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CGNoodlePot (DayZ)

Socks (no kidding)

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I just bought 7 pairs of these pricey compression socks which according to my research helps in alleviating pain, fatigue and other benefits. I am eager to have them tomorrow because these will be crucial to my job which I hope will help me become less tired when I get home.


I say we add something like this to the game to improve running performance, less injury, more warmth to the body and of course, for improvisation as a zombie apocalypse survival tool. Have any ideas?


There should be a variety of socks: ordinary civilian, military socks and compression socks.

Edited by CGNoodlePot

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Seems like a lot of resources to devote into something that will be literally invisible 99% of the time and have an invisible effect. I like the idea of extreme customisation but I just think that time could be better spent on improving existing or adding more impacting features.


Fun idea though!  :thumbsup:  :)

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We should also have to routinely trim our toe nails. Pretty sure big toenails would damage our socks and boots, not to mention be painful on long runs in work boots etc. Then make it like opening food. If you have nail clippers then it takes no time and is safe. But if you use a hunting knife, hatchet you risk cutting yourself lol

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Nah ill expect some foot fetish enthusiasts steal socks and make creepy sniffing noises, then again I might just be overexaggarating


Edit: in all seriousness though, it does seem like a good concept however, not needed at this moment maybe in beta, would be cool to have different type of socks to, ankle, thick winter socks, knee highs, and have different effects (knee highs give player more warmth,thick socks will make feet hurt less when not wearing shoes etc.)

Edited by jorn818

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Ive often wondered why socks are not a vital item of clothing ingame, I suppose like has been said they are invisible playwise so so why bother...but walking around in wet socks is a fucking nightmare irl.

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Im with the socks idea. Not because my feet hurt a lot or I fatigue too easily but because I put some leather shoes on with TTsKO pants once... if that doesnt screem 'WE NEED SOCKS!' I just dont know what does...

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Ive often wondered why socks are not a vital item of clothing ingame, I suppose like has been said they are invisible playwise so so why bother...but walking around in wet socks is a fucking nightmare irl.


Not mention I would imagine that with the foot damage system in DayZ currently, wearing shoes without socks would be really uncomfortable, if anyone has worn a wellie boot or a steel toe cap work boot without socks will testify they get uncomfortable quite quick.


Plus it could lend itself to a layer mechanic perhaps, adding addition layers of clothing for warmth

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Any clothing item that's underneath another wouldn't need to be physically displayed on the character. Layering items and wearing socks for added comfort (clothing attributes) would be awesome, but if implemented there should be a drawback to layering things...maybe remove the carry capacity of any undergarment?

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I don't believe this will be a good fit. We are already at top resources, more items like this will be as useless as the hammer, eye glasses, hats, paramed cloths, and half of the rest of the items.

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With the devs adding tool requirements for vehicular repairs the hammer will probally gain a major use when building comes around.

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Pretty sure when base building is implemented the hammer will be one of the most crucial tools in the game...

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