about you moany mcmoaner)

Edited by lJamesHalel1
The last bits a joke

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What about the zombies that aggro on others, then when they lose the player they all come hauling ass to my location? Or triggering one zed leads to all the zeds in the area being triggered. Shit, I threw a grenade like 40 yds from me and ALL the zombies in the area instantly came running straight to my position... 


Oh and FPS drops all over the map. What do you mean identify specific areas lol. The whole game is a lag fest. 

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I just don’t understand how every single update they fix problems then add new ones ! Do they not have a test server or something to test before releasing on console?? Possibility of these bugs staying in the game for about a month is a high possibility and that sucks. 

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Really been waiting and waiting and hoping you guyZ would get this thing fixed before Rust comes out... not looking to good for the home team at this point. Thanks for the cough when it rains for 2 seconds, awesome how quickly tetra cures it. Cures it fast enough you can catch it again before you get inside even if you are only walking for less than 2 minutes outside.  Brilliant reality based walking simulator.  Thanks for these amazing new features but I still can't see what my buddy is holding.  We have to synchronize our logins and logouts like we are Ice skaters or something.


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  On 2/14/2020 at 8:29 PM, OriginalKSUIE said:

Really been waiting and waiting and hoping you guyZ would get this thing fixed before Rust comes out... not looking to good for the home team at this point. Thanks for the cough when it rains for 2 seconds, awesome how quickly tetra cures it. Cures it fast enough you can catch it again before you get inside even if you are only walking for less than 2 minutes outside.  Brilliant reality based walking simulator.  Thanks for these amazing new features but I still can't see what my buddy is holding.  We have to synchronize our logins and logouts like we are Ice skaters or something.


You must just be a p*ssy, I haven’t got sick once from rain as of yet.

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How can you say these issues aren’t game breaking. DayZ has become unplayable. I can’t even join a server without crashing or having massive lag while being in the middle of no where. It’s simple neglect as BI never tests updates for console beforehand. Now look where we are, I would prefer BI to roll back to 1.06

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@Impulz I understand these bugs are annoying for everyone, but they are not what's making the game unenjoyable, what's making it unenjoyable for console players is the extreme desync we get when looting almost anything, we cant trust what we pick up without relogging to guarantee the server recognised we picked up that item, and the reloading, reloading was perfect on console until R to reload was introduced to PC and now we cant reload the way we have been for almost 2 years, we have to awkwardly navigate the hotbar menu.

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I feel like everywhere i went it was considerably lower fps than before. I noticed everything seems sharper which caused jaged edges & grainyness especially on the trees, not sure if you increased some graphical settings or maybe it's the lighting changes you made. There wasn't really one location where i could say there was a fps problem that's worse than anywhere else, generally i felt the same bad fps went wherever i did, cities are also the laggiest I've ever seen them (berizino is the only one i went to but im sure the others are worse).

LA 4287 1pp xbox

Edited by Robzom11
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  On 2/14/2020 at 6:18 PM, SillyJoe said:

Lul, I would be very surprised if you are able to fix these problems by the beginning of the next week. Since DayZ on console I don't have any faith in your devs anymore. But hey, please prove me wrong.

To be honest, I'll bet 3x copys of DayZ for PS4 that they will not fix any major problems on console (Desync, Ghost Bullets, Inventory issues with looting >> aka DESYNC ISSUES) by the "end" of next week. I'm not even take cars into the mjaor issues since the physics part of the game is so damn broken (e.g. corpses fall into buildings) that I'm quite sure that they can't even fix this by the end of the year. Anyway, they have at least 5 full working days to fix those named issues... Does anyone want to bet against me? 😅

actually Corpses fall into buildings isn't physics it's an placeholder animation until they get ragdols in which ARE physics so once ragdolls are in a corpse will hit the wall and slide down on the floor and not go trough the wall
also desync and all that crap happens because servers are running on single core... from what i know... so once they make servers multi core... no more physics bugs and desyncs... for the time being... server owners should get a CPU with the most IPC... and that will be Ryzen 4000 in very near future... IPC stands for Instructions Per Clock... basically what that means is efficiency... let's say 4Ghz CPU will work same as a 5Ghz CPU because it has higher IPC... hope this make sense... this doesn't mean that some old AMD FX CPU that can overclock to 5.5ghz will work better then anything today or even at it's time... an i3 beats it at half the Ghz because it has higher IPC xD So really... all the physics bugs and desync is not actually a bug it's just need optimization server side... aka multi core servers... it's though thing to do... 

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getting frame rate drop all over chernarus since update. public room Xbox one. 

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  On 2/14/2020 at 6:40 PM, Blapman LoLS said:

Also, it would be nice if player's like myself that have the HUD off could have the ability the press a button to make it appear on-screen for a few seconds.

There's already a button for that... Hit inventory button. Do you really want another one? Don't even say the inventory covers your screen and that it's inconvenient to you.

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I am on Xbox One X. I'm not sure if it's the same issue as other but I'm getting severe frame drops everywhere, and on every server, which I have discovered begins whenever the inventory screen is opened. I also discovered that opening then closing the start menu (by pressing the menu button) fixes the issue until the inventory menu is opened again. Hope this helps some people at least.

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I don't usually go to these Game forums but since this new update I now have to say something. I bought the incredible Dayz as soon as it arrived on PS4 in May 2019. I paid £39.99. Even with all the glitches and bugs it instantly became (and still is) my favourite gaming experience of all time. Then Dayz 1.07 console update dropped this week. It has become completely unplayable. The FPS drops every couple of seconds when running across fields, going past buildings, everywhere basically. It is horrendous, and makes the game an absolute nightmare to play. Please revert back to 1.06 until everything is fixed with 1.07 I can wait months until it is done.

South West of Map  EU 2524 

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