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Day Z Urban Legends

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Well, it would have to be at night of course (3am - the Witching Hour), a full/part moon, preferably, and lots of willing participants.

That'd be VERY awesome, but sadly I fear a group of bandits would get wind of it and think "wow, free kills" :P

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Well, it would have to be at night of course (3am - the Witching Hour), a full/part moon, preferably, and lots of willing participants.

Would be great. Only problem are the different time zones. What time is it in your country?

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Wow am I glad I found this thread today. What fortune! I'm sitting here bored at work and thinking about last nights DayZ episode and found this thread. I got a doozy true story. Scared the bejesus outta me.

It was dusk and I was hiding on a ridge line over some little town. Not one of the common areas and I'd have to look at the map to give you the name. The town was so small I was scoping it out and deciding to just go around as I was already kitted out with what I like and there was no need to go down. I put my bino's away and came up to a crouch deciding which way to travel. That's when I heard it....

"Sounds like jingley bells..." I thought. I'm watch the town where I can hear this and sure enough up the one main road in this no where town comes a large white van. "WTF... is that what I think it is?" I say out loud as I quickly fummble for my bino's again in the fading light. I get the eye pieces up and train the view on the white van. There's some russian writting on the side and the picture of a large ice cream cone. "Holy shit!," I think. "Someone has fixed up an ice cream truck!!" I'm completely disarmed by this and laughing to myself as I decide I just have to go down and investigate this further. Why not, eh? Seems legit right? lol The guy wasn't even aggroing the 4 zombies out in the fields around this one horse town.

So I pick my way down carefully, aided by the growing dusk I get bolder as I come closer to the truck. I angle myself towards the road leading out of town that the slow moving van will drive by on. I position myself in the grass by the road and wait as this truck comes rummbling up, one head light working. It's going so slow and I flip my AK to automatic as I proceed to step out into the openess of the bare road. I'm not going to shoot the guy, I just thought I had to meet the Ice Cream Man.

I'm releived that he doesn't hit the gas and drive at me so I think "This is going well so far.... maybe I can get a lift." The truck pulls up next to me and its fairly dark out now. The white van and open field we are in is eeriely lit by the stars and a half moon. I talk over Direct Channel. "Was up bro! Sweet ride, can I get a lift to the next town?" I say laughing out loud.

The response had a pucker factor that would put ya through the roof. "Aauurrg... sure. Get in...." this raspy voice eminates from the drivers window. I'm so disarmed by the merry sight of a big white ice cream truck and its merry music that I'm to stupid to be scared. "Hahha nice one bro. Trying to be scarey and shit." I say over Direct as I screw up my courage and step into the light so i can get into the vehicle.

I'm putting my reticle on the door so I can enter the van when the head turns to look at me slowly. An icey gripe of fear begins to turn my intestines liquid. The head rotates and I'm staring into the grisly pale and bloodied face of an Infected! "Need a ride?" he rasps....

I was frozen for many seconds. It was a long time really to be starring at the Ice Cream Man face to face. I freaked and bolted as fast as I could. I just sprinted across the field and right through those 4 wandering zombies. No problem, I loose them in the forest easy enough but my heart rate will not slow down. I'm hyperventilating. I want my Mom. I come back to the ridge line over looking the town thinking "WTF just happened? how am I alive? Has he marked me?" I'm just in time to see the Ice Cream Man slowly make his way down the road and out of town. Where he was going I have no idea. All he left behind of his extistence was a cheery melody of childrens bells fading into the night.

I shit my pants and disco'd right away. Never going back there. Never! If you're out and about in the night and come across little no name towns I'd stop and listen for the Ice Cream Man if I was you. Then I'd run the other way.....

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Sitting around a campfire in the most scary place on the map at night telling ghost stories reminds me of "Are you afraid of the dark?" nostalgia and good reads win/win.

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Wow am I glad I found this thread today. What fortune! I'm sitting here bored at work and thinking about last nights DayZ episode and found this thread. I got a doozy true story. Scared the bejesus outta me.

It was dusk and I was hiding on a ridge line over some little town. Not one of the common areas and I'd have to look at the map to give you the name. The town was so small I was scoping it out and deciding to just go around as I was already kitted out with what I like and there was no need to go down. I put my bino's away and came up to a crouch deciding which way to travel. That's when I heard it....

"Sounds like jingley bells..." I thought. I'm watch the town where I can hear this and sure enough up the one main road in this no where town comes a large white van. "WTF... is that what I think it is?" I say out loud as I quickly fummble for my bino's again in the fading light. I get the eye pieces up and train the view on the white van. There's some russian writting on the side and the picture of a large ice cream cone. "Holy shit!," I think. "Someone has fixed up an ice cream truck!!" I'm completely disarmed by this and laughing to myself as I decide I just have to go down and investigate this further. Why not, eh? Seems legit right? lol The guy wasn't even aggroing the 4 zombies out in the fields around this one horse town.

So I pick my way down carefully, aided by the growing dusk I get bolder as I come closer to the truck. I angle myself towards the road leading out of town that the slow moving van will drive by on. I position myself in the grass by the road and wait as this truck comes rummbling up, one head light working. It's going so slow and I flip my AK to automatic as I proceed to step out into the openess of the bare road. I'm not going to shoot the guy, I just thought I had to meet the Ice Cream Man.

I'm releived that he doesn't hit the gas and drive at me so I think "This is going well so far.... maybe I can get a lift." The truck pulls up next to me and its fairly dark out now. The white van and open field we are in is eeriely lit by the stars and a half moon. I talk over Direct Channel. "Was up bro! Sweet ride, can I get a lift to the next town?" I say laughing out loud.

The response had a pucker factor that would put ya through the roof. "Aauurrg... sure. Get in...." this raspy voice eminates from the drivers window. I'm so disarmed by the merry sight of a big white ice cream truck and its merry music that I'm to stupid to be scared. "Hahha nice one bro. Trying to be scarey and shit." I say over Direct as I screw up my courage and step into the light so i can get into the vehicle.

I'm putting my reticle on the door so I can enter the van when the head turns to look at me slowly. An icey gripe of fear begins to turn my intestines liquid. The head rotates and I'm staring into the grisly pale and bloodied face of an Infected! "Need a ride?" he rasps....

I was frozen for many seconds. It was a long time really to be starring at the Ice Cream Man face to face. I freaked and bolted as fast as I could. I just sprinted across the field and right through those 4 wandering zombies. No problem, I loose them in the forest easy enough but my heart rate will not slow down. I'm hyperventilating. I want my Mom. I come back to the ridge line over looking the town thinking "WTF just happened? how am I alive? Has he marked me?" I'm just in time to see the Ice Cream Man slowly make his way down the road and out of town. Where he was going I have no idea. All he left behind of his extistence was a cheery melody of childrens bells fading into the night.

I shit my pants and disco'd right away. Never going back there. Never! If you're out and about in the night and come across little no name towns I'd stop and listen for the Ice Cream Man if I was you. Then I'd run the other way.....

Oh man, the Ice Cream Man - he's right up there with Freddy and Jason now.

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Yesterday I sat with some friends around a campfire. The atmosphere is great.

But we had a "bug" or something else. We sat around the fire and we all heard a noise as if somebody lays down all the time.

Here's a screenshot


Edited by Skoomer

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Would be great. Only problem are the different time zones. What time is it in your country?

I'm in Oz but at the moment i like to play on nighttime US servers anyway - i am a glutton for punishment. I say pass the word - meet up at 3am at Green Mountain - see who shows up.

As for bandits - ha, they would be too scared.

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I'm in Oz but at the moment i like to play on nighttime US servers anyway - i am a glutton for punishment. I say pass the word - meet up at 3am at Green Mountain - see who shows up.

As for bandits - ha, they would be too scared.

You mean this night at 3am? "Forum time"? And which server?

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Well, luckily (or unluckily) most of the US Eastern Servers i try are around 2am-4am when i log on and play after work and dinner. I usually play an Atlanta server so when i next try tonight i will head to Green Mountain. I'll post details.

And if any bandits do want to come along can you at least give me a little time to explore before you snipe me? ;)

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I was playing today, climbed up a deerstand to loot it (think it was empty) when all of the sudden I swear I hear a whispered, drawn out "friendly......"(definitely not the way someone would say it if they saw someone and were trying to announce their presence). I immediately scanned around the area, saw nothing, and promptly bugged the hell out of there as my AKM had no ammo. It definitely had me unsettled.

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Well, luckily (or unluckily) most of the US Eastern Servers i try are around 2am-4am when i log on and play after work and dinner. I usually play an Atlanta server so when i next try tonight i will head to Green Mountain. I'll post details.

And if any bandits do want to come along can you at least give me a little time to explore before you snipe me? ;)

Im at the south edge of green Mountain near by the Deerstand now. Do you found a good server?

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Love this story!

It would also make a great game mechanism by which to freak out bandits as well! You can imagine it now, the more murders you commit, the greater the chance that you get visited by weird apparitions like this one! Actions and consequences.

Wo. Ain't having a conscience a bitch!

You know I have always hated the bandit consequence whiners but I think I would be okay with this.

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not necessarily urban legends, but definitely wierd experiences. i had just spawned and was heading towards elektro from the east when i saw some guy sprinting erratically around in the hillside. zig zagging and running wild all over the place. it looked like he was unarmed as well so i ran up to him calling out friendly, he kept running mad. i turned on my flashlight and started to follow his crazy running pattern and all of a sudden he stopped, turned and looked at me for a second, then bolted off in a new direction. i kept trying to follow but i lost him behind a bush. seemingly vanished into thin air. i saw confused as to wtf just happened as i turned around to continue on to elektro, i saw a blue chemlight right behind me that wasn't there before. i looked around, close and in the distance, and saw no one around. the wild running guy still nowhere to be seen.

not sure if this is creepy because it might be common (not that i know of), but i just spawned again and i saw a survivor with and axe run right across the front of me. i said in vchat "hey buddy." he replied "oh damn, you scared the shit out of me." we laughed it off and started to kinda run along together. "you getting any lag?" he asked as we were running into a small town. "no, i'm fine right now." i said. we split up as we got into the city, not hearing from him again. after i finished looting what i could, i was running out of town with about 4 zombies after me when i saw my axe-wielding friend from earlier also leaving town. "hey it's you again." i said as we got closer. no reply. i kept running forward and he ran diagonally right into my aggro'ed zombies and they all attacked him. i felt bad that he got attacked, but he was the one who ran right into em. oh well. then the creepy part, all of a sudden i hear a man screaming bloody murder as i look back and see the zombies attacking/eating him. i've never heard that before when someone dies so i called out, " was that you man?" no response. more screams. i kept running and didn't look back.

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Im at the south edge of green Mountain near by the Deerstand now. Do you found a good server?

Unfortunately am at work so no play until later on (in about 8 hours unfortunately - thats what you get for living at the bottom of the world - or at the top from my viewpoint)

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Unfortunately am at work so no play until later on (in about 8 hours unfortunately - thats what you get for living at the bottom of the world - or at the top from my viewpoint)

In 8 hours its 11 a.m. where I life :D Would it be still okay for you if we meet in 12 hours or is this too late for you?

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In 8 hours its 11 a.m. where I life :D Would it be still okay for you if we meet in 12 hours or is this too late for you?

if i am still alive i will be heading out that way :thumbsup:

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if i am still alive i will be heading out that way :thumbsup:

Okay just write me a PM or post something in this thread if you're ready to go

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Okay just write me a PM or post something in this thread if you're ready to go


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Gather round, my kiddies! Boys and girls, children all about! Apostrophe next to the campfire, grab a can of beans and let me tell you of the most coveted treasure that the land of Chernarus has to offer! They say many a man have seen it, but not a single has laid his hands upon it! Wars had been fought for it, and many a million zeds slaughtered to even have it in your presence! Let me tell you the tale...

Of the Dew.

(And dangling from a tree nearby was a bloody hook.)


In all seriousness, I do have a very true, very mysterious story that I'll never forget.

Back in 1.7.1, I was just coming into DayZ. I was slowly evolving into the cold bandit I am today, but for what it was worth, I had enough kindness to help someone in need. I made acquaintance with a boy greener than spring grass who was trapped down at the Electro docks. After weighing on my good side that day, I made my way down from the dam, to the docks, to find that the greenhand was rescued by a Winchester-wielding man. The greenhand was thankful, but as a fresh spawner, he was with only a flashlight and no defenses at all. (Mind you, this was before the melee was implemented.) So deciding that a pair of gunners was better than just a shotgun alone, I grouped up with the duo.

Now, here's where the story goes astray. As the three of us made our way through the streets of Electro, looking for supplies to heal up the fairly-banged-up greenhand, we'd often become separated. As we turned corners, or walked through a doorway, our mute friend with the Winchester would seemingly disappear into thin air, only to reappear moments later in a completely different location. Knowing Electro fairly well, I chocked this up as his way of scouting, maybe taking a long way around a route to make sure that there weren't any hostiles trained on us. But as this phenomenon continued, I became very suspicious. Brushing it off as my ever-growing paranoia in DayZ, I thought nothing of it.

However, as we hit the western border of the Electro docks (having circled back out to the edge, so as to have a fairly-open view) a few shots fired off in our direction. Ordering the green to book it out of the city and into a nearby patch of trees, I felt bad that we might lose our mysterious second gunner. Looking over my shoulder as we ran, I saw no hide nor hair of the fellow. I had to admit, I was a tad bit saddened, but splitting up might've been the best idea. Taking nestle in the trees, myself and the green checked our bearing, prepared to make for Cherno for the supplies we hadn't been able to find. However, as I turned to look out toward the road to Cherno, I saw something peculiar...

Here he came, our Winchester wielding bravado. Nearly 100 meters off track, and with no hinting of our location at all, he had found us. I was honestly struck with awe. Being a fan of the Fallout series of games, there was only one thing that came to mind when he came strolling up to us.

This mas was the Mysterious Stranger.

And so, we continued. North to Prigorodky. West to Vysota. All this time, traveling through fields. Nothing to block or view, nothing to obscure or vision of this Mysterious Stranger besides lone sparsing of bushes. And yet, every five minutes I glanced over my shoulder, he'd disappear behind one bush, and reappear five minutes later behind another. But the kicker is yet to come.

As we headed south, into the hills above the hospital, I gave one final glance to this Mysterious Stranger. He stood up, gave me a salute, and with that, promptly disappeared. Now, I suppose you could justify that last disappearance as a disconnect. But I have no clue, no justifiable idea, how he could track us all the way along that coastline, and continue to keep pace with us if he kept D/Cing and R/Cing, without us uttering a single message outside of direct chat.

So if you're ever on the coast, in need of help, and you run into a man with a Winchester strapped to his back, take a second. He's a fuckin' guardian angel, that one is.

You don't have to believe me, but that doesn't make it not true.

Gather round, my kiddies! Boys and girls, children all about! Apostrophe next to the campfire, grab a can of beans and let me tell you of the most coveted treasure that the land of Chernarus has to offer! They say many a man have seen it, but not a single has laid his hands upon it! Wars had been fought for it, and many a million zeds slaughtered to even have it in your presence! Let me tell you the tale...

Of the Dew.

(And dangling from a tree nearby was a bloody hook.)


In all seriousness, I do have a very true, very mysterious story that I'll never forget.

Back in 1.7.1, I was just coming into DayZ. I was slowly evolving into the cold bandit I am today, but for what it was worth, I had enough kindness to help someone in need. I made acquaintance with a boy greener than spring grass who was trapped down at the Electro docks. After weighing on my good side that day, I made my way down from the dam, to the docks, to find that the greenhand was rescued by a Winchester-wielding man. The greenhand was thankful, but as a fresh spawner, he was with only a flashlight and no defenses at all. (Mind you, this was before the melee was implemented.) So deciding that a pair of gunners was better than just a shotgun alone, I grouped up with the duo.

Now, here's where the story goes astray. As the three of us made our way through the streets of Electro, looking for supplies to heal up the fairly-banged-up greenhand, we'd often become separated. As we turned corners, or walked through a doorway, our mute friend with the Winchester would seemingly disappear into thin air, only to reappear moments later in a completely different location. Knowing Electro fairly well, I chocked this up as his way of scouting, maybe taking a long way around a route to make sure that there weren't any hostiles trained on us. But as this phenomenon continued, I became very suspicious. Brushing it off as my ever-growing paranoia in DayZ, I thought nothing of it.

However, as we hit the western border of the Electro docks (having circled back out to the edge, so as to have a fairly-open view) a few shots fired off in our direction. Ordering the green to book it out of the city and into a nearby patch of trees, I felt bad that we might lose our mysterious second gunner. Looking over my shoulder as we ran, I saw no hide nor hair of the fellow. I had to admit, I was a tad bit saddened, but splitting up might've been the best idea. Taking nestle in the trees, myself and the green checked our bearing, prepared to make for Cherno for the supplies we hadn't been able to find. However, as I turned to look out toward the road to Cherno, I saw something peculiar...

Here he came, our Winchester wielding bravado. Nearly 100 meters off track, and with no hinting of our location at all, he had found us. I was honestly struck with awe. Being a fan of the Fallout series of games, there was only one thing that came to mind when he came strolling up to us.

This mas was the Mysterious Stranger.

And so, we continued. North to Prigorodky. West to Vysota. All this time, traveling through fields. Nothing to block or view, nothing to obscure or vision of this Mysterious Stranger besides lone sparsing of bushes. And yet, every five minutes I glanced over my shoulder, he'd disappear behind one bush, and reappear five minutes later behind another. But the kicker is yet to come.

As we headed south, into the hills above the hospital, I gave one final glance to this Mysterious Stranger. He stood up, gave me a salute, and with that, promptly disappeared. Now, I suppose you could justify that last disappearance as a disconnect. But I have no clue, no justifiable idea, how he could track us all the way along that coastline, and continue to keep pace with us if he kept D/Cing and R/Cing, without us uttering a single message outside of direct chat.

So if you're ever on the coast, in need of help, and you run into a man with a Winchester strapped to his back, take a second. He's a fuckin' guardian angel, that one is.

You don't have to believe me, but that doesn't make it not true.

That wasn't even about the cursed Dew :(

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The other day I was playing with a few friends. We spent a couple hours finding another noob friend and getting him some basic loot. We made our way to the southern grocery store in Berezino when across the screen comes, "Here comes the candyman. M4's for everyone!" We were all a little confused, until my buddy checked his inventory. We all had suppressed M4's with 5 mags each. We had to drop our weapons and pick them back up to get the M4. We were all a little stunned, to say the least. Trying to decide what to do. It's great to have, but everyone else has one too. So we just carried on as usual... for a minute or two. About 3 minutes later the server restarted. Our noob friend was back on the coast with no loot, and my other friend and I were in the same location we were on when we logged on that afternoon, without the loot we had found over the past few hours, but it was now dark. Obviously it was the server admin having a little fun with his clients.

Edited by slonlo

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That wasn't even about the cursed Dew :(

Well, unfortunately... there never was any Dew.

But who was soda?

Edited by KWilt
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I hate to ask, but does anyone know why one of the castles is called.......Devil's Castle?

Any stories from that neck of the woods?

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Oh god, why am I reading this!? I am supposed to go to bed now!!! :unsure:

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