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Solo mode

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Hi guys,

I got some news saying a solo mode will be coming with the game so i got two questions :

- Is it just a rumor or true ?

- If it's true do we know when that will be released ? (Final, beta, in few weeks ... )

I searched on these forums but didn't see anything about it so i'm afraid it's just a rumor. Still, i'm hoping it's true i just don't play this good game anymore because of others players and i would value  a solo game.

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There is going to be a 'local' or solo mode as you put it.  As for when, I think it will be around the time Modding is supported, as modders will need a way to test their mods.  No word on when exactly that will be however, but if I remember right it's one of the last checkpoints before they hit Beta.

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Hoping the team move on this, Bit boring gathering loot, to get shot in the back, rinse and repeat etc.....

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Surely it'd be even more boring wandering the map and gathering gear knowing there was no one else around and no real pvp challenge...

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2 hours ago, J4K said:

Hoping the team move on this, Bit boring gathering loot, to get shot in the back, rinse and repeat etc.....

Two points. First is that we kind of already have 'solo mode'. It's called a zero pop server...

Second is, if you're sick of your efforts to gather gear being in vain...that's why the game now has persistence and you can make stashes. Personally, I find it extremely liberating to leave all my classy gear in some barrels, put on a tracksuit and go looking for trouble.


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On 7/10/2016 at 2:37 PM, J4K said:

Hoping the team move on this, Bit boring gathering loot, to get shot in the back, rinse and repeat etc.....

Numpad 1 and numpad 6

skills, skills :)

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If you had asked the Devs this question 1-2 years ago, they might have told you that we would be in beta by now :D. But you know, problems arise, ensue, and are being overcome!

I'm betting that beta is going to be out sometime around the end of this year, with most estimates putting beta release around February 2017. And yes, there will definitely be "solo mode".

There is some really good news though: If you're tired of being stuck to the run and gun playstyle, just wait about two-four months until we have bonafide base-building and air-vehicles. This will enable a new tier of permanence and incentives for player interaction. And let's be honest, DayZ is nothing without player interaction. Even before beta DayZ is going to explode in terms of long term play-ability, and that moment is ever approaching.


Right now the devs are working their flattened butts off doing things like programming new movement animations and sounds for every little thing with the new technology they just finished/imported. As a programming strategy it's better to finish all the universal systems that will govern individual and modular actions and entities instead of adding in those entities first (things like permanent player built structures, placement mechanics, etc...) and then have to re-work them all and de-bug them a second time when the actual programming format gets a necessary upgrade. A somewhat under-expected ramification of this strategy is that once the core systems have become finished and refined, there is going to be a (relatively) explosive phase of new content being added in what will to us seem like rapid and insane succession. Content we aren't even expecting is going to get thrown in once the bulk of the dev team starts focusing on adding new content instead of fixing and polishing existing features. Did you know there's going to be a simulated radio system (usable radio towers for broadcasting) and a simulated electrical system (GENERATORS N SHIT!).

Hmmm... Maybe I'm rambling but it's indirectly on topic!

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