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john garcia

How long till loot despawns?

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If I place loot on the ground, how long until it disappears? I'm getting tired of looking for spawns just to have them attack when I'm just trying to help out. I'm thinking of just leaving random items in locations and just leave it up to chance who may find it.

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When a server gets reset I believe. If you get disconnected and the server doesnt reset it will be there. When it performs its usual server reset period.. then it will despawn

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Not true.    My friend placed a jacket down to look for a sewing kit in a small town.   When we rounded back after 10 min it was gone... players bodies stay unless they log out of server we are 99% sure..... So the hear may have disappeared on a timer.  Or the short distance of the being away from it... Or away too long 

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My take on it is that there is a minimum distance a player needs to be in order for the Loot to reset.

If you are nearby it will stay there.

Makes sense when you drop an item and wait for it to despawn it will just sit there...waiting you out.... And yet when you drop an item and move around it will be gone when you try to come back for it.

I half want to know what the actual distance is...but there is enough meta-gaming already and it would dull the immersion. 

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Quote from the wiki on spawning / de-spawning

"The Central Loot Economy (abbreviated "CLE") is DayZ's unique management system for loot spawning and clean-up. It is a complex system of tags, categories, zones, maximums, minimums, averages, and so on. The CLE dictates exactly how many of each item can be present on a single instance of the game at a time (one server), with important factors like randomization and rarity baked in. These values can be adjusted at any time, without requiring players or servers to install a game update."

Dancing.Russian.Man already quoted this in > Xbox a couple of weeks back:



If you want to,  give it a try, test it out :  - Find someplace with loot - take the loot well away outside and dump it.. Go to a distance and check the dumped loot through your scope OR/AND keep away from the house but go in and  check it  every couple of minutes to see how long before new loot spawns.   You might find different stuff turns up at different rates (depends what the loot is) .. because different locations have each their own loot lists.. and the server decides when there is not enough of loot X on the whole server. Loot that has been moved and dumped will sooner or later despawn.. up tp you to check the timing, but it will vary for several reasons.. it's "not simple".

Stuff you keep in your player's kit or hands is not counted as being  "on the server"..     etc (also in your car, tent, stash, - when Xbox gets those)



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  On 10/5/2018 at 6:23 PM, pilgrim* said:

Dancing.Russian.Man already quoted this in > Xbox a couple of weeks back:

And? Exactly how would ANY self-respecting PC Gamer know about posts over in "their" Forums?

But seriously..... Of COURSE it is not as simple...but it explains why waiting for the Loot at your feet to "disappear" is probably an exercise in futility.

Since it can be attenuated at the Server Level then it will be interesting to see how Admins decide to govern this dynamic. Would it be a better experience if dropped loot gets redistributed (cleaned up) in short intervals, or should it remain for longer periods? (seeing as a lot of Admins will probably opt for longer times between restarts (I'm hoping).

In the Mod (I know...I know...I sound like the old guy on the porch now) having frequent server restarts was annoying for players who liked to have caches of loot, who wanted to loot a body but wanted to take their time getting to it, or came across loot but merely just noted it's location as a reference for going back to it if they needed it. (heli parts, vehicles left by others, building supplies) I guess having persistent containers is going to be the logical solution to this, but again...it remains to be seen where the "sweet spot" is for the CLE balancing.

So...This OP is an interesting one for me...and I cant wait to see how the CLE develops when the game settles in and we all find our happy places.

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Pretty sure there was a admin or dev that posted the actual times for average items to despawn. It was something like 30 minutes for players which was the max then it went in intervals down to 5 minutes for clothing and misc items. I could be wrong though 

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