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Tried 0.60 after a long time away from DayZ

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So after having played DayZ now this last week I have to say DayZ SA has gotten better. But that isn't really saying much, since before it was pretty much unplayable for me.
Anyway I had some good time in it, I survived for quite some time but in the end i died, ofc in typical DayZ BS manner.
Tried to swap backpack in a Military barrack, didn't work, then i put my backpack on the ground, ofc it dissapears, shortly after a player attacks me in the barrack, but I kill him.
Ofc my Magnum bullets destroy EVERYTHING he is carrying in backpack, west, jacket and pants. Not only that his corpse blocks me from leaving the place(why do corpes have collision like that?), can't vault because of the low roof and can't crawl pass him. Can't hide his body either....
So my only choice is to logut, but ofc im dead when I log back in.

Im not that salty over that death itself, but i think it kinda sum up DayZ...stuff is still a buggy mess.
Yes I know its Alpha, but seriously it seems to take forever to get past that stage. So it feels like i might aswell wait some time before I try this again.
Its a shame, I really like the atmosphere, all the gear searching and the new places to explore. But besides that it has alot of problems.

-The game has pretty much no Zombies, They would add alot to the game. making it more tense to explore areas and guns would be needed for other stuff then PVP.
I hope it will be possible sometime soon now when the preformance is alot better.

-THe concistancy in some functions is kinda badly designed, I can't drink water unless i got both hands free but i can for some reason climb ladders. Sometimes I can switch weapon, other times I can't. Sometimes i can vault over a fence other times not. you get the idea.

-The Melee combat is a mess, people running around zigzagging like angry bees. And its overall just very random when you get good hits in.
Its also really messy to use guns in close combat, It feels alot better in Arma 3 for example.

-Some features seems too complicated for their own good. Like the bloodbag system, I just find it unlikly that the majority of people will ever use it.
It is time that could have been spent on something more important. Seems like the devs experiment with alot of stuff that just end up getting removed or sees little or no use in the game. I remember you where ment to have dogs at one point, what happend to that? Or all those diseases?

-The Inventory was so damn confusing at first. And It has some really annoying stuff, like if you try to chamber a round and pick the wrong round by misstake. Then you end up putting away your gun and putting the rounds in your hand...Why? There has to be a better way to prevent stuff like that.
I also don't understand why weapons don't show what ammo they are using, If its realism they are going for then why does it give other info like: "this is a ww-2 era bullet blabla"
Why not have useful info instead, otherwise people will just google it.

-My character was Hypertermic almost the whole time even after swimming and being compleatly soaked. No big deal, but just one out of many many bugs.

-The loot balance seems to be a bit odd. A tad too many standard weapons while too few magazines. Doesn't really make sense that there are so few magazines.


Overall it feels like there is something lacking, once you managed to survive the first hour you usually won't have any problem getting food/water. It becomes a search for guns, but at a certain point because the world feels so empty you start searching for the PvP rush just because thats the most fun part of the game.
I hope there will be mores stuff to do in the game, just having more zombies would make the exploring more fun.

Even if the game has improved it still makes me a bit sad that DayZ is still far from what I thought it would be by now. Think i will give it 6 months or year before i give it a go again.

Edited by Evilsausage
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You know I do agree with the OP in many respects- I don't mind the many guns / less ammo / fewer mags... recently we had a transaction within our helpy helpers group that went something like: 

"Just found a tricked out M4..." 

"Are you going to use it?" 


"Sigh- yet another M4 to feed." 

Mags are more available than ammo- at least on our server. We don't have a bunch of hoppers scouring the interwebs for 5.56mm- so we ration or just change to different weapons which I think is okay. We changed our style to accommodate the change in the game instead of complaining about the game not appeasing our own expectations. 

Similarly, while it is inevitable that much of the game will pander to the lowest common denominator (pvp streamers), there are plenty of designated areas (designated by the layout of loot) for them to go and fuck each other's egos. Meanwhile the guys wanting to dig a bit deeper into the meta will also have more than enough room to play the game the way they want... Want to live off the land? Want to exist on nothing but what the earth provides? Wear nothing but leather garments? That lifestyle can exist in harmony with the screechers. 

Many I think, will end up dipping a little into both worlds- swaying at anchor at the pangs of boredom... Going out and making a mission out of hunting a deer to make garments out of and then once that wears off, heading over to a hot spot and cutting off a couple ears to make a necklace out of. Fortunately, I think DayZ will allow equal opportunity for both even if the development seems heavily skewed towards one more than the other. 


Edited by eno

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For what it's worth, PvP streamers are the second lowest social class within DayZ, in my books. The trolls are worse. You know, the guys for whom shooting you and looting your corpse isn't enough - the ones who consistently fuck with their victims, or try to humiliate them. At least the PvP streamers kill you quickly when they can.

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2 hours ago, Funkmaster Rick said:

For what it's worth, PvP streamers are the second lowest social class within DayZ, in my books. The trolls are worse. You know, the guys for whom shooting you and looting your corpse isn't enough - the ones who consistently fuck with their victims, or try to humiliate them. At least the PvP streamers kill you quickly when they can.

I mean...at least the trolls take the time to actually interact with you.

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I've just recently tried 60 but haven't really had the time to dig into it in much detail.

It looks very pretty.  The new fog and weather effects are nice. 

Other than that, it's basically the same unfinished game it's always been.  Running around an empty, mostly zombieless map.  Picking up various articles of clothing and loot with different degrees of non-functionality.  Eventually finding a matching set of gun, ammo and magazines so you can go kill someone.


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Same here... I've completely lost my interest in DayZ SA almost a year ago, moving on to Arma3 and its great mods. For me, 0.6 was somewhat disappointing. I've played my fair share on 0.6. I met one single zombie, whacked its head in with a garden hoe and continued looting for 3 days, ad nauseam, without anything interesting happening. I went on a higher populated server, got Bambi-KOSed 10 times that night, shrugged with a sad face, logged off and played Arma3 King of the Hill, where KOSing a bambi ist part of the business.

FPS is better, but the game is not, really. At least we have dx11 and the game now looks like from 2010 now. Whoopdeedoo.

Ach, to be honest, graphic fidelity is still sub-par and I doubt it will increase substantially in the next two years, when DayZ finally hits "Beta". 




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My fps took quite a hit with last week's update (which I thought was to address vehicle persistence, but apparently hasn't).

I am enjoying 0.60. It is harder in some ways than previous patches (ah, the glory days of 0.45-0.48), but the masochist in me relishes that. I've died only once since the patch, and it was my own fault. Things also seem to disappear a lot less frequently in this patch than they used to.

What I really don't relish is the sheer arsery of the server browser, or the stubborn refusal of the in-game UI to behave itself.

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6 hours ago, Mookie (original) said:


What I really don't relish is the sheer arsery of the server browser, or the stubborn refusal of the in-game UI to behave itself.

No kidding. I've been on ONE server (ours) since .60 broke and yet it still takes me 3 refresh clicks to see it in the history and even that's if I'm lucky. I mean, that's a stupid problem to have and I know how to get around it- it's just annoying. 


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