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Shower thought: What will happen to helicopters upon a server restart?

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Driving my Lada today, on the debugzone because well, there are no trees so it's an easy way of getting to the south of the map quick. I was taking a look at my clock to make sure the server wouldn't restart soon since that would mean theoretically  I'd lose my vehicle (since I was driving the debugzone) then this thought struck my mind:

If I were flying a helicopter and the server restarted, what would happen to the helicopter moreover, the player? 

You can't just let the helicopter float on the air like that, moving it to the ground automatically could cause the helicopter to be stuck etc. Perhaps the helicopter would teleport back to the first place it took off? And where will the player go at that case? 

I know it's a quite a stupid question. There are no helicopters in the game and we don't even know when we'll have them but I'm really curious how are the devs going to overcome this?

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I'm not sure about it but I believe that if the server crashes or restarts while moving in a vehicle the player and the vehicle will both be back at the original position where you got in the vehicle/started moving.

To give a better example: you start driving from Novy Sobor to Kabanino skipping Stary Sobor and the server restarts/crashes before your destination, upon login your character and the vehicle will be back at Novy Sobor. Say that you do the same thing but decided to stop and loot for example the tents at Stary and you get in your vehicle and move towards Kabanino and the server crashes or restarts you will be back at the Stary tents.

Edit: I'm not sure how this works if you are in debug, your vehicle and/or character might despawn, I haven't tried that yet and I don't want to try that either. Also keep in mind, there are certain parts in debug where your vehicle might fall through the ground which will probably end up with you walking the rest of your journey.

Edited by IMT

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Well if it's anything like the mod, either death.  Or you'll log in safely on the ground next to what's left of your helicopter.

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Once upon a time, if you were in a vehicle at restart, you would spawn back in where you last had your feet on the ground.  Your vehicle would be where ever it last registered on the map.  So, if you'd been in No Man's Land (naughty!) and the server had restarted I'm guessing you'd have found yourself back where you last had your feet on the ground and your vehicle would have been lost.

Regarding the helicopter....well, if the DayZ gods are feeling merciful, then the same rule would apply.  You'd spawn in where ever you'd last touched the ground.  Your helicopter will probably crash and burn during the restart.  However, if the gods are against you.  You'll be crashing and dying during the restart and you'll find yourself back on the beach making sand castles.

If you plan to fly a plane or helicopter, it would be wise to keep an eye on the time.

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In the mod good servers would give you a countdown in the console minutes before a restart. It was always good idea follow a helicopter just before a restart since you knew they were going to land and could get the drop.

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14 hours ago, puppetworx said:

In the mod good servers would give you a countdown in the console minutes before a restart. It was always good idea follow a helicopter just before a restart since you knew they were going to land and could get the drop.

You make a good case for the need to find a better solution.

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