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Tyler Tee H C

Specific Knife Properties.

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So Combat Knife, if used for Killing Zeds and as a general Melee weapon it will not wear out.

Hunting Knife. If used specifically on skinning animals will give you a bigger yield of Meat AND Bones can be left behind which can be crafted into hooks. Which are useless right now but kool never the less.

Add more if you know more helpful tips regarding the Knife mechanics.

Hope this helps.


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Ah, I wondered if there were any major differences other than damage. I also found that the fire axe seems to wear out pretty quickly when used for chopping trees but I haven't done a methodical comparison against other axes. 

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Also, using Hunting Knife when Skinning your Quarry you also get the Skins, of which you can make rather unique 'for now' apparell. I forgot to add that in OP.

And so YES the Knives have particular Qualities. 

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21 hours ago, Tyler Tee H C said:

What does the Beans mean???


I think the beans means 'that sucks', at least, that's what I use it for. Or it could just be beans means heinz 

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6 hours ago, Tyler Tee H C said:

Okay so two people thought this helpful information sucked ? Okay fair enough. 

Nice one. 

Beans is good in my book lol.

On 18/11/2018 at 7:40 AM, Tyler Tee H C said:

Even if I am a Liar ? Lol


Even if you are lying, it'll give me something to test out, something to do. I wonder if you get more human steaks with the hunting knife lol.

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