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Stable Update 1.04

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is there a fix for seeing the server list ingame? I know they're working on it. I don't want to sit in a massive queue again.

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I notice the "client contains pbo thats not part of server data " issue is still present, is anyone playing with mods at all? if so it would be interesting to know how to get that issue to fuckoff.

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Fyi, if you take out a mag out of a gun by holding the hotkey on the hotbar and trying to reload it with 'R', will bug your character. Either taking the mag out of the gun or the holding 'R' on this mag will cause your character/hands to get bugged which is fixed by relogging. I already made a bug report of this on the tracker but can get quite tedious if you keep forgetting this.

A workaround is putting two mags on your hotbar, reloading the other mag and after that filling up the mag which was in the gun by holding 'R'. After that you can switch both mags again if you want to, so your original mag is in the gun again.

I have to say that the ability to take out the magazine with the hotkey combined with the reloading of 'R' is a huge QOL improvement.

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Well today I "almost" mustered the courage to go to a 1PP official server where I had a character that I last played about 1 month ago. Immediately, the screen gave me the "extended time due to server change"!!!! So I quickly hit the LEAVE button as I do not want to end up on the coast again for my normal weekly player.

Bohemia DayZ dev crew, please fix this as I have had to come back from the coast 2 times already. I've gotten to the point where I can only play until the server goes dark, then I have to logoff, because I do not like playing in the darkness. I just wish I could play on another server whenever the server goes dark, or as others have stated, when more than like 15 min have gone by which should not be considered server hopping; or even as the person before me stated "Changing to a different server after 24 hours is not server hopping" and it should not be treated the same way. I can no longer play with different people that frequent other servers, because of the way your system works. By all means, prevent the server hopping issues you have with certain players, but please do not eliminate the feature of being able to switch servers to play with different people, due to darkness, etc.. which is what made playing on a common hive amazing and enabled DayZ to be awesome.

Edited by RuffZ

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i think the biggest issue with server hopping was it to abuse raiding bases by teleporting into the defenses.

besides the fact, that ´hopping coordinates now are basicly the worst idea to build bases around, the current solution would work better if it would be bound to some base building system, where you have some kind of anti-hopping system in place. Well and that bases might not be hard to destroy with grenades now anyway.

I personally would add a  "Safe", that has a (gracious) deflection zone for hoppers, if you place it and add a combination lock. If a base has a "safe core" around an area someone  hops on the other server, his character gets moved by the hopping mechanism. Such safes cannot be placed around hopping coordinates, and close to other safes, and they still can be destroyed. They can be used as secure storage as well, to give them some additional usage. So people could secure their bases against hopping.

Of course it would not prevent people who log in who were already part of the server.

To prevent other abuse, otherwise i would only enforce hopping coordinates on a player if he switches server several times, so he has to wait a 15 minute cooldown or sth. to safely change servers.

Of course it would not alleviate all the issues players have with this new mechanism, but it would certainly aim more at the abuse and less make changing servers being punished. Other abuse cases could be similarly targeted with rulesets. Now if that makes everything better or worse, I dunno.

As i only play on my own server if ever, and usually on private servers anyway, I am not really impacted by all of this.

Edited by g4borg

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On 6/26/2019 at 12:45 PM, ImpulZ said:
  • Changed: MakeDirectory() script function enabled
  • Changed: Removed the script file writing limits

makes me really happy.

now i just hope we can define a custom location for the mission or the storage.

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I love this.  More new stuff and introduction of new bugs.  Welcome to old school dayz.   Come on Devs the game was meant to be stable for implementation of new things.  From our perspective, it currently doesn't look that way.  If anyone would care to look at the posts in December before they made it 1.0  can they tell me if the community was correct with their outlook and have been subsequently proven correct?

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Would you rather they just stop adding things altogether and have all the employees work on bug-fixing only?  We now have grenades and the ability to throw said grenades among many other things, but we also have some issues sometimes where what we throw falls through the map.  I'd rather have that than no throwing or grenades at all, wouldn't you?

Adding new stuff always means adding new bugs -- that's just how development works.

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I would prefer game fixing and balancing.  Do you like running and repairing Items? loot dynamics could be better as well as zombie spawning and numbers.  They have said they would sort this, but from what I can tell they are a long way off.

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On 6/30/2019 at 7:23 PM, ICEMAN-FMCS said:

I notice the "client contains pbo thats not part of server data " issue is still present, is anyone playing with mods at all? if so it would be interesting to know how to get that issue to fuckoff.

I saw that on my server but I had a mod enabled that we no longer were using. Once I backed out and looked at the mods I was using, I found the one causing the issue and unsubscribed from it. Reconnected without getting the error.

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