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I'm brand spanking new to the game. So there are a few things that I've noticed and was hoping for some anwsers, which may make me look like a total twit but I'm prepared to wear that.

1. I've been playing for about 4 hours now and I'm yet to see a single zombie. Are they ratio'ed to server population or are they gone altogether?

2. I've found a map but when I look up the map using my assigned hotkey I see nothing but a black screen. Even if it's equipped in my hands.

3. I've come across a few building where it's not level with the ground, maybe 2-3 feet high and I can see loot through the doorway but have been unable to find a way to climb/jump into the place.

4. If I'm travelling long distances between cities, does sprinting use more hydration/energy than just normal jogging? And if so, is it worth sprinting to ease travel time and just expect to find enough supplies to refuel?

5. Is there any chance of good loot spawning in areas outside of military bases and police stations, or do you just have to bite the bullet and take the chance?

I'm sure I'll have more questions as I progress but that's it for now.


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These are not dumb questions _Broadside_ , everyone has to learn this stuff - look around the thread for more info and good ideas and guides  - and youtube for "how to" DayZ stuff

1 - When you do see a zombie it will scare the s*** out of you the first time.. carry some torn up rags to use as bandages or you'll bleed to death afterwards - tear rags using a knife on a shirt or tshirt (a stone knife is easy to make) - always have 4 or 6 rags or a couple of bandages.. it's the first thing you need (then water, then food and some hand weapon to defend yourself - a splitting axe is good, and a knife - find out how to make a stone knife you can open cans and cut sticks with it too) With rags and a stick you can make a splint. zombies will sometimes break your leg, and nearly always also damage your clothes and gear, so keep the rags in different pockets so they aren't all ruined at once in a zombie attack. There aren't many zombs ATM, but you'll notice them for sure when they turn up. You learn to deal with them..

2 - Put the map in your hotbar, then use it from there with the hotbar key (unless there's a glitch I dont know about)

3  -The way the map and features are generated  and then enter-able buildings added is weird if you are not a programmer used to the ideas behind it (but don't worry about it..unless you're a scripting nerd) .. And when new buildings are added to the the map they have to be checked and "leveled" exactly with the ground (by hand ) - When the bug tracker is working you can put in a report about that house - but someone will get round to correcting it it in a minor update one day soon, you'll see..  (there is one  house with a tree in the living room, seen that yet?). there are not many buildings you can't find any way in, try another door.

There are also some loading bays (that are off the ground) where you need to back a truck up to the doorway (for instance) to get in. That's deliberate.

4 - sprinting uses more energy - I think it's cool to jog everywhere.. longer time to get there but less energy and more interesting (but sometimes i sprint, and some players sprint all the time). Jogging is better IMO and you get into less trouble.

5 - Heli crashes have high level loot - but like the mil places a lot of folk look for them, there is no "easy" way to get military gear - car-boots and specially police cars can have some good stuff in them - but instead (my advice) you can find a Winchester and.308 ammo, and a hunting scope, or a Blaze rifle (those two are good weapons) and a Red9 pistol and 9mm ammo.. or a revolver.. nearly all over the map. Get equipped that way .. then do your thing. (kill a mil player, loot him, or go look in a high loot place, but expect to meet someone, and zombies too)


Edited by pilgrim*
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I am fairly new as well, but I recognise your questions. I'll try to add some things which Pilgrim left open.

1. The Zeds are mostly in the bigger cities. You''ll hear them mostly before you see them. Once they attack you, they make this screaming sound, so you kinda get warned by them. Prepare for some clunky battle though, but after a few you will get a hang of it. It can get messy sometimes, so have some rags/bandages ready as Pilgrim suggested. If you don't feel like fighting them, you can also out run them. They will chase you for some time, but they will give up eventually. Bear in mind that chasing zombies can alert other players that you are there. On the other hand, if you see zombies running in the distance, this means another player has drawn aggro from them. So they give away the presence of other players as well.

2. It takes some time to figure it out, but I find the in-game map rather useless... It has no town names on it and (unless I am mistaken) your position is not shown on the map. I try to play without any sort of map, but if you want there are some apps or websites out there that have a pretty good map (Russian town names translated). To know where  you are, look for road signs next to the roads leading to towns. You can also find some signs with directions to the nearest towns, but the names will be in Russian. It took me some time to get used to that spelling.

3. I know which ones you mean. They have working benches in them and sometimes you can get in when there is a pile of rubbish or something in front of the doors. But some of these buildings are not enterable, as you cant really jump in this game (only when hopping over a fence).

4. Also take into account that, when you are sprinting this will make your character breath hard. When aiming after sprinting, you gun will sway heavily, so you might want to catch your breath before shooting. When you jog, you will have a better aim right away. So I tend to sprint in the fields, but in town I jog, just to be ready when I get shot at and I need to return fire quickly. You can reduce sway by laying down and holding your breath (click and hold right mouse button). When you have your gun up (space bar) you are running slower than when you have it lowered. I have noticed that once you get to the status of ''Hydrated'' and ''energised'' it takes far longer before you get hungry or thirsty again. So once you reach these statuses, you can cut down on the number of cans and foods you haul. Try to drink at the pumps you meet in town, but be careful, you are a sitting duck at these pumps... I always drink until my guy says he is stuffed and then I take 2 or 3 sips extra. Don't drink too much as this might make you vomit. In addition, I try to stay away from the dry foods (cornflakes, rice, milk powder) if I don't have a full canteen on me, as they will take away the hunger but they lower your water level considerably as well. In other words: they will make you thirsty.

5. Recently I started looting train cars, as they tend to have some nice guns and ammo in them: Winchester, repeater, magnum, etc. I also like the small military base in Novy Sobor. I haven't met as many players there as at the airfield or the big military bases, although it can be hot there as well... Try to take the approach through the trees and scout it out before running into the tents to loot. A good thing to find is the Red9 pistol, as you can load it with 9mm bullets without needing a mag for it. Also keep in mind that you can empty a full mag by right clicking it, so you might find some ammo you can use for your gun, in a mag you can't use on this gun (for ex: empty an CR75 pistol mag to get the 9mm rounds to put in your Red9 or Glock (single round chambering)) --> You can chamber guns with one bullet if you don't have the mag for it, but this means you have one shot before needing to reload. So use this very carefully...

Hope this helps you out.

Good luck and watch your back!

edit: very bad English

Edited by Toxmose
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9 hours ago, _Broadside_ said:


I'm brand spanking new to the game. So there are a few things that I've noticed and was hoping for some anwsers, which may make me look like a total twit but I'm prepared to wear that.

1. I've been playing for about 4 hours now and I'm yet to see a single zombie. Are they ratio'ed to server population or are they gone altogether?

2. I've found a map but when I look up the map using my assigned hotkey I see nothing but a black screen. Even if it's equipped in my hands.

3. I've come across a few building where it's not level with the ground, maybe 2-3 feet high and I can see loot through the doorway but have been unable to find a way to climb/jump into the place.

4. If I'm travelling long distances between cities, does sprinting use more hydration/energy than just normal jogging? And if so, is it worth sprinting to ease travel time and just expect to find enough supplies to refuel?

5. Is there any chance of good loot spawning in areas outside of military bases and police stations, or do you just have to bite the bullet and take the chance?

I'm sure I'll have more questions as I progress but that's it for now.


1. There arent many Zombies right now because the game cant handle it, if you go to the northwest airfield, Cherno, or electro you will see plenty.

2. Same thing happens to me even when its in my hotbar, Theres a cool app call isurvive which has the locations off all loot spawns and town names translated, there should be signs with the names of the town when you enter using the main road so use those to find your location.

3. "troll buildings"

4. Sprinting is worth it in my opinion.

5. look for "deer stands" they can contain military grade loot and are found on the outskirts of town usually right next to the forest.


piece of advice for you TRUST NO ONE



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If the building your unable to enter is a storage shed with a single door next to a double door then open the double door and make a running jump. If you time it just right you will enter the shed but be halfway in the floor. Dont sweat it. loot the building and exit any direction. You can walk out right through the wall.

If you have time jogging is more visually pleasing but you risk extended exposure to hostiles.

I know that military gear is very desired but at your level if you manage to secure any it will most likely get you killed. A shinny new toy will attract bandits. Stick to civilian weapons until you get your sea legs.

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6. My connection to the server dropped out and I was sent back to the Menu's. I couldn't find that same server in the list so I assumed it went offline for whatever reason and I choose another local server. Joined the game and it had reset me to a fresh spawn. Is this a permanent mess up or when I can get back onto the original server, will my character, gear and location be the same as when it dropped out?

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7. Must I join a clan in order to survive or can someone playing solo still go the distance?

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11 hours ago, _Broadside_ said:

6. My connection to the server dropped out and I was sent back to the Menu's. I couldn't find that same server in the list so I assumed it went offline for whatever reason and I choose another local server. Joined the game and it had reset me to a fresh spawn. Is this a permanent mess up or when I can get back onto the original server, will my character, gear and location be the same as when it dropped out?

I guess you noticed there are "public" and "private" servers - it tells you which they are in the list of servers.

If you are playing on a public server - you character and gear are saved to the 'public hive' (the Bohemia database). There is just one public hive worldwide run by Bohemia for all the public servers. So on every public server you have the same character and gear - when you log in to another public server you will have the same character in the same place.

Occasionally this doesn't happen right (it is the server's problem, not Bohemia's fault) - so you log in to a different public server and because of this server error you are a freshspawn. This hasn't happened to me for quite a while, but it has happened in the past.

If that happens DO NOT PLAY - don't even log out the normal way - instead, use Windows to shut down DayZ STRAIGHT AWAY, shut it down completely then start up the game up again.
Then log in to some other public server and see if you still have your old character (you should).
This is the way I do it and it has worked for me (it dosn't happen often).
I think this freshspawn thing happens because a few servers just have bad connections to the public hive sometimes. There used to be one or two public severs where you seemed to nearly always start off as freshspawn; Maybe that was something about how they were set up, but since persistence came in, I haven't heard any complaints since.

But BE WARNED !!  -  if you PLAY even a little while as a freshspawn on the public server, your character will be saved as a freshspawn, and then you are Doomed, your character will be like that afterwards on every public server you log in. So get out as fast as you can, don't even touch anything or walk around.


One other thing to always REMEMBER - when you log out of any game - your character stays in the game for a little while after you have left.. This is to stop some exploits that  players were pulling (like combat-logging). So while your character is still in the game - but you have logged out back to the intro screen - someone can walk up to your character and shoot him or loot him, or both.. Then when you log back in you are dead (heh) you are a freshspawn. So choose a good place to log out, hide somewhere, or find some quiet place there will be no zombies close by when you log in again - and don't ever try to log out where someone sees you, and never in the middle of a fight.. your character will still be standing there getting hit after you have left the game. I think it stays in the game for 30 seconds (?) after you log out. 


ALSO - if you play on a private server - sometimes you can do that because some (a few) private severs are open to all players and are not "members only", or they have an "open day" . Usually you must join a clan or gaming group  to play on their private server. When you play on "private" your character is saved to the server's own private hive, not to the worldwide public hive. So that character only exists on that one private server. OK?  Then if you log in to a public server you will not have the same character (you'll be a normal freshspawn, or you'll still be the character you were last time you played on any public server, with any gear you got on a public server) but if you go back to the same private sever your old private character will still be there.
Some folk play one character on a private server and one on a public server. They are separate characters, You can build a character on public servers, and use it on any public server, and also have a different character on any private server you can log in to  - but that private character is only saved on that one private sever.

Mainly you can only log in to a private server if you have joined the private group - like join up on their website for instance..

* * *

So as a beginner IMO - play public servers until you know your way around the game (there are a lot of them)-  unless you have a friend who wants you to join a private server, or you really like the look of one private group, but remember your geared-up character on that private sever cant play on any other server (public or private) . But if you play "public" then you keep that same character and gear on all of the public servers.



Edited by pilgrim*
sticky "r" key, heh!
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Just a couple of things to add there, Pilgrim.

Some servers listed as "Private" in the server list are actually "Slave" servers to another "Master" Private server. I'm not entirely sure if the characters held on the Master and the Slave servers can appear as the same character on the other (if the person perspectives are the same).

Also, if you log into a "Public" 3rd person server, your character will be the same on all other 3rd person Public servers, and the same goes for 1st person servers. Therefore you can have 2 characters concurrently on the Public servers, one 3PP and one 1PP

On Private servers (status of Slave Servers I'm unsure) you can only have the character in the perspective that the server operates in, eg a 3PP character or 1PP character depending on the server setting.

Btw, I have 2 Private servers now, one 3rd person and the other 1st person, and there are no access restrictions on either - anyone can join either servers provided they observe the rules, don't hack or cheat, and are not abusive to other players.


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Ahh, I think the new server I logged into was listed private. Explains the fresh spawn. I didn't play it, I just cried a little and went to the whiskey cupboard for comfort. 

Really appreciate the help you guys are giving me.

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9 hours ago, Woody2 said:


Yep - good correction Woody2. I used to play on a  private server that was often open to the public - and it was 1pp .. so I completely forgot about 1pp/3pp having separate hives on the public servers. It is important for a new player to know that. = My bad. Check what it says on the server list before you log in _Broadside_.   It tells you public or private AND it tells you 1pp or 3pp.

so if _Broadside_ is right about what happened, he'll find his public character all geared up waiting for hm next time he logs in to a 3pp public server.


[edit:]  Nearly all  players go for 3pp ..  but some dudes are crazy about 1pp - and  I think (for me) 1pp can be REALLY exciting, so sooner or later try them both out to compare.

Edited by pilgrim*
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3. The way to enter that building(theres only one type that does this) is to sit down in front of the doorway facing away, push the button for "step over" while turning back quickly towards the building. Your character will step into the building and you can move inside it and even through the walls of it. It might be hard to get the loot as you are walking on the ground, not on the floor of the building but if you go into first person perspective you can usually get the "take" icon up from a distance.

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56 minutes ago, Killawife said:

3. The way to enter that building(theres only one type that does this) is to sit down in front of the doorway facing away, push the button for "step over" while turning back quickly towards the building. Your character will step into the building and you can move inside it and even through the walls of it. It might be hard to get the loot as you are walking on the ground, not on the floor of the building but if you go into first person perspective you can usually get the "take" icon up from a distance.

It's easier to just run and jump into that building. Sometimes it even pops you up to the right height. If not loot as Killa says. But be aware that you clip trough the walls and if there is something solid out there, like one of this big trash bins, you stuck. So use the door to clip out. I case of the trash bins crouching helped me to get out of it.  

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On ‎19‎.‎04‎.‎2016 at 0:49 PM, Toxmose said:

3. I know which ones you mean. They have working benches in them and sometimes you can get in when there is a pile of rubbish or something in front of the doors. But some of these buildings are not enterable, as you cant really jump in this game (only when hopping over a fence).

You're mistaken with that. You can jump, it's just super lazy. So you have to hit the button a few before the obsacle and 2 seconds later or something your dude jumps. You just have to sprint, otherwise you preform a step over the fence (even if there is no fence, which is ridiculous and can't be stopped)

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14 hours ago, _Broadside_ said:

7. Must I join a clan in order to survive or can someone playing solo still go the distance?

Nah, only if you get bored and lonely.

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On ‎19‎.‎04‎.‎2016 at 9:10 AM, _Broadside_ said:


I'm brand spanking new to the game. So there are a few things that I've noticed and was hoping for some anwsers, which may make me look like a total twit but I'm prepared to wear that.

1. I've been playing for about 4 hours now and I'm yet to see a single zombie. Are they ratio'ed to server population or are they gone altogether?

2. I've found a map but when I look up the map using my assigned hotkey I see nothing but a black screen. Even if it's equipped in my hands.

3. I've come across a few building where it's not level with the ground, maybe 2-3 feet high and I can see loot through the doorway but have been unable to find a way to climb/jump into the place.

4. If I'm travelling long distances between cities, does sprinting use more hydration/energy than just normal jogging? And if so, is it worth sprinting to ease travel time and just expect to find enough supplies to refuel?

5. Is there any chance of good loot spawning in areas outside of military bases and police stations, or do you just have to bite the bullet and take the chance?

I'm sure I'll have more questions as I progress but that's it for now.


Sprinting is worth it although you use more hydration/energy. You'll find enough food and fluids along the way. Because DayZ is also called  "rockets hiking simulator". And that's what you do mostly. Running. Unless you find a car and fix it. They get you much faster away. But they are also tricky to drive despite all the bugs you have to avoid. The problem is you have to try and error. So stick to sprinting first. But generally remember: this is still an alpha version. So you will eventually get killed a lot in the first time. And you're lucky starting with this build. I remember two years ago where there where much more bugs, gliches and weird stuff all along the way. But if you like to have some Intel: use the "izurvive map" f.e and read some in one of the dayz wikis.

My hints to start if you like:




1. Get water

2.Get a knive (opens cans without too much spilling, use to craft almost everything)

3. Get food

4. Get clothes

5. Get an axe (to start a fire, crushing a Z's Head)

6. Avoid Zombies i not neccessary, you can outrun them unless you are in one of the big cities with too much Z's around

7. Get a Home Server

8. Find a place to camp

9. Find some barrels and learn about the persistance of them, use it as storage

10. scavenge






Edited by mammut (DayZ)

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So what is the importance of crafting and camping? A very broad question I know, but can't I just find the stuff I'm trying to craft, and can't I just play when it's daylight hours?

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9 hours ago, _Broadside_ said:

So what is the importance of crafting and camping? A very broad question I know, but can't I just find the stuff I'm trying to craft, and can't I just play when it's daylight hours?

The simpler answer first :-) You can play also at night . I just tune the gamma so i see better. When the 0.60 build hit the servers with the new engine it should be also colored at night.

No the stuff you craft can't be found. But there are substitute items to be found like you can craft some rags out of t-shirts to patch you up and find bandages from first aid kits doing the same job. It's just you probably find the items to craft a lot more or sooner before you find the equivalent stuff. So to start crafting it until you find the substitute. Other substitutes of crafting items can't be found (yet) like a fishing rope. Just explore it.

So camping/persistence for me is the main reason why i restarted to play the game again. Because only if you have storage room you can start collecting stuff. Like you are looking for a specific rifle: you find the clip or ammo first you can store it until you got the rifle. Otherwise you will always run out of storage in your pockets. Then you have to decide what to keep because you don't know when you find the rest you're looking for.

Edited by mammut (DayZ)

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10 hours ago, _Broadside_ said:

So what is the importance of crafting and camping? A very broad question I know, but can't I just find the stuff I'm trying to craft, and can't I just play when it's daylight hours?

Have a look here for crafting info.



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