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19 members have voted

  1. 1. Aging and/or Deficiencies/Fitness should be added?

    • Aging (Aesthetically)
    • Deficiencies/Fitness
    • Both Aging and Deficiencies/Fitness
    • Niether
    • Unsure
  2. 2. Should wight be added? (Body weight)

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I understand that this would be a purely aesthetic detail... at first.
This could greatly be expanded.
And hear me out, I know the devs have way more important things on their mind.
But, if this gets a positive response, why not add it to the list of things to do.
Okay, so what I had in mind is kind of off the lines of aging, but deficiencies.
Certain foods would have different effects on a new property of the health mechanics.
I haven't come up with a name for it, but something along the lines of fitness.

If your character eats a lot of vegetables and home made (properly made) meat then they should be a more fit character, which should increase stamina and could have other effects.


If your character eats more along the lines of cereal and canned stuff with odd preservatives (junk food), they become less fit, thus reducing stamina and/or having other effects on the character.


Maybe we could have weight sizes too. This is not needed at all, but is just another aesthetic idea to top the game off.
Back to the beards subject. Beards could represent the age (or roughly time played) of a character. 
The model switching could work when the player has logged out, and logs in the next day.


For example, my player has just surpassed being 1 day old, next time I log in, put a slight stubble texture on his face.


this mechanic would have to go along with the procedural texture mapping 
I imagine it would work almost the same way.
Females though, probably shouldn't get much stubble if any at all, honestly a debatable topic.
Beards I imagine would have to be a model, and may I suggest various beards be modeled.
I don't know how I feel about character degradation with aging, or character getting more brittle/prone to accidents, and personally I don't think this
should be a mechanic of the game. (degradation of character)
Ill leave a poll on if these should be included or not.
Vote please and thank yah
and i cant wait for the sound engine to be updated


Edited by AadamZ5
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+1 for beards.

Edited by MadWookie

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I think ageing should be added as far as growing a beard and head/body hair but physically nothing should happen to your players mobility.

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I think ageing should be added as far as growing a beard and head/body hair but physically nothing should happen to your players mobility.


I concur with this; while aging DOES have a physical effect on people, e.g. moving slower, not as agile, etc., it varies from person to person. Both of my grandparents (that are still with us) are 81 years old, yet they can move around and do more than many people 10 years younger or more. On the same token, I know people MY age who are less mobile than people my grandparents' age. So, while I definitely think that it would be good aesthetically (beards, long hair, etc.), as far as the game mechanics go, I think it would be far too involved and difficult for them to set up some sort of debilitating mechanic that is associated solely with age, not to mention it would seem to punish players that have survived for longer periods by making them weaker; so in  that sense, I would have to agree with NOT making that a mechanic in the game, and making aging a solely aesthetic addition. As far as the fitness part goes, I actually like that idea a lot. I would seem to sort of "force" people into thinking more long term and deciding what types of food they want to eat, rather than stuffing everything they come across down their gullet until they puke, which I think would help the realism aspect, as well as make the game more challenging and fun.

You, sir, have my beans (unless you're worried about them making you fat).

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I think its safe to say we all want BEARDS as much as we want a rifle with 400 rounds.. I'm all for beards and I would say physical marks of pain like black eyes, cuts and bruises etc more so than anything else.. but the fitness idea is something I have always pondered about since the mod dayz and I think is a super interesting avenue but there is alot of other stuff I think would prioritize over something like that considering how much of a pain in the arse it would be to implement

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I'd be happy just to be able to pick a beard at the menu before starting a new character.

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Real men are clean shaven . Wow I'm going to get some heat for that lol .. But I really like the fitness mechanic , as bruce lee said (paraphrasing) food is our bodies fuel and if we put in we bad we feel bad , this mechanic would deter us from eating canned goods all the time (so basically people who get lucky finding all canned goods would have to wonder if they would still want to go catch some meat or harvest fresh vegetables , instead of eating possibly stale preservative filled food). Body weight I said yes to but I really mean a proper inventory weight (like maximum weight capacity and item weights affecting characters). Aging would be awesome but I honestly wouldn't care if this didn't make it into the game if it affected the games performance fps wise .

Edited by Grapefruit kush

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