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Insane Ruffles

Armored, silent, ninja, stealth zombies + no loot = win?I

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People like you always say that, but it is in no way true because all of the people I have played with either don't play CoD or don't like it. Only the squeekers on DayZ are consistent with that remark.

This is the problem with this forum. The people here are in the minority, yet if you have a different opinion it doesn't matter because we aren't "dedicated" like you are. News flash: people bought the game because it is supposed to be realistic survival. Most people complaining have either been here since mod or beginning of SA. I was here since the beginning of Mod, so I'll be damned if I think my opinion matters.

Trust me man, I've been here since the beginning of the mod also, roughly 1800 hours in operation arrowhead (about 500 of those arent logged because DayZ Commander didn't have to option to launch with steam). What I mean when I say the 'COD Player Base' I mean the people who play for the sole purpose of killing people and finding guns. Take Overpoch for example. Its basically just one big TDM. I just hate to see DayZ SA turn into that.. And never once did I say anyone's opinion didn't matter. I read everyone's opinion (if they happen to quote my post such as you did) and I reply to it with my own. I respect yours and everyone else opinions just as I would like everyone to do the same for me.

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Trust me man, I've been here since the beginning of the mod also, roughly 1800 hours in operation arrowhead (about 500 of those arent logged because DayZ Commander didn't have to option to launch with steam). What I mean when I say the 'COD Player Base' I mean the people who play for the sole purpose of killing people and finding guns. Take Overpoch for example. Its basically just one big TDM. I just hate to see DayZ SA turn into that.. And never once did I say anyone's opinion didn't matter. I read everyone's opinion (if they happen to quote my post such as you did) and I reply to it with my own. I respect yours and everyone else opinions just as I would like everyone to do the same for me.

That's good, but many people insult and call those people who don't want uber hard mechanics, "Call of Duty" players. It's annoying.

The majority of people want realism. I know I want day/night cycle to be universal, with every single Public Hive being the same time so people don't hop servers just because it turned night. Once that's done, your character should be able to survive without water for 3 in-game days, and a week or 6 in-game days without food.

Edited by InsaneRuffles
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What's wrong with berries and apples?

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your character should be able to survive without water for 3 in-game days, and a week or 6 in-game days without food.

Well theres a problem with that, because the game clock is real time clock. So food and water would become pointless because most people would die before they need it. I do think the food and water system need to be redone and I'm sure it will be at some point in time but not to fix exactly real life standards.

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That's good, but many people insult and call those people who don't want uber hard mechanics, "Call of Duty" players. It's annoying.

The majority of people want realism. I know I want day/night cycle to be universal, with every single Public Hive being the same time so people don't hop servers just because it turned night. Once that's done, your character should be able to survive without water for 3 in-game days, and a week or 6 in-game days without food.

Agreed, it seems many here have the attitude that if youre struggling youre doing it wrong because you want it to be cod. I hope they stumble in on a new server that has been picked clean up to guglovo. And see how much fun they have starving to death and the screen fades while clinging to a damn apple tree for the 5th town in a row with sweet f all.

It seems like everything now is based on luck of the draw as to when you find a server (early on or mid-picked).

The whole point is to see what gets tweaked as the game progresses as alpha testers. All we can do is give our feedback.

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Agreed, it seems many here have the attitude that if youre struggling youre doing it wrong because you want it to be cod. I hope they stumble in on a new server that has been picked clean up to guglovo. And see how much fun they have starving to death and the screen fades while clinging to a damn apple tree for the 5th town in a row with sweet f all.

It seems like everything now is based on luck of the draw as to when you find a server (early on or mid-picked).

The whole point is to see what gets tweaked as the game progresses as alpha testers. All we can do is give our feedback.

Poor baby!


What was the average "lifespan" of freshspawns in the early days of the mod? Half an hour?


I agree, foraging for wild edibles should be made more "accessible", in the sense that the plant is automatically gathered when the action is taken. Being able to see apples bobbing in the breeze on a tree, and failing to find one for the 5th time is just stupid.


However, you should need to eat a varied diet in order to get "energized", and eating a steady diet of apples and canned food will keep you "alive", but eventually nutritional deficiencies will set it, and you will die from sickness due to a compromised immune system.


So, you eat apples to fill your stomach, then forage for some "yard weeds" for Vitamin C, eat some cattail tubers for starch, dry some berries to make pemmican,  make a poultice from plantain leaves to stop bleeding, etc etc etc

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Poor baby!


What was the average "lifespan" of freshspawns in the early days of the mod? Half an hour?


I agree, foraging for wild edibles should be made more "accessible", in the sense that the plant is automatically gathered when the action is taken. Being able to see apples bobbing in the breeze on a tree, and failing to find one for the 5th time is just stupid.


However, you should need to eat a varied diet in order to get "energized", and eating a steady diet of apples and canned food will keep you "alive", but eventually nutritional deficiencies will set it, and you will die from sickness due to a compromised immune system.


So, you eat apples to fill your stomach, then forage for some "yard weeds" for Vitamin C, eat some cattail tubers for starch, dry some berries to make pemmican,  make a poultice from plantain leaves to stop bleeding, etc etc etc

i got no problems eating apples but like you pointed out, people are still starving because you have trees full of fruit but it takes you 5-10 mins to find an apple. Then you die because you cant eat enough from a full tree to make you last until youre far enough in land to find actual stuff.

So we agree there needs to be tweaking is that what youre saying? Kinda like the part i said that we are testers giving feedback?

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What's wrong with berries and apples?

I think it's a pretty fun way to play, one time it was raining, and I was trying to balance hunger with apple picking and staying warm and dry.


The only problem I have is that I can see a tree full of apples that I can't pick. I would rather them provide even less fuel, but be more plentiful. If I need to fill up coat, vest, pants pockets and a bag, so be it, that is the compromise I'll take.


Standing in one place hoping and praying to 'found a thing' probably could use a bit of tweaking, but again I do like the overall mechanic.

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Well theres a problem with that, because the game clock is real time clock. So food and water would become pointless because most people would die before they need it. I do think the food and water system need to be redone and I'm sure it will be at some point in time but not to fix exactly real life standards.

I mean a full 24 hours in DayZ should be 40 minutes. In real life, food wouldn't be a problem unless you're providing for a community. The only case where food would be extremely hard to find is if it were "The Road" scenario, where nukes hit and ash kills 99% of chances to get food.

In the woods, I can make a very basic fish trap in half an hour and have a full meal by the hour. You can even make an effective fishing pole with a stick, shoelaces and a paper clip. The game shouldn't be about finding food all the time, though I do agree canned/man made edibles should be rare. Either food needs to be much more filling, or my suggestion should take place to make it more fun and realistic.

Our characters do not live in Africa, but a heavily forested region. Water and food wouldn't be hard to come by.

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This is just light hearted banter, its all fun.


We all know that the game will go through phases of great, easy hard, nuts and too hard till its right, just learn from it all and enjoy

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Agreed, it seems many here have the attitude that if youre struggling youre doing it wrong because you want it to be cod. I hope they stumble in on a new server that has been picked clean up to guglovo. And see how much fun they have starving to death and the screen fades while clinging to a damn apple tree for the 5th town in a row with sweet f all.

It seems like everything now is based on luck of the draw as to when you find a server (early on or mid-picked).

The whole point is to see what gets tweaked as the game progresses as alpha testers. All we can do is give our feedback.

You head North.


I did not realize that the little fish had a cheer squad 

I think you are missing the point it was a snipe at a particular element of this forum 

and its "git gud" cancer 

Going dredderick tatum on a zombie should not be the most efficient way to dispatch them since it makes how many melee items now redundant 

Could be worse could have to reload your axe i suppose 

Possible you could consider that next time you are drinking a cup of concrete in the mornings



Axes are much more efficient, but if you know how to dispatch a zombie it's not very hard :P By the way, this little fish will fuck your shit.

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I pray to this man every night so I will have DayZ skillz.


"And the Lord Dean doth said,thou shalt get good."

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I notice the can of food sitting there on the floor to .... Very apt picture indeed, beans for rising to the challenge .55 has set rather than crumbling..


Edit strangely today i discovered i could beat a zombie dead with my fists through a window with no glass in it...

That aint beans, thats BACON. The food of champions.

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You head North.


Axes are much more efficient, but if you know how to dispatch a zombie it's not very hard :P By the way, this little fish will fuck your shit.

Downed a zombie with a nuckle sandwich tonight. 2 hits to the head and she was down. Then another zombie silent ninjad me in a house and while i was punching her it sounded like gunshots, unless that was her magic tentacles. took a few more than 2 head hits but it wasn't more than 6-8 i think. i was bleeding like a pig but only my pants were ruined.


i was in Shakhovka. found a damaged kitchen knife and brass kuckles, binoculars, hard hat, pack of .380 ammo, damaged canteen with 20% in it, no food. the berry bush gave me 4 berries in 20 attempts (did they buff it?) apple tree gave 1 apple in 10 attempts.


New point: why can't we punch while crouched? i want to be able to have the option of giving these bastards some "shattered dreams" action. or for the ladies, a straight shot to the ovaries.

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You head North.


Axes are much more efficient, but if you know how to dispatch a zombie it's not very hard :P By the way, this little fish will fuck your shit.

I am pleased to know that you could fuck my shit in your pond but i do get the feeling your pond is very private and clanned out 

Please be very honest here if OP had not mentioned fan boys you would not have replied 

I do understand why you are called the guppy now if that is any consolation to you

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I am pleased to know that you could fuck my shit in your pond but i do get the feeling your pond is very private and clanned out 

Please be very honest here if OP had not mentioned fan boys you would not have replied 

I do understand why you are called the guppy now if that is any consolation to you

Not a member of any clan, and guppies are salt water fish. I swim in the ocean like the rest of the cool kids :3


I'm not defending DayZ, I'm telling ya'll to stop whining :P

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Not a member of any clan, and guppies are salt water fish. I swim in the ocean like the rest of the cool kids :3


I'm not defending DayZ, I'm telling ya'll to stop whining :P


More like you cant help but take a bite at any bit of bait 

And like i said soon as you read fanboy your panties bunch up 

You are missing the point entirely it makes no sense that the best way to defeat a zombie is to punch it to death 

But all that aside lets not derail this thread i have said my piece you have had yours

i am fully aware you must have the last word so please make it profound and you dont have to use emoticons to hide your sarcasm like every other time .


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More like you cant help but take a bite at any bit of bait 

And like i said soon as you read fanboy your panties bunch up 

You are missing the point entirely it makes no sense that the best way to defeat a zombie is to punch it to death 

But all that aside lets not derail this thread i have said my piece you have had yours

i am fully aware you must have the last word so please make it profound and you dont have to use emoticons to hide your sarcasm like every other time .

Noted. Thank you for making an argument unnecessarily heated, and nearly openly admitted to flame bait.

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Noted. Thank you for making an argument unnecessarily heated, and nearly openly admitted to flame bait.

At which point did it get heated ? 

Or at which point did i bait ?

If you could hop off your pedestal for a second i believe you belittled the OP because they were not as skilled as yourself then suggested you could fuck my shit up

If anything Op baited and you swallowed the lot  

Hardly profound closing statement on your part please try again with more effort 

I am yet to see an argument aside from your attitude towards anyone that has the audacity to question game mechanics if it has not been pointed out to you yet this is an alpha we are testing and i would put it foreward that the most efficiant way to kill a zombie  with punching it is a if not broken poor game feature 

Regardless of play style or not it makes no sense

so if you could put your ego aside maybe you could contribute something more useful than how good you are  

to help make this a better game for everyone which should be every ones goal 

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Starving here, go dead there, fix this, fix that, dont like this, dont like that.
Come on you pussies.

Be a man and keep your head up for a change


When you start your game, What does it say ??????
                                                         EARLY ACCESS

DayZ Early Access is your chance to experience DayZ as it evolves throughout its development process. Be aware that our Early Access offer is a representation of our core pillars, and the framework we have created around them. It is a work in progress and therefore contains a variety of bugs. We strongly advise you not to buy and play the game at this stage unless you clearly understand what Early Access means and are interested in participating in the ongoing development cycle.


Give the dev teams a fair change and the time to build this asome game.
Otherwise, if you dont like Beta............leave...................


Edited by Survivor1965
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Starving here, go dead there, fix this, fix that, dont like this, dont like that.

Come on you pussies.

Be a man and keep your head up for a change


When you start your game, What does it say ??????

                                                         EARLY ACCESS

DayZ Early Access is your chance to experience DayZ as it evolves throughout its development process. Be aware that our Early Access offer is a representation of our core pillars, and the framework we have created around them. It is a work in progress and therefore contains a variety of bugs. We strongly advise you not to buy and play the game at this stage unless you clearly understand what Early Access means and are interested in participating in the ongoing development cycle.


Give the dev teams a fair change and the time to build this asome game.

Otherwise, if you dont like Beta............leave...................


Newsflash: It being alpha does not mean we can't criticize and discuss features we do not like. So what if we don't like the game in its current state? You are being just as arrogant as the other apologists/fanboys. What would the game be like if everyone like you made excuses and didn't tell the devs the problems they were experiencing? The point of alpha is to TEST each new update and post Pro's/Con's and report any broken mechanic/glitches/bugs. The only pro of this update is that loot is much more rare, but the loot system is completely broken, and combined with the fact that your character starves in 30 minutes without food, >70% of people are unhappy with this update.


Not posting your gripes with the game is counter-intuitive to the whole process. Its not like I posted a cliche post, I brought up problems that very few to no people have brought up, including how hunger mechanics need to be drastically changed.

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 The only pro of this update is that loot is much more rare, but the loot system is completely broken, and combined with the fact that your character starves in 30 minutes without food, >70% of people are unhappy with this update.


  • '0.55 Update'.  
  • Central Economy: The Central Economy functions as the core control over item type quantity, location, and region spawns. Moving away from the original placeholder system, and implementing this is the first step towards agile, rapid balancing of item spawns within DayZ.

    The initial implementation only defines the location of firearm spawns and types, further iteration will begin to define items past firearms - and later region control across the map.

So tell whats broken so the Dev's can work on your broken loot system.

And if you die in 30 minutes, change your gameplay.

Edited by Survivor1965

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I'm not prone to using terms like this, but by God everyone in this thread is crying.


-Killing zombies with an axe should be more effective than it currently is.


-The amount of loot is near-perfect, but given that (as far as I know) it doesn't respawn, coastal towns and many inland settlements are quickly cleared out.


-Picking apples and berries should be easier, or at the very least apples and berries should yield more energy. Staring at a tree for 30 minutes is not engaging gameplay.


-The rate at which players starve is fine. If players could survive 2 and a half hours without eating then food would become about as valuable as pliers and wrenches.


-The day/night cycle should be accelerated. This is being tested.


-The game is indeed in alpha. All features are placeholder. Stating that doesn't make somebody a 'fanboy' rabidly defending the game.


-Just because the game is in alpha that doesn't mean that currently implemented features shouldn't be criticised.


-Don't confuse whining with criticism, and vice versa.


Chill the fuck out.


I'm enjoying 0.55. I've figured out how to survive and I know where to find loot.. In fact, I've found more loot in 0.55 than in any other version. I've found drum mags, AK74s, press vests, stab vests, a SMERSH vest, a fair old whack of food - the whole shabang. No doubt that when 0.56 rolls around all of this will change, but that is something I accept when playing an alpha. I play the game, I offer my criticism and either continue playing or wait for another version. I don't shit myself crying about how difficult or buggy the game is.

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Newsflash: It being alpha does not mean we can't criticize and discuss features we do not like. So what if we don't like the game in its current state? You are being just as arrogant as the other apologists/fanboys. What would the game be like if everyone like you made excuses and didn't tell the devs the problems they were experiencing? The point of alpha is to TEST each new update and post Pro's/Con's and report any broken mechanic/glitches/bugs. The only pro of this update is that loot is much more rare, but the loot system is completely broken, and combined with the fact that your character starves in 30 minutes without food, >70% of people are unhappy with this update.


Not posting your gripes with the game is counter-intuitive to the whole process. Its not like I posted a cliche post, I brought up problems that very few to no people have brought up, including how hunger mechanics need to be drastically changed.


Raising concerns or desires for the game is not the issue.  Taking jabs or aggressive stances against features which are either placeholder, WIP, and/or issues devs have constantly addressed does nothing to help development of the game.


Please take time to be involved in the community if you want your voice to have any merit.

Edited by Gorvi

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I'm not prone to using terms like this, but by God everyone in this thread is crying.


-Killing zombies with an axe should be more effective than it currently is.


-The amount of loot is near-perfect, but given that (as far as I know) it doesn't respawn, coastal towns and many inland settlements are quickly cleared out.


-Picking apples and berries should be easier, or at the very least apples and berries should yield more energy. Staring at a tree for 30 minutes is not engaging gameplay.


-The rate at which players starve is fine. If players could survive 2 and a half hours without eating then food would become about as valuable as pliers and wrenches.


-The day/night cycle should be accelerated. This is being tested.


-The game is indeed in alpha. All features are placeholder. Stating that doesn't make somebody a 'fanboy' rabidly defending the game.


-Just because the game is in alpha that doesn't mean that currently implemented features shouldn't be criticised.


-Don't confuse whining with criticism, and vice versa.


Chill the fuck out.


I'm enjoying 0.55. I've figured out how to survive and I know where to find loot.. In fact, I've found more loot in 0.55 than in any other version. I've found drum mags, AK74s, press vests, stab vests, a SMERSH vest, a fair old whack of food - the whole shabang. No doubt that when 0.56 rolls around all of this will change, but that is something I accept when playing an alpha. I play the game, I offer my criticism and either continue playing or wait for another version. I don't shit myself crying about how difficult or buggy the game is.

The rate at which you starve is not "fine." You can either have food be rare with a more realistic starvation mechanic, or you can keep the same system but have a lot more food. Like I said, I have played numerous characters across numerous hives. I played all the way inland, and I still found nothing that could help me get food. I found a can of food about every 10 minutes of searching, which helps nothing because food barely fills you. I found no hoes, no fertilizer, nothing to make a fishing pole, no guns to hunt with. Berry/apple picking is a gigantic waste of time and even if you do manage to fill up on them, you'll be starving again within 40 minutes. 


If you think this is "crying" then you have no clue what you are talking about. Sometimes people manage to land on a server that hasn't been picked clean yet. That is not the case for the vast majority, who constantly land on servers where even remote towns are picked clean of any good loot. 


Finally, all features are not "placeholders." If that was the case, then no progress would have been made at all towards the game. Each feature implemented has a very good chance of making it to the final game, even if they aren't good, if people don't voice their opinions and criticize them. The bias this forum has towards the game is abundantly clear. People here were basically stating, "This loot system is best working on yet! Everyone who doesn't agree is a CoD player who shouldn't be playing this game." The devs then stated that the central loot economy and loot system was broken. Ironically, forumnators are still defending the broken system. 


Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't make them "crybabies."

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