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Day Z Urban Legends

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Half of the odd things in here are caused by hackers, but nonetheless a good read.

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There is, of course the legend of The Mountain.

That is not just an urban legend, though...

I've already said too much...

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Me and my brother are going to Green Mountain in a couple minutes. It's midnight here and we don't have NVG's......

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You'll need more than beans, but have mine anyway....

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Well... That didn't work out. We had quit earlier today at the base of Green Mountain... When we just logged on I was at Komarova and he was at Krutoy Cap...... So yeah no Green Mountain tonight. Maybe it was the evil tower...... :o You want your beans back? Haha!

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Is Mountain Dew really cursed? I heard that it is and the only way to rid yourself of it is to go back to That Mountain

Also, answer quick. The cursed soft drink in my Alice Pack is emitting a strange growling noise D:

Edited by Rock

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I do not have an urban legend to tell like many in this thread, but man, sometimes when I'm in a town or city, I hear a chain-link fence rattle but no one is around. I assume it's just part of the sounds of Day Z since I hear it at least once every time I go through a town/city.

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Let us not forget that cursed mountain, the one of which we do not utter its name for fear of it hearing and waking.

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Well... That didn't work out. We had quit earlier today at the base of Green Mountain... When we just logged on I was at Komarova and he was at Krutoy Cap...... So yeah no Green Mountain tonight. Maybe it was the evil tower...... :o You want your beans back? Haha!

I'll get them back of your corpse if you ever dare to venture there. Until then, enjoy beanz Sir.

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i have found one and only one mountain dew drink... has any1 else found some?

The server spirits have blessed only the luckiest with the coveted Mountain Dew. Once obtained you technically won the game.

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Hey guys. Today I was running extremely far north somewhere near the debug or whatever, just on the edge. The only people that were online on that server were me and a friend, and maybe 4 people all in cherno as he was hunting them. As I ran through the woods, which it was daytime, i was running out of hydration and hunger....suddenly i "tripped" and broke my legs, I looked around everywhere. Not a single bear trap. I started crawiling again, and suddenly the noise of a screaming zombie sounded into my headphones, i turn around and a horde of zombies were right on top of me, all speaking english screaming "Die!" in a nazi- zombie style voice. Very freaking creepy. When I finally died, just before my screen switched over, they all went "we're done" and walked away. I just kinda derp'd and left the game. Eff that lol.

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Liar, no man can take Green Mountain. You merely believe you can when you are away from that place.

Can you or someone else explain why nobody goes there? I go there all the time, lousy loot but i like to climb it and get a good view lol. Please, i want to know so i can get my friends to shit themselves haha

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Well, once upon a time I had to respawn cause of me being dead, spawned somewhere near Kamenka and was making ma way to Cherno for some good starter lootz.

There I was crawling near some Zed, when suddenly I hear that *shuffleshuffle* crawling noise behind be, so I stopped instantly, turned around and BAM there was a Guy right behind me, unarmed. He scared the shit out of me but as the last of the Friendleecans, I starter talking via VoIP

"Yo dude, you f*cking scared me"

"Wanna tag along?"

-No response-

I continued crawling with him right in my Ass, still talking to him, still no response.

Once I got past the Zeds I hovered my Crosshair ( ye regular server ) over him and the tag said "Man".

Right at this moment I shat ma Pants cause the only "Man" tags are usually Zeds on my map.

I started running like the Devil himself was chasing me, looking behind me ever few seconds, No sign of him.

"Phew, the fuck was dat"

When suddenly that "Man" was right behind me again.

I scare-quitted the Game in an instant.

Haven't done any research yet but geeeez pretty Legen...wait for it...dary.

These are actually "NPC" survivors, they're just AI that randomly run around. I'm not sure why they're there, but they've been seen driving people's cars and getting out and immediately dying when getting out. Weird shit though, i'd be scared for my life begging for a sniper to take me out of my misery.

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“It is absolutely necessary, for the peace and safety of mankind, that some of earth's dark, dead corners and unplumbed depths be left alone; lest sleeping abnormalities wake to resurgent life, and blasphemously surviving nightmares squirm and splash out of their black lairs to newer and wider conquests.”

H.P. Lovecraft

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Butcher Petes all around.

Heard this one guy duped a single satchel into fourty, then blew up the entirety of Cherno once. After baiting the entire server in there talking about vehicles fulla guns and NVGs and such.

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Me and a friend are planning on going to Green mountain, at night time, with just a flashlight, on an empty server.

Wish us luck :D

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Please pin this topic.

It is the best topic.

Better than playing Dayz actually.

Please Pin It.

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NEVER GO TO GREEN MOUNTAIN! Me and my friend just went there earlier this morning and some very strange things happened... First of all I have played Arma II a lot in the past so I know the map fairly well and have been to green mountain before in the original game, but for some reason it took almost an hour of searching the area to find it i was less than a few miles away and we just couldnt find it. Then once we got there after navigating the graphical glitches 30 or so zombies appear out of nowhere attacking us. I managed to barely survive and grabbed a few things from my buddy and ran to the woods... then I realized I missed the food and went back for it. I got to the exact spot where his body was I could even see the two zombies that were above him but his body was nowhere to be found. For the next 3 hours I wandered searching for food or animals to eat. I walked right through maybe 4 or 5 towns and the NW airfield alone and never found any food or any zombies or players or anything but empty buildings. It got to the point that I finally quit that server and went to another one then I was finally able to find a few zombies to kill myself with. Beware green mountain the curse is true!

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Ok, I know this is going to sound silly but I'm stuck at green mountain. I got curious about the place after reading about it and decided to go have a look, see if I saw anything creepy. Now, I'm still a bit of a noob so I'm not fully aware of all the controls, is there some kind of way to open the gates at GM? They got closed while I was checking out the tower and now I can't seem to get them open again


Can anyone help out?

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Is there no other way to get out of the outpost? I think I saw someone run past in the woods. I was tempted to call out to him but I just got decent gear and don't want to get killd by a bandit. I tried switching server but it doesnt seem to make any difference; the gate is always closed and I can't get it to open up. Is this a known bug? Any suggestions?

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