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Guy Smiley

Editing loot spawns

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I've been looking everywhere on these forums and the magical web on how to edit how much loot spawns on my server and when loot respawns after being picked up.  Only thing I found is this 

<event name="Loot">
        <flags deletable="0" init_random="0" remove_damaged="0" sec_spawner="0"/>

As you can see I've got the restock set to 7200 but I'm not exactly sure what the other functions do.  A little help please and thank you.

  • Beans 1

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Help this guy here.he is trying to ask for help for quite important subject...kill feed thread has two pages...so maybe devs/forum mods or modders...please?😊

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I do not touch this.

<event name="Loot">
        <flags deletable="0" init_random="0" remove_damaged="0" sec_spawner="0"/>

I modify the file "Types.xml"

<type name="NBCPantsGray">
        <nominal>4</nominal>          <----------------------- This should be the maximum amount that will appear on the map
        <min>2</min>                         <------------------------ Minimum amount that should appear
        <cost>100</cost>                   <---------------------- This should be how much priority the object has to appear or disappear
        <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/>
        <category name="clothes"/>
        <usage name="Military"/>    <------------------------ Where can you find
        <usage name="Medic"/>

You also have to consider modifying the file "cfgSpawnableTypes". If you want to modify which objects have loot inside and what possibility they have to appear.

<type name="NBCPantsGray">
        <cargo preset="foodVillage" />      <--------------------- Class of loot  If you are not interested in having objects of this type, comment it <!-- <preset charge = "foodVillage" />  -->
        <cargo preset="toolsMedic" />
        <cargo chance="0.20">                   <-------------------- Possibility for the following lines
            <item name="Mag_FNX45_15Rnd" chance="0.14" />
            <item name="Ammo_762x54" chance="0.14" />          <---------- Possibility of the object
            <item name="Ammo_762x39" chance="0.14" />

Also here you can decide if you want the Zombies to have loot or not, what kind of loot or what possibility they contain certain objects.


<type name="ZmbM_PatrolNormal_Autumn">
        <cargo preset="foodArmy" />
        <cargo preset="ammoArmy" />


<type name="ZmbM_PrisonerSkinny">
        <cargo chance="0.10">
            <item name="Rope" chance="0.14" />

Combined example:

<type name="ZmbM_PatrolNormal_Autumn">
        <cargo preset="foodArmy" />
        <cargo preset="ammoArmy" />
        <cargo chance="0.10">
            <item name="Rope" chance="0.14" />


I guess someone else can shed light on this.



Edited by NTX_Nitrix

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16 hours ago, Guy Smiley said:

..  loot spawns on my server and when loot respawns after being picked up ..  A little help please and thank you.//..

@Guy Smiley - Take a look here if you haven't already come across it.. its a starting point with pretty fair explanations of parameters : will get you half-way IMO


and a tool to do it [?] (with explanations, the guy below claims)  - but I've NOT checked him out at all - it's a  "Whole Server Customiser"  for Standalone - but no idea if -or how well- it works, or what freedom it gives you. { -<added>- You can see WHAT it changes in standalone and work from there back to your server modding values (?) } - It links from here.. to an interesting looking site (and that's all I know 'bout it) :


- damn, I'm going to have to get involved in modding myself, I can see it coming -  (I swore I'd given up anything to do with programming/scripting LONG LONG ago.. and FAR AWAY)
  but what the hell .. it's getting TEMPTING

Edited by pilgrim*
~ added text

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57 minutes ago, pilgrim* said:

@Guy Smiley - Take a look here if you haven't already come across it.. its a starting point with pretty fair explanations of parameters : will get you half-way IMO


and a tool to do it [?] (with explanations, the guy below claims)  - but I've NOT checked him out at all - it's a  "Whole Server Customiser"  but no idea if -or how well- it works, or what freedom it gives you. It links from here.. to an interesting looking site (and that's all I know 'bout it)

This tool is very good as it shows Types.xml in a compact and intuitive way, you can modify the values independently or use the tools above to modify a whole column with all the available items in your Types.xml, it only works for Types.xml .

There are more files that are used to modify the loot according to your preferences.

cfgspawnabletypes.xml to modify the loot of the objects that can contain loot, for example Sweater_Blue.
If you want the Zombies to wear loot or not or modify what loot you want them to have.

The web tool https://dayz.skyn1.se/ goes well as I said this is more compact and intuitive, if you want to modify the loot more intensively you have to modify other files too.

  • Beans 1

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Alright, thanks guys.  I'll have a look at that tool when I get home.  

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Test server is up if anyone is willing to have a look 


Dead by Dusk | Hardcore 1pp

Edited by Guy Smiley

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Test was inconclusive as I forgot I had the zed spawns up and well, heading back to test the spawns after looting was a total failure to put it mildly  Will run another test tomorrow

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tested little and noticed that these things were quite usual that i found in civilian buildings.

but thanks for your efforts to make some hc server.something different  than eternal stamina and 78x loot.
i just hope that some modder is now working on true hardcore mod.

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On 3/11/2019 at 8:50 AM, kopo79 said:

tested little and noticed that these things were quite usual that i found in civilian buildings.

but thanks for your efforts to make some hc server.something different  than eternal stamina and 78x loot.
i just hope that some modder is now working on true hardcore mod.

Hey, I'm not begging you to play on my server lol and I''m sure someone out there will be dedicated enough to not turn this into another boring looter shooter.  If tweaking the config files inst't changing loot spawns than that's a problem on BI's end and no modder will be able to fix that.

  • Beans 1

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this is an old thread, but I was wondering if it was possible to change the tiers/locations of loot, not just their quantity?

For example I want to get rid of the AKSU's spawning in tier0/tier1 areas, and replace them with AK74's. Tried simply setting quantity of the AKSU's to 0, changing the quantity of the AK74's to the AKSU's values, while also deleting the lines restricting the AK74's to tier3/tier4 areas, but that seems to have broken the types.xml.

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Check the cfglimitsdefinition.xml file for the various usage and value names you can use.

In this case, you'd want to change the AKSU Tier value to whatever tier you want them to spawn in and then do the same for the AK74.  Keep in mind that, unless you wipe your server by deleting the storage_1 files, it may take a while for these changes to show up.  Without a wipe, you'd still see those guns in their original spawn areas until they reach their lifetime limits.

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OK ty. so theoretically it should work the way I tried doing it, by simply deleting the lines that restrict the AK74 to tier3/4?

If so it was something else I "broke" the types.xml with... Because I didn't add any new lines/values for the AK's.

Also ty for the storage files info, was already wondering why the changes didn't seem to be taking effect. Can I just delete the storage files everytime I make changes or does that also wipe other things?

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41 minutes ago, TJSneed88 said:

Can I just delete the storage files everytime I make changes or does that also wipe other things?

If you delete everything in there, you lose everything, so any built bases, buried loot, vehicles moved from their spawn point, etc. would all vanish.

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yeah I should have checked before posting, quite a lot of files in there, might aswell just wait until all the "undesired" items despawn, or change the values for the lifetime of them to make it quicker (assuming that works). 

Do you know of any decent guides for the  other .xml's by any chance? I'd like to change what loot new players start with for example, or the chances of particular items spawning, because while looking around I found that there's a set chance of certain items spawning in certain areas independently of what is set in the types.xml, at least if I'm understanding it correctly.

Edited by TJSneed88

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The other thing you can do is shut down the server, then cut and paste the entire storage_1 folder somewhere else (to save it for later sort of thing).  Then, start the server up with the changes you've made to the xml files.  This will generate new loot based on your changes, so you'll know if it's spawning as you want or not.

A good place to start in terms of a guide is here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/DayZ:Central_Economy_setup_for_custom_terrains

For starting loot, you change that in the init.c file.

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