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To those who enjoy seeing more zombies

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..which seems to be about everyone who plays this game except for my friend and I. I've read post after post of people wanting even MORE zombies, basically to the point at which you can't do anything but fight them or die. For those who want every single square foot covered by a blood-thirsty zombie, can I please send you to an old favorite game called Left 4 Dead? Yes, you can fight all the zombies you want there. Even better, I'm sure Steam will give you a discount on the game because it's several years old. Go circle jerk there.


For those who enjoy an game with variety, realistic survival, socializing, PvP, banditry and heroism, then stick with DayZ. What I hope to eventually see are random zombie spawns, random hoards that come after you, etc. I hope that some towns would be empty while others would have massive amounts of Zeds. I'd love to see random groups of Zeds moving through the forests.


There must be some sort of realism that makes the player feel paranoid yet reasonably immersed. If you just end up sticking thousands of zombies in each town, you will ruin the game. Zombies can and should be deadly, but to an equipped player they are a nuisance. Adding too many zombies will cause a serious degradation of fun factor from this amazing game.


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This is a strange topic... I think you may be confused ?.. wait, well I'm a bit confused anyway ? we all want alot more zombies ? you said you dont want more and than the bottom half of your topic said you want them in hordes and towns etc as we all do.. contradiction ?





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OP, DayZ is not what YOU think it is.


We have been testing a fraction of the elements planned on the road map.


Unfortunately for you, you were misinformed somehow about what DayZ is going to be.


I suggest you read the development road map and try to imagine all of those things in the game for a better idea of where it's headed.




Telling people who want to kill zombies in DayZ to go play something else is just incredibly sad. I'm sad for you. :(

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No need to be a jerk about it, my friend. I've noticed on other threads you're pretty quick to attack people who don't want exactly what you want out of the game. The guy is just voicing his opinion. He's saying he wants them implemented in a challenging yet not impossible to deal with sort of way. Seems reasonable. I think he's also referring to this small, smug, elitist group of players developing on the forums who tear into anyone who doesn't want a death-by-zombie simulator. Personally, I'm pretty happy and impressed with the development of the game but I don't expect it to be made exactly how I think it should be and you probably shouldn't either. Just relax man, I'm sure it'll be a great game and most of us will enjoy it.

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The new update was a loss win in my opinion. I feel that wondering zombies are easy to sneak past, however it's bullshit that if I kill one with a suppressor equipped gun, the horde script still drowns me in undead as if I just smashed two trash can lids together.

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 "Go circle jerk there"


Well OP, you're no fun. *takes lotion bottle and leaves thread*

Edited by WilBischof

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No need to be a jerk about it, my friend. I've noticed on other threads you're pretty quick to attack people who don't want exactly what you want out of the game. The guy is just voicing his opinion. He's saying he wants them implemented in a challenging yet not impossible to deal with sort of way. Seems reasonable. I think he's also referring to this small, smug, elitist group of players developing on the forums who tear into anyone who doesn't want a death-by-zombie simulator. Personally, I'm pretty happy and impressed with the development of the game but I don't expect it to be made exactly how I think it should be and you probably shouldn't either. Just relax man, I'm sure it'll be a great game and most of us will enjoy it.


The OP was a (circle) jerk first in this case, see?


I don't make this game and don't pretend to know exactly how it will be, I just test it and present thoughts and ideas.


What I can tell you is that for going on 3 years now those of us who do want a "death by zombie simulator/bear grylls simulator" (you know, DayZ) have had to endure the low brow casual PvP set who are trying desperately to make this DayCoD.


Finally, their uppance, has come.

Edited by BioHaze
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The OP was a (circle) jerk first in this case, see?


I don't make this game and don't pretend to know exactly how it will be, I just test it and present thoughts and ideas.


What I can tell you is that for going on 3 years now those of us who do want a "death by zombie simulator/bear grylls simulator" (you know, DayZ) have had to endure the low brow casual PvP set who are trying desperately to make this DayCoD.


Finally, their uppance, has come.


Oh I agree with you about not wanting strictly another pvp game. I'm into the whole survival sim thing as well. I think the game has managed to be a good outlet for many playstyles. Survival sim, pvp, pve, rp, social experiment, etc. I think it would detract from the overall experience of the diverse player base if the devs were to focus solely on fighting zombies and eating berries. Just not really diggin the holier than thou attitude some veteran players seem to have.

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I don't know what is stopping people to PvP. Ok, takes you a bit longer to find weapons. You have to eat and drink more often. If you get wet on rain you can get sick. If you fire weapons, zombies will attack you. So what, you have weapon and you can kill them easily.

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Just not really diggin the holier than thou attitude some veteran players seem to have.


Sorry, but after a few years of dealing with the same thing in the Mod whenever Zombies would get buffed up a bit we are a bit tired of the whole, "I thought this game was about shooting newspawns and teabagging them, why are you moving away from player interaction?"

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You can send me back to the good old DayZ. I guess you didn't play the game when it was impossible to get rid of that 30 strong zombie horde when you made small mistake in NWAF or any towns. They were very hard to hit because they zig zag all the time. Then you just hoped you had enough bullets to kill them because there were no melee weapons and once they were chasing you you couldn't break their LOS. Only saving were buildings that slowed them down but DayZ has get rid of that problem so I'm ready to face that challenge again anytime.

That's DayZ for you when pretty much the only way to get rid of a zombie was to shoot it and shooting always attracted more zombies even several hundreds meters away.

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??? pvp is still there, even with increased zombie count. You just need to be more careful with taking shots and if you are unlucky you need more time to gear up...so where is the problem exactly?

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Sorry, but after a few years of dealing with the same thing in the Mod whenever Zombies would get buffed up a bit we are a bit tired of the whole, "I thought this game was about shooting newspawns and teabagging them, why are you moving away from player interaction?"


Completely understandable, though it doesn't justify elitist vets being douchebags to anyone who doesn't want exactly what they do. I don't want this game to be anything like CoD, but I also don't want to fight a horde of zombies with naught but my fists. I lean more towards the pve side myself, but for the sake of fairness, it would probably be best to have a more diverse game than just "lets run from zombies until our lungs burst if we don't starve first." If people wanna fight zombies, bring hoards of zombies. If they wanna pvp, give them tacticool stuff to search for. If they wanna play the cowboy way, give them firepits and repeaters. There's room for all, and devs seem to be doing the best they can to satisfy everyone. That's what makes this game great, the freedom to play however you like. If you want to move away from player interaction, then there is really no point to DayZ even being an online game. As OP said, they have offline zombie games already.

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More zombies please. Zombies that hit what they're swinging at as opposed to what they're not swinging at, but please infinitely more zombies. It's so fun making hordes.


I also love that it's got me actually using my ammo. Zombies are scary and fun!

Edited by albinoclock

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The new update was a loss win in my opinion. I feel that wondering zombies are easy to sneak past, however it's bullshit that if I kill one with a suppressor equipped gun, the horde script still drowns me in undead as if I just smashed two trash can lids together.

Yeah its a pain, this will be fixed hopefully no later than .56.

I also don't want zombies over every square inch. I think having random/wander pockets of high concentration would be cool.

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Most of you see where I am coming from.


Yes, more zombies would be a good thing IF they are introduced with some sort of fun factor involved, random about the world, drop some loot, hoards chasing around animals, etc. Currently, the game literally just spawns boring piles of zombies at some ratio around a town. (30 zombies for every half mile around a town, for example). This is dumb.


More zombies in towns = stupid. 

More zombies throughout the world, in random places, doing random things, dropping loot, spawning out of triggered events, etc =  fun


Scenario: You should run into a small town, see one or two zombies maybe. You run into the next town and there is a dead cow in the middle of the town, with 30 zombies sitting around it, some eating the flesh. You quietly sneak around that town to avoid triggering the hoard. You move on to the next town where you see no zombies, so you take refuge in a house for a little while. However,  just outside of a town there is a random hoard of zombies standing in the forest, you get close and they give chase. Your only option is to mow them down as two or three of them are faster than you. After killing the lot, you loot the bodies to find some bandages, anti-biotics, .357 rounds and a teddy bear. Finally, you head over to an army base to look for some loot. A few army zombies chase you but you kill them as well and find some .556 rounds on their body. Then you move to another location and see a heavily zombie infested village, to distract them you shoot a few mosin rounds into the gas pumps, creating an explosion. The zombie hoard forms and runs to the gas station, letting you circumvent the group and loot the other side of the town.


Edit: Also, zombie bodies should last longer than 5 minutes (more like an hour), and should not respawn unless the area is empty of players for over an hour.

Edited by treetop82

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 circle jerk 







uh okay buddy. go play COD if you want to TDM






also zombie bodies shouldn't last. i get stuck in buildings quite often since 0.55 and can't jump out. 

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Completely understandable, though it doesn't justify elitist vets being douchebags to anyone who doesn't want exactly what they do. -snip-



The important part you're not internalizing is that the "forum elitists" as you call them have very little to do with the way the game is being made.


Some of us just understood the vision for DayZ much earlier and therefore have a strong sense for where the game is headed.


The constant influx of KIDS, yes KIDS, who come on this board and:


A: Treat DayZ like it's ARMA, period; and then proceed to tell everyone around that is what DayZ IS.


B: Make suggestion threads for things that have been suggested a THOUSAND times and NEVER bother to use the search to find if the topic exists.


C: During that whole time people like me, who want a survival game have had to endure the stupid, ignorant, smug, idiotic mentality, that went along with those kids trying to tell everyone and anyone that DayZ IS PVP.


D: These Jerry cans I saved are overflowing with the tears of these same KIDS who are now screaming to the rafters because they were too lazy to learn about the direction DayZ was taking and they are the absolute sweetest internet tears I have ever tasted.


mmmmm SOOO many delicious QQ's.


Now tell me again how those of us who were informed and have to endure mass ignorance should couch our language so we aren't being douche bags to ignorant snots?

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I really wish I could test this patch out.  I'm very much enjoying the screaming on the forums that the misinformed have been doing.  They really have no idea what direction this game will be going.  It's been stated for months that DayZ was eventually going to get harder and we still haven't seen anything yet.


I do not feel bad for the CoD kids and I do not feel bad for those who enjoyed the easy loot.  Bring on the pain and suffering.  Hopefully I'll have a new PC before beta hits.

Edited by Caboose187
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