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I received a complaint about my Day - SA Server "Highest Loot Allowed by Law - PVP - [The Party Crashers]

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Today, I received a complaint about my Day - SA Server  "Highest Loot Allowed by Law - PVP - [The Party Crashers] (with gameserver.com)
I am confused about the complaint, because we have nowhere violated any of the rules listed in the PDF that you have provided. On the Dev hub/forum.

The term "Highest Loot Allowed By Law" is exactly what you "the DayZ game gives us as loot", we do not say anywhere in our name that we have  -Modified the "Server somehow has modified loot spawns, or other game data" or any other rule.

It is just our name. I am requesting someone re-look this complaint and give us our name back as we did nothing wrong, violated no rule. Gameservers already changed the name without even discussing it with us. they also threatened to suspend us for the rest of our term with no refund.
I am a person who enjoys DayZ, has put up with the problems, the updates, the empty server (between fixes), hackers, forum complaints about hackers, between fixes etc, yet I still support DayZ. I have hosted a free server for the public that does not benefit me at all. I cannot even at times get into my own server when it is full, which is most of the day. But, I do not complain, and I follow the rules. Then, I get a frivolous complaint about my server name. I am at my wits end here.  I am actually getting tired of the player base who somehow feels they are privileged to file false complaints against server owners, the same server owners that give a "free to play, server for them" and pays alot of money for the server.

You might want to have an attorney look at the name before I have one and see if it actually does violate your rule. In my opinion, DayZ has decided to appease a complainant. I can understand if we did something wrong then come after us. But do not force us to change our name, because it does not fit someones political agenda.
In conclusion,
I have decided that, if you force us to change our name and do not allow us to revert back to the old name :that is not in violation of your rules, we will be canceling our server and moving to another game. No longer supporting the Dayz Game or Development. We will no longer support an alpha that does not support it's server owners. In your yearly news you say thanks to all the "Players" who have supported the game, but have not paid any attention to the server owners that have supported the alpha release as well. Remember the server owners, pay almost 200.00 per quarter in support of an alpha release, with no benefit. Please look in this with Gameserver.com.
Joseph Hannay

DayZ supporter and Server Owner

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as a server owner myself I am appalled that gameserver.com would change the name with out contacting the owner first. if no rules were broken then we should not have to change the name of our servers just because one person complained about it. we pay a lot of money in order to provide a free server for the public to play on. as the party crasher said I too enjoy playing DayZ and being a port of the development. we put up with a lot of complaints from people playing on our servers about bugs glitches and frame rate problems. but we continue to support the development team. by telling them they have done great so far they'll fix it. we only ask for the same dedication and support back from you. in standing up for you're server owners.




server owner and long time DayZ player

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It seems almost hypocritical that one server in particular would be singled out and have it's name changed when there are so many other servers on the server list which have a similar name or their name contains "high loot" or other rule violating terms but their names remain untouched.

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as a server owner myself I am appalled that gameserver.com would change the name with out contacting the owner first. if no rules were broken then we should not have to change the name of our servers just because one person complained about it. we pay a lot of money in order to provide a free server for the public to play on. as the party crasher said I too enjoy playing DayZ and being a port of the development. we put up with a lot of complaints from people playing on our servers about bugs glitches and frame rate problems. but we continue to support the development team. by telling them they have done great so far they'll fix it. we only ask for the same dedication and support back from you. in standing up for you're server owners.




server owner and long time DayZ player

Thanks, I agree too bad no one from DayZ has responded.

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It seems almost hypocritical that one server in particular would be singled out and have it's name changed when there are so many other servers on the server list which have a similar name or their name contains "high loot" or other rule violating terms but their names remain untouched.

I agree, but really think this was someone who owns a server, who is in competition or jealous of our numbers most days we are full. If you check out we were number 1 for a 40 player server for almost a week. This name has been in effect for over a year and no one said anything.

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I got an answer from gameservers.com   its official the complaint came from Bohemia staff... So they took a complaint.... made an assumption and implication, this is too crazy and still no reply from DayZ.... or Bohemia Staff.


The game is broken and it seems to get worse

Hackers are everywhere (we get complaints in our teamspeak nightly)

The rendering is terrible (actually was great for a few weeks but got bad again after this week maintenance)

Vehicles Broken (trucks & buses are un-driveable up hills)

Zombies Broken (swing from 20 feet away and hit you)


But they have time to entertain a complaint about a server name that alleges a name violation, but is really just a funny name. Are you kidding me...


I am sure form admin will ban me for speaking my peace, but for sure if that happens I will not stop talking about this in reddit and other social media outlets.



Hello Joseph,

I am afraid that your name was reported by the Bohemia staff because it implied that there are other settings for loot. Saying it is the highest implies that it can be set lower and you have it at the maximum.
We are sorry for the inconvenience, but we do not make these rules.

Kind Regards,

"h4x [GS]"
Steve Clark


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To quote reddit:

ITT, people who think the moderators and devs cannot ID people who have never participating in this forum before attempt to threaten the developers with a petty lawsuit over an obvious attempt to lure the lowest common denominator to their server with a false title.

You might want to have an attorney look at the name before I have one and see if it actually does violate your rule. In my opinion, DayZ has decided to appease a complainant. I can understand if we did something wrong then come after us. But do not force us to change our name, because it does not fit someones political agenda.
In conclusion,
I have decided that, if you force us to change our name and do not allow us to revert back to the old name :that is not in violation of your rules, we will be canceling our server and moving to another game. No longer supporting the Dayz Game or Development. We will no longer support an alpha that does not support it's server owners. In your yearly news you say thanks to all the "Players" who have supported the game, but have not paid any attention to the server owners that have supported the alpha release as well. Remember the server owners, pay almost 200.00 per quarter in support of an alpha release, with no benefit. Please look in this with Gameserver.com.
Joseph Hannay
DayZ supporter and Server Owner


That is pretty much it. Please, pay an attorney many times your the amount you pay your server host to keep a name designed to break the rules with the most basic workaround that would lose in any court. Let us know. I think screenshots of emails would be amazing to see.


TIL, Unless you are Pepsi, good luck with the Pepsi challenge.


P.S., please post your server IP so I can report you constantly.

Edited by SausageKingofChicago
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Highest loot? you would have to script that into the PBO files, on the server. at this time without going through it i think its impossible to do.

Sounds like game servers was the only ones following up on it. The rest like vi layer dont get in trouble for it. There are so many name violations like we will kick you if you join.

It happens. I just happened to stumble across this and i do remember your server name from awhile back. its been running for a very long time, it had to be added by mistake.

Just change it to something good, and dont stress about it.

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I'm amazed that someone would actually come in here and bitch about this...

It's painfully clear that you intended on pushing the parameters of what was allowed and equally obvious as to which aspect of the server name pushed it too far. And it's exactly what you got called on by EXACTLY the same people who made the rules. 

I think it's hilarious that you blame "some jealous server owner" and it turned out to be BI staff. I think you highly overestimate the fucks given by anyone within the server hosting community. 

And to you other guys who come in here with your chests out pontificating about "all this money you spend on servers" the rules are incandescently clear and MOST of us actually follow them. 

So don't come in here crying about how unfair it is... it's perfectly fair if you don't act like you're somehow doing BI or gameservers a favour by breaking the simplest of rules to follow. 


Edited by eno
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3 hours ago, eno said:

I'm amazed that someone would actually come in here and bitch about this...

It's painfully clear that you intended on pushing the parameters of what was allowed and equally obvious as to which aspect of the server name pushed it too far. And it's exactly what you got called on by EXACTLY the same people who made the rules. 

I think it's hilarious that you blame "some jealous server owner" and it turned out to be BI staff. I think you highly overestimate the fucks given by anyone within the server hosting community. 

And to you other guys who come in here with your chests out pontificating about "all this money you spend on servers" the rules are incandescently clear and MOST of us actually follow them. 

So don't come in here crying about how unfair it is... it's perfectly fair if you don't act like you're somehow doing BI or gameservers a favour by breaking the simplest of rules to follow. 


This is gold.

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On 3/7/2016 at 4:33 PM, eno said:

I'm amazed that someone would actually come in here and bitch about this...

It's painfully clear that you intended on pushing the parameters of what was allowed and equally obvious as to which aspect of the server name pushed it too far. And it's exactly what you got called on by EXACTLY the same people who made the rules. 

I think it's hilarious that you blame "some jealous server owner" and it turned out to be BI staff. I think you highly overestimate the fucks given by anyone within the server hosting community. 

And to you other guys who come in here with your chests out pontificating about "all this money you spend on servers" the rules are incandescently clear and MOST of us actually follow them. 

So don't come in here crying about how unfair it is... it's perfectly fair if you don't act like you're somehow doing BI or gameservers a favour by breaking the simplest of rules to follow. 


Did you read the rules?

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As a potential server owner I have read the rules many times (sort of like reading the manual on a car you are contemplating buying) and while the OP might have a point "philosophically", it sounds to me like he intentionally decided to push the limits of this particular aspect of server ownership "because I can" and is now trolling the Forums in an effort to gain martyrdom.

Sort of like those people who intentionally exploit loopholes just so they can pound their chest and dare the "Man" to do something about it.

My man....I would ask that you look at it from the point of view of the Studio and think that maybe due to the relative infancy of this game, they would rather keep the server lists fairly straight forward and prevent the confusion among players who might be unfamiliar with the whole MMPOG thing. It's all about making newcomers feel welcome and when server names start to get "creative" it might be easy for those inexperienced gamers to become frustrated by what they might have originally been expecting.

When I read your server name I personally chuckled, as I know it is just a funny name...but for the sake of political correctness it actually DOES mislead potential players.

I doubt your name will be taken by anyone else in the future...so just change it for a while and go back to it when you are indeed able to modify the loot tables (Private Shard ownership does indeed have its' privileges).

Don't let this get bigger than it needs to be...and be assured we ALL appreciate that you have dedicated your time and money to contribute to the growing server community.

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17 hours ago, sneakydude said:

Did you read the rules?

Yeah actually... what would indicate to you that I hadn't? 

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There is some pretty misleading rules. Hicks even posted and locked rules not in the rule book. Its very confusing but vilayer doesn't push those rules to much now do they? yet all the rest are trying. In most cases the names are mostly vilayers servers that allow high loot, low loot, you will be kicked, all kinds of rule breaking.

We need to stamp out what is correct and what is not. Again the rule book is so vague when it comes to naming. I have seen PVE but its expressed as pvp. No kos, all kinds of different names. If i said PVE to the extent of the law is that correct or incorrect.

All it takes is for the network admins on BI to cancel them connecting to the hive, and it will be taken care of by tickets to the GSP, but instead we are forced being kicked, abused, and grieved by these bad admins.

Yeah eno, rules are vague is why i posted that message.

Edited by sneakydude

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5 hours ago, sneakydude said:

There is some pretty misleading rules. Hicks even posted and locked rules not in the rule book. Its very confusing but vilayer doesn't push those rules to much now do they? yet all the rest are trying. In most cases the names are mostly vilayers servers that allow high loot, low loot, you will be kicked, all kinds of rule breaking.

We need to stamp out what is correct and what is not. Again the rule book is so vague when it comes to naming. I have seen PVE but its expressed as pvp. No kos, all kinds of different names. If i said PVE to the extent of the law is that correct or incorrect.

All it takes is for the network admins on BI to cancel them connecting to the hive, and it will be taken care of by tickets to the GSP, but instead we are forced being kicked, abused, and grieved by these bad admins.

Yeah eno, rules are vague is why i posted that message.

Server name must not contain any terms or phrases of the themes below ▪ Player Versus Environment only ▪ Player will be kicked ▪ Server somehow has modified loot spawns, or other game data ▪ Server is private ▪ Server is “not operating properly” - Hatespeak / Defamation of any person, place, or company ▪ Impersonating official DayZ servers (Stable or Experimental) ▪ Impersonate DayZ Development / Bohemia Interactive.


Looks absolutely shit simple to me and equally simple to see what rule was infringed in this thread. You want to go ahead and nitpick at everything you can feel free... let me know when you're done.

What isn't clear, however, is why each provider seems to be held to a different standard of enforcement and why it is that some actually take action on these infractions and others are left basically just doing whatever they please as long as the money rolls in. 




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