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Controller scheme / button layout *please vote*

Controller scheme / button layout *vote*  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. What controller layout would you prefer

    • Custom controls, so i can set everything to my liking
    • bent's layout is good
    • Keep 1.0 layout, i can adept
    • Don't care

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Ok developers, it's painfully clear that you do not play this game with a controller. I'm guessing your test group check that the bindings work and that's it. 

It's important for you guys to know how important it is for us to have a tight, responsive and smart layout on the controller, after all that is all we got.  Playing a game with unresponsive controls, poor layout and so on will only frustrate us and make the experience less enjoyable. 

I will specifiy buttons and actions that i think is a must for a good experience, please take notice and implement it in the next patch. 

First up is LT and all combined buttons when pressed:

LT (raised weapon) 

+ RB = iron sight

+ RB double tap = scope 

+ LS pressed once = lean left

+ RS pressed once = lean right

+ Y = switch between weapons

+ X = reload

That is just the shooting mechanics. On to general layout

RB hold = free look

LB hold = Quick wheel

Y + looking at items in-game = take to hands. This is important because sometimes you find a soda and just want to grab it and drink it without the tedious add to inventory, select, scroll inventory, move to hands, exit.... Drink. That is just too much hassle... 

RS hold pressed = zoom

The rest is good. 

Add this layout, atleast as an alternative. Why not have 3-4 different controller layouts? You make one and we should just adapt... How does that make you look? Like you don't care what we think or want. 

"this is how we think is the best layout.. Don’t like it? Well boo hoo.." 




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The talk button needs fixing as well, it's hard to move a player whilst holding down the talk button and using another finger to manoeuvre the character. Met someone last night and it was that bad we ended up in a party chat. 

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3 minutes ago, Tino81 said:

The talk button needs fixing as well, it's hard to move a player whilst holding down the talk button and using another finger to manoeuvre the character. Met someone last night and it was that bad we ended up in a party chat. 

The placement of the talk button is ok by me.. But i wish we had the double tap for open mic like before. 

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2 minutes ago, bent.toe said:

The placement of the talk button is ok by me.. But i wish we had the double tap for open mic like before. 

The placement is fine, it's more the fact you can't keep it on like we used to. Fumbling enough as it is with the new button layout 🤣

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100% Agree with Bent on this one , its clear these controls have not been tested properly devs must realise most players hold a controller with one set of fingers over RB,RT and LB,LT its not comfortable to have four fingers on top of the pad (one each for RB RT LB LT) you cant hold the pad steady to aim so holding a combination of RB,LT to lean out of cover and then RT to shoot is just daft , add in wanting to switch to ADS as well makes a simple act of leaning out of cover to shoot require more fingers than most can spare without feeling like your going to drop your pad its clear BI need to listen to the community on this , give us the ability to map our own controls ,or get a few GOOD CONSOLE players in to work out a good controller layout !


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1 hour ago, Neutral Buoyancy said:

100% Agree with Bent on this one ,


BI need to listen to the community on this , give us the ability to map our own controls ,or get a few GOOD CONSOLE players in to work out a good controller layout !


Thanks Buoyancy, 

Yeah they need real console gamers to fix it..... OR listen to the community. It's not hard to implement 3 more control schemes beyond the default "best one according to BI". 

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I don't really care if they change or not, i already got used to the controls and it's not hard to play with then after you adapt.

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13 minutes ago, MarczXD320 said:

I don't really care if they change or not, i already got used to the controls and it's not hard to play with then after you adapt.

I'm surprised by the amount of people using the claw grip?

Edited by nikoor

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5 hours ago, nikoor said:

I'm surprised by the amount of people using the claw grip?

Yeah.. I thought it was like 0.5%.... 

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16 minutes ago, bent.toe said:

Yeah.. I thought it was like 0.5%.... 

exactly 😮 if they only changed the leaning to toggle I'd be fine but it's useless at the moment for me and many others

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Bent for president or a custom layout not a fan of laying in cover only to roll out in open cuz I want to adjust inventory I’m sure it’s cuz I suck but this layout is aggravating been playing since week one and sadly this is the worst part of the update for myself grrrr !

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One thing that pisses me off is the leaning. How are you going to put two button layouts on the same buttons😂. You have to dodge first to peak a corner. 

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2 hours ago, Rex79 said:

Bent for president or a custom layout not a fan of laying in cover only to roll out in open cuz I want to adjust inventory I’m sure it’s cuz I suck but this layout is aggravating been playing since week one and sadly this is the worst part of the update for myself grrrr !

Same here.. Since august 29th.

What bother me is that they release new patches with changed control setup but they don't leave the old ones in as alternatives. It's just ONE and we should just accept it. 

It's ignorance and laziness from the devs. 

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Alright.. 14 votes...not bad. 


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