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Grumpy Cat

Wheelbarrows, just sayin`

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Many new players/forum members often feel inspired by DayZ.


While I encourage your contributions, I would also appreciate if you got up to speed with whats been suggested and discussed here in the last 3 and a half years.


Try using the search function before adding new topics and read ALL of the status reports.




^From 9 days ago.

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Many new players/forum members often feel inspired by DayZ.


While I encourage your contributions, I would also appreciate if you got up to speed with whats been suggested and discussed here in the last 3 and a half years.


Try using the search function before adding new topics and read ALL of the status reports.




^From 9 days ago.


 A dolly is not a wheelbarrow, just sayin`.

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Or how about a shopping cart! Found near the grocery stores and shops.







Just sayin`.

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Shopping carts were also mentioned in that thread.


Just sayin'.

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Long story short, yes, everybody wants this. :P


Not sure how possible it is with the engine, though I imagine they could use the vehicle mechanics and tweak them a bit for this sort of thing (animation of you walking behind it, pushing it, then using the different physics and controls etc while actually 'in' the 'vehicle', if that makes sense). But yeah, a wheelbarrow, dolly and a shopping cart both would be awesome additions and have all been suggested a few times already. I'm pretty sure that people have used that exact picture from The Road before as an example of how cool a shopping cart would be.

Edited by lsaaq

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I think FIRST they're waiting for weapon resting mechanics. That way the wheelbarrow can form a STABLE firing platform for your canned .22.

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Have fun pushing shopping carts on anything other than asphalt.

Just sayin'.

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Search Results
Your search for the term wheelbarrow returned 23 results.


Limited to Suggestions, both Mod & SA

Title & content.

Title only (here you are lucky) 1




Just saying Use the Search Function.



Hand carts.



I won't even mention the obvious...

You'll get the hang of it.



Also please note that suggestions go in the Suggestion Sub-Forum.

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