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Banned on steam discussion because of a review

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Dear Dayz players/developers.

I've got banned from the steam community discussion for dayz for no responsable reason.
I quote steam:
"You have been banned from the steam community discussion for Dayz by a game developer
 Expire date: 01-August-2015
 Reason: %Text%
First of all I wonder why you guys don't have the time to write a text in the reason line since working on the game is not your favourite occupation, so I wonder what you are doing all the time.

Second thing, you ban me just because I made a negative review on your game? This is ludicrous and manipulable.It is a negative review written with nice words. Well on the other side, I understand that you do not want people to see bad reviews/comments because of your business.
-Several youtubers complain about forced video deletion by the game developers.
-Banning players on the community discussion because the review/discussion about the game didn't fit you
I really don't give a fuck about this discussion ban because i'm done with this game, it's just ridiculous that you ban people because of it's review.
Sent steam an email about this, I guess they don't care about that tho.

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Why gripe about it here?

You should probably contact steam about that... :ph34r:

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Why gripe about it here?

You should probably contact steam about that... :ph34r:

Because the forum moderators also moderate the Steam forums, methinks.

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Because the forum moderators also moderate the Steam forums, methinks.


They don't.


I have a feeling you weren't banned for a review though.

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They don't.

I have a feeling you weren't banned for a review though.


Could've sworn I've seen Orlok close threads on the Steam Community pages.

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Hello there


Some of us indeed do serve 2 masters.


I shall investigate.


Closing as we all know mod decisions are not up for public discourse.


Next time PM one of us, please.





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Eurgh, forgot about the horse. My mistake  :rolleyes:

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This is the first time I have heard about YouTubers being forced to take down videos.


If you have any more knowledge on that than me, please do send me a PM (German possible, as you seem to be quite German, judging by the links you built in by copy / pasting the translations).

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