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Notice: All those who get stuck at loading

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Bump, I am literally unable to play the game currently. There is nothing I can do to connect to any server, under any circumstance.

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I am not writing this to bash dayz or its admins or devs or rocket in any way however as someone with knowledge of computers, servers, and things of this sort I am writing said opinion.

Now that my disclaimer is done I can continue my opinion. The issue of server response is clearly not a patchable fix. Maybe a new server is in order? Maybe a filter system is inorder maybe one where ppl from us connect to its own master server and ppl from eu to their own master server however the current system on 1 master server that isnt capable of the amount of data processing needed is not working and its time to update the antiquated system.

Again dont take this as bashing you im sure your working on it and have some gameplan but its been months and server response is still an issue. Patches arnt going to make a sql server run faster, i think thats why ppl by high end cpus and ram :(.

PS I dont care who hates on me i just would not like to be banned on my opinion.

PPS Maybe the guys at bohemia will loan a quality server seeing as u boostedd arma sales 300% also im sure with a quality player server you can boost sales even more. Just 2 cents from a tech savy business minded person.

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Tried several servers in the last little and it just gets stuck at "Loading" and goes nowhere and its has gotten progressively worse with each of the updates especially during peak hours or on weekends.

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the server and joining issues(above the horrible game browser and no friend or auto-join features) currently holds off 3 of my friends from starting with dayz ;(

one even bought it, but refuses to play it, as he cant stand to spam a server for minutes till he finally joins but gets stuck loading.

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Stuck at loading almost on every server, tried different versions of beta-patches - there is no difference. This problem only on 1.7.0 version.

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I'll paste this from the other thread:

I was having this problem until I figured out that I wasn't running the beta patch. If, when you're on the main screen, the beta patch number is not in the bottom right corner then you're still running the original executable. Instructions for how to run it properly are in the readme in the beta .rar file.

It's not enough to just install it, you have to launch the proper executable too. I kicked myself when I realised what I had done :D

It's worked fine for me since then.

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Im stuck on the loading screen 10/06/2012

I'll paste this from the other thread:

I was having this problem until I figured out that I wasn't running the beta patch. If' date=' when you're on the main screen, the beta patch number is not in the bottom right corner then you're still running the original executable. Instructions for how to run it properly are in the readme in the beta .rar file.

It's not enough to just install it, you have to launch the proper executable too. I kicked myself when I realised what I had done :D

It's worked fine for me since then.


Surely Worrom will update it?

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Seems some servers are suddenly causing me to get stuck when joining. It receives data just fine, but then the black loading screen comes up, and then a loading bar pops up in the middle under Loading and gets stuck at ~2/3 completed and doesn't ever finish.

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Seems some servers are suddenly causing me to get stuck when joining. It receives data just fine' date=' but then the black loading screen comes up, and then a loading bar pops up in the middle under Loading and gets stuck at ~2/3 completed and doesn't ever finish.



we have the same problem

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Seems some servers are suddenly causing me to get stuck when joining. It receives data just fine' date=' but then the black loading screen comes up, and then a loading bar pops up in the middle under Loading and gets stuck at ~2/3 completed and doesn't ever finish.



we have the same problem

Same here :(

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I had this issue when I tried 93616 and now I just tried 93666, same issue.

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I've been having the same problem, until i reverted Arma2 back to beta build 93586. I havent had the loading issues at all anymore. Not sure if it will work for anyone else, but it did fix my issues

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This may be a daft question but just making sure: You are connecting to servers which are running the same version of the beta patch as you've installed?

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This may be a daft question but just making sure: You are connecting to servers which are running the same version of the beta patch as you've installed?

I had this problem last night. First time i've had it ever.

I was using sixlauncher, so everything was synched up with servers i was trying to connect.

I have a feeling something was happening on the backend, because the few servers i was able to connect to had two problems, that in past were a tell-tale sign of corrupted DB:

1. Daytime for new joiners, while nighttime for others

2. Items and zombies were not spawning once you approach cities/villages

I may be wrong, but this was my observation from before. Like i mentioned before, the times when it happened in the past, it didnt save any of my progress, and would teleport me back to same location i was in when originally logged in :/

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I think I actually love you now.

I can play this brilliant game now properly without only being able to load on 1 or 2 dodgy servers...

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It is still happening to me...It will go to loading when I try to join a server and then it will just stay there for as long as I allow it (longest being 15 minutes) and when I try to alt+f4, it says shutting down but then Arma2OA crashes and I have to end the process entirely. Any help?

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My buddy Stealth still can't connect. He's having the issue still.

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I am now getting the black loading screen whenever I try to connect. Was doing fine earlier today, and then I installed beta patch ARMA2_OA_Build_93825.zip Now it's nothing but 'loading'...

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Figured I should post too. Yesterday morning I was able to play until I updated to the 825 beta. Now I am stuck at loading indefinitely, and my friends tell me I get some sort of script error. Unfortunately they were not able to write down the error that I was receiving in chat fast enough, but I believe it's got to do with the new Arma beta patch.

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Nothing has been fixed for me either. If a server restarts or anything while i'm playing i have to restart the game. Trying to reconnect will just bring up the loading screen again.

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Figured I should post too. Yesterday morning I was able to play until I updated to the 825 beta. Now I am stuck at loading indefinitely' date=' and my friends tell me I get some sort of script error. Unfortunately they were not able to write down the error that I was receiving in chat fast enough, but I believe it's got to do with the new Arma beta patch.



I had the same error, stuck at loading and had to end the process and relaunch ArmA to play again.

I was only able to connect to 2 out of the 10 servers i play, and even then i noticed some very strange errors.

First off, the Zombies were in the T-Pose, stuck halfway underground, and if you set one off, it would chase you on the turf it was set on and nothing else.

Example: I set off a Zed that was on grass, and when it got to the street, it would stop and T-Pose, not moving at all.

Example: I set off a Zed that was next to a building, ran into the building and the Zed stopped at the door and T-Posed

This happened on UK7 at 9PM GMT-8 on June 15 (Yesterday)

Hope this helps.

(Ill also post a bug report about it.)

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I am now getting the black loading screen whenever I try to connect. Was doing fine earlier today' date=' and then I installed beta patch ARMA2_OA_Build_93825.zip Now it's nothing but 'loading'...


I am having the same problem except that the first time I tried to join a server I was kicked by battleye, something to do with a script. I have also noticed some serious FPS drops earlier today before I installed the patch.

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