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Hi new to Dayz I was wondering if someone can tell me are there any advantages to using bandages?

the only pro/con I have found so far for rags/bandages is that 6 rags takes only 3 inventory spaces, where as 6 bandages (3 bandages- 2 uses per) would take 6 inventory spaces.

Just from this it seems that it would make more sense to carry just a stack of rags, rather than 3 full bandages. If there are any advantages to using bandages over rags could someone please tell? Thank you :)

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In future iteration, bandages will be more clean and rags could contain a chance of some infection.

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pristine clothes can be found in most places, bandages are a bit rarer

problem is mostly clothes arent always pristine and you could get an infection if the bandage is wet or worn . .  . I dont know if this mechanism is in the game yet

When I get my preferred loadout re clothes, I cut my jeans and sweatshirt into bandages. Typically I die before I run out. Also you can make ropes out of rags . . . 12 required.

Edited by aux7
corrected number of rags

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  On 4/6/2019 at 10:23 AM, aux7 said:

you can make ropes out of rags . . . 6 required.

It takes 12 rags to make a rope , unless they changed it . two stacks of six rags.

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  On 4/6/2019 at 10:13 AM, hemmo said:

In future iteration, bandages will be more clean and rags could contain a chance of some infection.

Used to be that the bottles of disinfectant you can still find now, were for bandages and rags used for bandaging - they weren't only in the game to force other players to drink. There was a change of getting infection in a wound (a while back)... and also some zombie bites could infect you too.  Antibiotics & also disinfectant were a key thing to have at a couple of different times in DayZ.. a guy once shot me in the back and apoloigised online because he just needed antibiotics "real bad" 
- So you could use the disinfectant on the rags (prepare them)   - in fact you still can right now, it just has no game effect
Also bandages and rags were used  for making splints when you broke a leg - that was another injury the Zs could inflict, as well as from gunshot or melee, or just by falling down a steep slope.

Chlorine tabs
- each had it's specific use
AND you could keep an empty tin can to boil water in, to fill up your bottle with non-infected clean water.
And not eating raw meat, natch, or drinking from ponds - both had a risk.
Basically there were a good number of ways of getting sick or infected, and you had to avoid them or have a cure to hand, or drag yourself off looking for one before it was too late.

these SHALL come back
right Devs ?? 

Edited by pilgrim*
  • Beans 1

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  On 4/6/2019 at 12:45 PM, green_mtn_grandbob said:

It takes 12 rags to make a rope , unless they changed it . two stacks of six rags.

oops, youre right .. . . corrected . .. thanks

Edited by aux7

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thought alcohol  tincture was for disenfecting rags / sewing kits etc and disenfectamt spray for plants

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  On 4/7/2019 at 3:30 AM, eno said:

thought alcohol  tincture was for disenfecting rags / sewing kits etc and disenfectamt spray for plants

alcohol tincture for rags, yes true.. I thought disinfectant worked too. Never tried it on plants or fruit - what does it do.. heard  it killed you ?

You could sew up woulds with the sewing kit, also.

Edited by pilgrim*

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  On 4/7/2019 at 11:20 AM, pilgrim* said:

alcohol tincture for rags, yes true.. I thought disinfectant worked too. Never tried it on plants or fruit - what does it do.. heard  it killed you ?

You could sew up woulds with the sewing kit, also.

When you grow plants sometimes they get covered in bugs. The disenfectant dealt with that otherwise bugs would ruin a bunch of your crop. 

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  On 4/7/2019 at 12:00 PM, eno said:

When you grow plants sometimes they get covered in bugs. The disenfectant dealt with that otherwise bugs would ruin a bunch of your crop. 

Nice - do gereenfly infestations still exist?  I thought they'd vanished with fishing & etc..

- you can still use disinfectant right now on rags - still says in the rags description "use as bandages, but better if they are clean".  Disinfectant spray still works on rags; uses up your disinfectant, but maybe operates on other clothes (I haven't tried) - Makes no difference, of course.

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  On 4/7/2019 at 4:15 PM, pilgrim* said:

Nice - do gereenfly infestations still exist?  I thought they'd vanished with fishing & etc..

- you can still use disinfectant right now on rags - still says in the rags description "use as bandages, but better if they are clean".  Disinfectant spray still works on rags; uses up your disinfectant, but maybe operates on other clothes (I haven't tried) - Makes no difference, of course.

I don't know to be honest- there's so much food in game right now I haven't bothered to test it. 

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