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First person emptiness?

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I'm sure we can all have a constructive thread about why 1PP servers are empty lately without the need to immediately descend into that tired old "elitist vs casual" or "You don't like what I like" thread, no?


Note to self: insert inflammatory transparent justification for my own personal preferences [here]

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  On 5/22/2015 at 2:44 PM, BeefBacon said:

Either that's a gross exaggeration or your game is truly messed up.



I just tried changing my aspect ratio but I don't notice any difference, though I'm unsure if aspect ratio is strictly UI or if it applies to game viewing as well.  And for what it's worth, switching regularly between 1PP and 3PP servers may account for some exaggeration.   It feels completely different, as everyone knows and the core of what all of this fuss is about.

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  On 5/22/2015 at 4:47 AM, NotRedd said:

I usually play first person because the gameplay is a lot better because nobody can exploit the 3rd person shit with it. In anycase, the highest first person server I can come across is maybe 5/40 people at a time. This is really annoying to me because I want to run into people. The only people who you actually run into are in the obvious military spots and that is no fun at all.


Anyway, it makes me want to go back to third person and I really really don't want to do that due to no loot due to server hopping and just no fun at all with combat. Rant.Rant.Rant. What perspective do you guys play on and why? 


INB4 people say 3rd cause they wanna see their character. Let's be real here, nobody is falling for it. You can see your character in the tab screen.

This is the reason that crappy 3rd person needs to be removed. It ruins the game.

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Hey guys, how about we all make a compromise and play in second person?


Really though, I'm going back to first person. There's definitely less people on the servers, but I just enjoy it more. More intense and whatnot.

Edited by Beizs

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I'll probably remain on first person simply due to more loot and what not. Until I get a feel for how loot economy works. Then when they fix the camera I may switch over. MAYBE. It's just such a pain in the ass that somebody can lay down on a roof top with a sniper and see you without giving themselves away.

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If seeing your character really is that much of an issue why not implement 3rd person camera that activates when you are idle for some time.

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  On 5/22/2015 at 10:32 AM, Rammur said:

I like 3rd person better ill dabble in the fps once in awhile if i just want to pvp but i like my 3rd person. Not really exploiting neither i just look at it as peeking over a wall like i would irl they should add that as an option lol.

I agree with this. 

Until fully 3D, VR headsets are available for PC games like DayZ, the only way to approximate real life sensory acuity and proprioceptive awareness is to use 3rd person perspective.

In real life, I can see over things by a quick glance, I turn my head quickly without losing my frame of reference and can see almost 360 degrees with my head turn and peripheral vision added to my awareness of the local environment.

In 1st person perspective in game, it is far to artificial and false to be confined to the small square of your monitor resolution, no matter how big your monitor is, your awareness of the space around you is far too restricted and small.  It is like walking through life looking through the window of a welding helmet.

3rd person is much more realistic in terms of awareness than the current 1st person perspective.

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  On 5/22/2015 at 7:57 PM, DickHynkel said:

If seeing your character really is that much of an issue why not implement 3rd person camera that activates when you are idle for some time.

QFT. There is really no point of seeing your character in combat, other than for cheating. 3rd person needs to be removed OR severly altered.

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  On 5/22/2015 at 4:43 PM, Beizs said:

Hey guys, how about we all make a compromise and play in second person?


Really though, I'm going back to first person. There's definitely less people on the servers, but I just enjoy it more. More intense and whatnot.

This would actually be an interesting experiment (outside DayZ). Imagine a coop game where you control your character through the eyes of your buddy. So you will have to communicate about how to move and where to look. :D

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I used to like both, but the last time I played on a 1pp server I got motion sickness, even though I turned the head bobbing off.

I had this problem in other (not all) games, too.

So the 3rd person servers are good for people like me.

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Ive been playing 1st only aswell m8. Then It became hard to find worthy servers to play in that mode. Ive considered going back to 3rd also but it just felt stupid after a few sessions. And then I kinda lost interest in the game. Its funny tho, that dayz pretends to be ultra-hardcore with perma-death and then completely contradicts itself with the 3rd person. I mean, if you already accepted the very high level difficulty that the game already offers, why not go the extra step with 1st person?

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  On 5/22/2015 at 10:21 AM, Heatofbattle said:

It's been a while since the last update, and the last update didn't bring much, so most of the players on stable(like me) quit for now, because 0.55 is no fun at all.

I play in 2PP :)

Why is .55 no fun at all?

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  On 5/23/2015 at 12:52 PM, Schweinsteiger said:

Why is .55 no fun at all?

Loot is weird, and can't ever find anyone. It's ridiculous running along the coast for another finding no one on a 50 man server. 

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  On 5/23/2015 at 1:30 PM, Heatofbattle said:

Loot is weird, and can't ever find anyone. It's ridiculous running along the coast for another finding no one on a 50 man server.

Maybe people are getting smart and learning to get off the coast.

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  On 5/23/2015 at 2:01 PM, Ebrim said:

Maybe people are getting smart and learning to get off the coast.

God forbid

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  On 5/22/2015 at 2:51 PM, Evil Minion said:

Yeah exploit. It's a design flaw shared by many games featuring third person view that does give people who are using the third person camera an unfair advanatge they should not have. It does not help that it warps gameplay away from an immersive, authentic and enjoyable way to "who exploits the asymmetrical vision the most".


Sure the game is designed as a first/third person game but in reality enabling third person makes it a third person game as it just gives you more information. It is not a matter of preference anymore - to make it a true first/third person game you should not get that information regardless of your chosen perspective. In fact the sole reason why there are first person servers is them serving as a refuge for people who really care about gameplay that doesn't revolve around a periscope game. Fix the third person view and there is no reason to split the playerbase anymore.


1, It's not a design flaw but a feature wheter you like it or not.

2, An unfair advantage means that something gives a select few an advantage. However since everybody can use said feature it is not an unfair advantage but simply an advantage.

3, For it to count as an exploit i'd have to use cheats/hacks to give myself 3th person view which curcumvent the restrictions set on it. This is not the case so it's not an exploit.

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Was hoping they'd eventually eliminate 3rd person all together.  Such an unimmersive detached safe feeling view it diminishes the whole experience IMO.  Wouldn't it be fun if us 1p players could see that magically floating camera and shoot it, putting them in 1p.  Hey.....what a concept.  On servers with both views, those that want 3p have to find the camera.  If some one shoots it.....you go back to 1p.  That way when you are peaking in 3p while laying down behind a pony wall that camera can be shot, taking away your advantage over the other player.


I have about 4 1p only servers as favorites and those usually only have 4-12 players at a time, and they are starvation traps.

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  On 5/23/2015 at 10:20 AM, too-easy said:

I used to like both, but the last time I played on a 1pp server I got motion sickness, even though I turned the head bobbing off.

I had this problem in other (not all) games, too.

So the 3rd person servers are good for people like me.


I've found that motion blur and FOV are the main causes of motion sickness in 1pp. While I've never experienced motion sickness from gaming, I've helped a bunch of my friends get over it. I'd recommend disabling motion blur entirely (it's ugly AF anyway) and then playing with FOV settings. I generally like somewhere just under 3/4 in DayZ, though many people prefer it a fair bit lower.

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  On 5/23/2015 at 3:59 PM, Massacre said:

1, It's not a design flaw but a feature wheter you like it or not.

It's not feature as it does not add but take from the intended gameplay. If you want to make an authentic game with tactical PvP elements the least thing you want is people magically looking around corners while staying completely out of view. It's a design flaw originating in some players having the weird urge to prefer playing with a camera floating behind thier character and filming his/her backside. A negative side effect of this is the peeking asymmetric vision.

  On 5/23/2015 at 3:59 PM, Massacre said:

2, An unfair advantage means that something gives a select few an advantage.

Unfair advantage in two ways: First it's unfair towards people who prefer the first person perspective. If you say they are free to use 3rd person - yes they are. But they are not free to use the first person perspective without being put as a severe handicap. So it gives the select few that do not mind using an unimmersive view an advantage. Secondly peeking vision is asymmetrical: Player A can see player B and player B has no chance of seeing player A whatsoever. So player B has no way of defending at all only by virtue of being in some distance to an object that happens to have player A close behind it.

  On 5/23/2015 at 3:59 PM, Massacre said:

3, For it to count as an exploit i'd have to use cheats/hacks to give myself 3th person view which curcumvent the restrictions set on it.

As written above by peeking you exploit a feature (being able to see your character from behind) to get an ingame advantage (looking around obstacles without being seen yourself). This being able within the parameters of the game makes it an exploit rather than a hack/cheat.

Peeking is an exploit. Stop defending exploits! Peeking causes bad gameplay. Stop defending bad gameplay!

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  On 5/23/2015 at 8:49 PM, Beizs said:

I've found that motion blur and FOV are the main causes of motion sickness in 1pp. While I've never experienced motion sickness from gaming, I've helped a bunch of my friends get over it. I'd recommend disabling motion blur entirely (it's ugly AF anyway) and then playing with FOV settings. I generally like somewhere just under 3/4 in DayZ, though many people prefer it a fair bit lower.

Thanks man.

I will try and play around with the FOV slider.

Hope I can fix it.

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So to sum up we've gone from 'why are 1pp servers empty' to the tired, but aparrently still entertaining trope of 'THIS IS EXPLOITS!'.


For god's sake, you can fall back on whatever flawed emotive logic you enjoy wrapping yourself in, it is hard friggin coded into the game.  3pp is not an exploit it is a design decision.  As has it been for just about EVERY BI game on the market, and was also a popular POV in the standalone.  Your argument falls flat on it's ass, Minion and others, when you say it was not intended to be in the game, glossing over the fact that there are servers that SEGREGATE 1pp AND 3pp allowing A CHOICE OF GAMEPLAY. 


I too lament that the 1pp servers are less popular than the 1pp3pp COMBINED servers, but please, this is not skyboxing, this is not wall clipping, this is not crabwalking or 'lorking teh solf'... it was a choice included with a purpose, one that you dislike and use denial and ignorant argument to argue against.  It may change in the future but this is now.


Let me remind you that while screaming and clawing at the ceiling about 'exploits' and 'not intended in the product' that several games have incorporated unintended game effects such as skiing and bhoping, which have then become part of the mainstream gaming reportoir for certain genres.



for too-easy:

I too disliked the 1pp movement, especially when running.  I believe there is a check-box that lets you turn this off if you prefer to play in 1pp and want to disable it, though i haven't done this myself and have learned to love the shake.  Just don't tell anyone you've done it for fear of gaining a clearer picture that lets you see people easier when moving about, and being branded scum of the earth.


Edited by q.S Sachiel

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  On 5/24/2015 at 4:01 AM, q.S Sachiel said:

So to sum up we've gone from 'why are 1pp servers empty' to the tired, but aparrently still entertaining trope of 'THIS IS EXPLOITS!'.

I think thats because it is related. The question is less "why does nobody like first person only servers?" but rather "why do we even need public first person servers?". Well, at the moment the peeking exploit warps gameplay in a negative way. However, it's an early access game and gameplay is often lacking anyways. So first person servers serve as a refuge for the few players who really care about this aspect. Everyone else plays on third person servers and copes with the gameplay degradation.

And then there are the elitists: First person elitists want the 3rd person view to be removed as they deem it too easy (and by extension everyone who uses it is a scrub). Third person (or rather peeking) elitists take pride in their ability to abuse the camera and point out that everyone can do it (and by extension everyone who doesn't is a scrub). In a certain way both have a point - but not when it's about vanilla public DayZ. That's private hive material.

Edited by Evil Minion

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  On 5/23/2015 at 1:30 PM, Heatofbattle said:

Loot is weird, and can't ever find anyone. It's ridiculous running along the coast for another finding no one on a 50 man server. 

You just solved your own problem. If people aren't on the coast then you should migrate. Loot seems to work fine when I play. I have an AK74U and a repeater, a sweet green mountain backpack (which is filled with awesome gear) green cargo pants and a nice jacket. You need to change with the game.

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  On 5/22/2015 at 2:51 PM, Evil Minion said:

Yeah exploit. It's a design flaw shared by many games featuring third person view that does give people who are using the third person camera an unfair advanatge they should not have. It does not help that it warps gameplay away from an immersive, authentic and enjoyable way to "who exploits the asymmetrical vision the most".


Sure the game is designed as a first/third person game but in reality enabling third person makes it a third person game as it just gives you more information. It is not a matter of preference anymore - to make it a true first/third person game you should not get that information regardless of your chosen perspective. In fact the sole reason why there are first person servers is them serving as a refuge for people who really care about gameplay that doesn't revolve around a periscope game. Fix the third person view and there is no reason to split the playerbase anymore.

The devs are working on the problem (seeing people over walls). It was in the developer's status report about a month or two back. Personally, I like seeing my character. It makes the game more immersive for me. I think you make a good point here (Sure the game is designed as a first/third person game but in reality enabling third person makes it a third person game as it just gives you more information). It does tend to split the community in two, but people do it by choice. No one has an unfair advantage since third person view is available to everyone.

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  On 5/24/2015 at 11:54 AM, Evil Minion said:

I think thats because it is related. The question is less "why does nobody like first person only servers?" but rather "why do we even need public first person servers?". Well, at the moment the peeking exploit warps gameplay in a negative way. However, it's an early access game and gameplay is often lacking anyways. So first person servers serve as a refuge for the few players who really care about this aspect. Everyone else plays on third person servers and copes with the gameplay degradation.

And then there are the elitists: First person elitists want the 3rd person view to be removed as they deem it too easy (and by extension everyone who uses it is a scrub). Third person (or rather peeking) elitists take pride in their ability to abuse the camera and point out that everyone can do it (and by extension everyone who doesn't is a scrub). In a certain way both have a point - but not when it's about vanilla public DayZ. That's private hive material.

I don't understand, are you suggesting that we remove 1pp servers by your statement 'why do we even need 1pp servers'?  If you don't give a person a choice then how is there going to be anything less than 3pp?  And i fail to see how peeking in 3pp impacts 1pp only servers?  if you play on a 1/3pp then i'm even more confused as to why there would be any 'degradation' of gameplay. 

There is a littany of posts in the search engine on 1pp/3pp debates so i'll stop here, but i can assure you that removing 1pp only will not encourage people to play that style.


I understand where this whole peeking around walls thing is, but if i'm on a 3pp server, I really don't want this 'devs working on wall peeks' thing turning into some spastic camera, the kind you get from Tomb Raider or Dark souls: every time you put your ass against a wall or walk throug a door, your angle is drastically altered because the camera impacts the surface...  I see no break and no reason to fix, so just provide better incentive to split the player base across the two and leave alone imo.

Edited by q.S Sachiel

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