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Anyone ever 'played zombie'?

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Wearing the right outfit and ambling around like a moron, might just get away with it. 

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I thought about trying to do that, but there are several reasons it won't work, at least for now:

1. From medium to close range, it's pretty easy to see the decayed faces and skin of zombies.

2. Player animation is much much smoother and faster than zombies. You can tell a zombie from a human just by how they move, even at long ranges.

[The only way you miiight be able to get away with it, is if you stand completely  still when someone is looking at you from far away without a scope. I've noticed it can be kind of hard to distinguish players from zombies at extreme range, until they move.]

3. No matter how good of a voice actor you are, if you tried to zombie growl on the mic, the difference between in game sounds and a player's VOIP is obvious. 

Edited by Deadjuice
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It seems wrong for me to leave it at that.
This is an interesting idea, and I've always wanted to try it out. But considering the above, I never bothered. 

But, I can see in future versions; where zombie animation is smoothed out, and players might have factors like scared/dirty/bruised faces, and if a limp animation for hurt legs is ever implanted.
Get yourself a torn up shirt, wobble around and slowly as possible, and only groan when player are too far to pick up the actual quality of the mic. 

And like in Shaun of the Dead, or Dying Light, if there was some method to fool zombies into thinking you where one of them. ect., an interaction option with animal/human/zombie guts to rub yourself in them and fool them at medium range. and maybe it can give you a temporary zombie-ish overlay skin.  


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There was a video on here of someone who either ran across someone trying to act like a zombie, or a Youtuber trolling by trying to act like a zombie.  Pretty sure the result was "Friendly, friendly...Dude...what the fuck are you doing?"  "RawrarwraharahImahzombie!Rarwrarwerar." "Seriously dude? *AK Burst*"

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I've tried. Got laughed at by some fresh spawn. He wasn't laughing though when I chased him down and shanked him with the knife hidden in my jeans though.

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He wasn't laughing though when I chased him down and shanked him with the knife hidden in my jeans though.


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Wearing the right outfit and ambling around like a moron, might just get away with it.

You just might fool fellow DayZers who are blind.

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You just might fool fellow DayZers who are blind.


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I have to admit I have contemplated the value of a feature that would allow you to hit the "Alt-z" key or something and have it mimic zombie movements as you move from place to place. Dressed up in whatever gear you needed to in order to make it look sufficiently zombie-ish. 


But I kept hitting a wall when I wondered "what would the value be?" Anyone I'd literally need to be afraid of would just kill me anyway whether they thought I was a zombie, a player, or Caitlyn Jenner and anyone who would sneak around me trying to avoid detection would have probably been a friendly encounter anyway. 

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I have to admit I have contemplated the value of a feature that would allow you to hit the "Alt-z" key or something and have it mimic zombie movements as you move from place to place. Dressed up in whatever gear you needed to in order to make it look sufficiently zombie-ish. 


But I kept hitting a wall when I wondered "what would the value be?" Anyone I'd literally need to be afraid of would just kill me anyway whether they thought I was a zombie, a player, or Caitlyn Jenner and anyone who would sneak around me trying to avoid detection would have probably been a friendly encounter anyway. 

I don't normally bother killing zombies unless I happen to have a slienced handgun with plentiful ammo. Don't wanna get close enough for them to get a single hit on me and don't want to make loud loud bang bangs with a big gun.

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How about another player? Would you KOS him? Avoid him if possible? Try to talk to him?

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How about another player? Would you KOS him? Avoid him if possible? Try to talk to him?

Well, it depends on the circumstances, though KOS would be a last resort. I've been KOS'd enough times now that I'm pretty twitchy. I can still only think of one time that I've fired the first shot though. Trouble is, at the moment on stable, it's hard to go hungry and really easy to get guns and ammo so people don't have the same drive to play any other way than pvp. A couple of months ago I was giving people apples and stuff. 

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Playing zombie...hmm not very interesting. Playing dead, now that's a whole different story.

I remember watching an ArmA 3 video, wasteland or something, where the player was able to play dead, killing whoever came close. I see much potential in that :D

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Well, it depends on the circumstances, though KOS would be a last resort. I've been KOS'd enough times now that I'm pretty twitchy. I can still only think of one time that I've fired the first shot though. Trouble is, at the moment on stable, it's hard to go hungry and really easy to get guns and ammo so people don't have the same drive to play any other way than pvp. A couple of months ago I was giving people apples and stuff. 


Kind of proving my point- ie: You wouldn't shoot me if I were a zombie but you wouldn't shoot me if I were a player either... making the imitation less useful / practical / necessary. 

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Kind of proving my point- ie: You wouldn't shoot me if I were a zombie but you wouldn't shoot me if I were a player either... making the imitation less useful / practical / necessary. 

Yeah, I see what you mean. But I'm not the only nutter with a gun out there!

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I have to admit I have contemplated the value of a feature that would allow you to hit the "Alt-z" key or something and have it mimic zombie movements as you move from place to place. Dressed up in whatever gear you needed to in order to make it look sufficiently zombie-ish. 


But I kept hitting a wall when I wondered "what would the value be?" Anyone I'd literally need to be afraid of would just kill me anyway whether they thought I was a zombie, a player, or Caitlyn Jenner and anyone who would sneak around me trying to avoid detection would have probably been a friendly encounter anyway. 



I don't normally bother killing zombies unless I happen to have a slienced handgun with plentiful ammo. Don't wanna get close enough for them to get a single hit on me and don't want to make loud loud bang bangs with a big gun.

From my one experience playing with a group/clan on teamspeak, and playing with my older brother [we have fun looting and getting fully geared, and then go look for fun/trouble/interaction], there is a lot of times where zombies are avoided by players. Mostly high geared players, which is a good thing. [make note]

e.g. If a zombie is in the path or way of a valuable location or goal, most people will take out the zombies before moving on. 

There is a context where zombies are ignored. Say, they are in the open in a courtyard no one wants to cross in the first place, or out in an open field offside a town or any hotspots. Geared and general players alike, not looking for trouble, or willing to compromise themselves, will avoid unnecessary zombie attention. 

(e.g. You're in Cherno, looting an apartment building. You suddenly see a group of geareds moving onto your position. You run out the back door, into the empty field/court behind the apartments, and go into zombie mode.)

it's not reliable, but faking as a zombie shouldn't be anyway.



Playing zombie...hmm not very interesting. Playing dead, now that's a whole different story.

I remember watching an ArmA 3 video, wasteland or something, where the player was able to play dead, killing whoever came close. I see much potential in that :D


It's possible in Standalone, or at least in previous versions, and can lead to interesting results/level of reliability

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Wearing the right outfit and ambling around like a moron, might just get away with it. 

Actually did that when I didn't feel like playing "for real". Just wandered around and when I saw a player I'd start running towards them, while screaming "FLEEEESH" and trying to kill them with fists or any other melee weapon.

Edited by IgnobleBasterd

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Actually did that when I didn't feel like playing "for real". Just wandered around and when I saw a player I'd start running towards them, while screaming "FLEEEESH" and trying to kill them with fists or any other melee weapon.


too bad i never ran into you, i would break you legs and lead you to the real zombies xD or the zombies to you

Edited by Zombo

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I would so love it if there was a game-mode or a mod when the game is finally out that actually made you turn into a zombie over time if bitten, then forced to play as such until someone axes you. Didn't the have something like that in Left for dead multiplayer?

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I did back in the mod. There was a server where some admins had the ability to give donators soldier skins, and if you killed them you could loot them and wear them yourself. So I donned the zombie head and killed one of them, immediately putting the skin on and dropping all my guns.


I then proceeded to crawl around Elektrozavodsk growling and moaning like a zombie. Some people actually thought I was a new type of zombie that couldn't attack, and they kept me alive and made me follow them.

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You can use a custom action to idle/walk/run like a zombie in breaking point for arma 3, but its pretty obvious if you have weapons on your back that you are a player... Still, was interesting to join the konga line and chase a guy, and it seems to help with zombie detection...


You can play as a zombie too if you get two factions to rank 3.

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I would so love it if there was a game-mode or a mod when the game is finally out that actually made you turn into a zombie over time if bitten...

I might be imagining it, but I swear I remember early on that the devs said that when you get hurt by zombies and get an infection, that if you succumbed to the infection, that you'd have a chance of turning into a zombie.

I doubt they'd actually allow you control of your character after that, they'd most likely replace your guy with a generic zombie after you respawned.

That was probably just a concept. At worst, you should be able to count on it for a mod.

[That's a great thing to look forward to in an alpha: eventual potential mods... Sorry]

I didn't play Left for Dead, besides on the console. And I only played the actual Human VS Zombie multiplayer a few times. So maybe that was a thing in the PC version with mods or something.

But I remember in Resident Evil: Outbreak, if your character died, they'd come back as a zombie at some point and confront the surviving players in the server.

And that was a PS2 game, so the idea is not out of the question.

Imagine when zombies are an actual threat, and your geared friend dies at the hands of zombies. And you can't get his gear off him and have to retreat. 

And then you return a bit later, and you see a zombie version of your friend stumbling around, all the good sweet gear still on him. "If I can just kill my zombie-friend and take his stuff... Jesus, what's wrong with me?" 

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