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About Mpmax

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Mpmax

    How long till loot despawns?

    Not true. My friend placed a jacket down to look for a sewing kit in a small town. When we rounded back after 10 min it was gone... players bodies stay unless they log out of server we are 99% sure..... So the hear may have disappeared on a timer. Or the short distance of the being away from it... Or away too long
  2. Mpmax


    You need to read the definition of offended again :)... ok you brought up uniforms without using the word uniform... and if your thought process isnton my level. Then no wonder you don't undersrand. How I was talking about THE PLAYER AS A WHOLE TOP. You just want to fight instead of realizing I said the same thing you did... and explained WHY to a bozo who can't have original thoughts. I'm just disappointed how many simple minded gamers exist today The guy really cried about uniforms not working... you talk about armband uniforms for whole player base ( HOW IS IT NOT A UNIFORM! GO GOOGLE DEFINITIONS KID FFS) so I explained it to the lesser fellow. Yet all a sudden it's useless? LOL you're annoyed. And GUESS WHAT OFFENDED MEANS. #roasted
  3. Mpmax

    Logging out mid fight.

    Case closed.. never played ark so you think it's a hard feature. Just use those critical thinking skills and you won't say off stuff
  4. Mpmax


    For such an unforgiving game y'all sure have thin skin? I explained something and dude got offended I showed his lack of critical thinking about the uniform idea. Geeeesh.
  5. Mpmax

    Logging out mid fight.

    Except it can,be done WITHOUT privAte servers which was your ONLY "unless " must have never played ark...and THEY already like and acknowledge this idea
  6. Mpmax

    Game was fun for a while

    ????gonna be helpless when you can't cheat
  7. Mpmax


    It's hard to ACTUALLY defend what he said I know.... you'll find something to say meaningful next time I hope
  8. Mpmax

    Logging out mid fight.

    It's already been done in other games ... they completely rescripted their entire game code. So why couldn't they do this thing they already ponder of doing??? Silly to say impossible. Smh
  9. Mpmax

    Logging out mid fight.

    One toon per server would solve this all. And they already liked tweets suggesting this....the perm death makes afk offline.bodies a.trash idea
  10. Mpmax


    Faster? I think you mean reflex... smh. No common sense here either lol. You messed that one up pal. THE YOUNGER one is the less common sense. That a life fact... smh ty for proving my point ??
  11. Mpmax


    We call ppl like you... a casual..... we are above random play and have the HARD GOALS as our goals. You needed explaining. So I gave it ..Sorry for your thin skin
  12. Mpmax


    It's just sad gamers are losing common sense with each new generation
  13. Mpmax


    Maybe you were a bandit to them. I doubt I were a bambi
  14. Mpmax


    Yeq. I'm in a full blown franchise clan and we will have control of a server and will treat all survivors as guests until given a reason not to.... right now tho it's free for all unless youre one of the Better players who is trying to be a hero already... running and gunning is for the less skilled gamers
  15. Mpmax


    Duh. The point is for OTHER HEROS to notice... many of you don't have critical thinking skills.....just mindless trolls