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I live in a very DayZ-esque area!

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I live far up northern Quebec and when I drive a bit out of my town, I notice how DayZ-looking the area is.

Abandoned houses, sheds, farming equipments, power lines that you can follow up mountains....a whole lot of stuff really!


Here are a few pics!


Sorry, most were taken from my car as we couldn't stop. I'll sometimes wonder which house I'd loot first in case of an actual zombie apocalypse! :>






House with shed



Church! You know that's Novy Sobor.




Found a cargo truck! As emu pointed out, is even has a dump bed, for even faster unloading of your loot!




More barns!




Lonely abandoned shed on the side of the road



Old house, just sitting there.



I mean, you can't deny, the terrain is really similar!




I'd loot the *&$% out of this, hopefully find some rope and burlap!



Which would you loot first?


Enjoy :)

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Really cool buddy.  Thanks for sharing.  Different in that this seems greener and some geologist types will come on here and tell you it's a totally different climate cause of x or y.

Dude, to me, these are very very similar and I look forward to showing my fiance who plays Dayz with me.  

Great pics!

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Thanks! My husband and I are in awe every time we go slightly out of town!


Our favorite sentence:  ''Omg, this is SO DayZ''



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On 4.6.2017 at 0:37 AM, Baroness said:

I'd loot the *&$% out of this, hopefully find some rope and burlap!



Damn...you have a long wooden stick in our hand, very good start option. (y)

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8 hours ago, Sqeezorz said:

Damn...you have a long wooden stick in our hand, very good start option. (y)

hahaha I haven't even noticed that. Probably a little tree that appeared in my camera view while we were driving, good catch! lol


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same day harvesting of crops is sort of immersion breaking ive had my tomato plants since the end of march and am only just getting fruit. They should be pretty good.

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That's cool. I see areas far east of Seattle, Washington like that a lot. There is something about the older buildings and Russian (or...eastern) of DayZ that I like better than modern U.S. buildings though. I'm also moving near a Skyrim'esqe area, lol. Like no kidding Skyrim mountain range.

I've been wandering around our massive industrial area in downtown Seattle recently taking reference photos for game art and possibly/hopefully one day a DayZ mod or another game like DayZ. But its fun to wander through these areas, it looks totally post apocalyptic sometimes, with dirt and garbage everywhere and rusty machines sitting in overgrowth. Pretty cool. Yet I still find the lonely, sparce buildings in DayZ like in Chernogorsk(how it used to be...) more interesting.


Just found this site, very cool if you like abandoned industrial stuff.


Exploring with Josh on youtube is pretty fun.

If you like Chernobyl, these two channels are pretty cool IMO.


Edited by libertine

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