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anybody can tell me how did he kill me?!

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Desync. When he got to the corner where you were hiding, on his screen you were still there even though on yours you had already ran behind him.


That's DayZ for you!!


When the netcode gets polished, the player character have their new controller, and the animations are in with synchronization optimized, we'll see these occurrences diminish greatly.

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I dont think that is only lag, i think it was a cheater aswell.

Edited by XibaRootS

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Yep definitely lag and desync , and definitely NOT a Cheater... The Desync is literally the worst part of this game for me , I'm constantly losing battles on Desync ridden patches because of this same thing : you have a clear sight on the guy but in all actuality he's really 15 seconds closer than you are seeing , so technically he either saw you somehow still Glitching in the hallway, or your client didn't update how fast he ran inside , making you a few seconds slow to the draw (although it didn't seem that way, if the desync wasn't present you WOULD have killed that guy).

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cherno desync. Infected do the same in that area of the map.


you where at the construction site in cherno. Horrible fps and desync issues.

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