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OP wolves

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I just got killed by a wolf in 2 hits. I was full health and had armor and helmet. Went to where i got killed not even 20 minutes later and everythings gone...

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Two had a friend killed in two bites a few days ago too, though maybe his character bugged or something whilst being attacked. I guess not, tbh they were weak as sh*t before as you could take like 7 bites before being knocked unconscious or killed but 2 bites for a kill seems abit extreme. And yeah bodies despawn quite fast & unless your loot/clothing/bags is dragged of your body it'll despawn with it.

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Yeah i think the buffed the wolves damage. On the most recent PC patch, they reworked all damage so when we get it, it wont be so extreme

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Being that zombies can ruin clothing with only a few hits, I'm not surprised that they buffed the wolves. I've only been bitten once since the last character wipe and it did put my health into yellow from full. Now whenever I hear howling, I plant myself into the nearest structure with doors and wait them out. Haven't had them morph into a building like zombies do, yet...

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Saw literally 8 zombies beating one wolf trapped in a corner at Gorka , they must have hit it about 100times between them and it just wiggled free as ran off. I ain't messing with wolves this update ;) , but tbh I did double tap on with a 45.cal pistol so who knows what's what lol. 

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