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Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

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Just a reminder! If you hack on CQF servers you will be banned across the board. Our server, DayZ, ARMA, and even Steam.

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Come join our increasing numbers and be apart of something grand. We are highly organized and a friendly force. Hope to see you all around.

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Hey guys,

Just wanted to let you know that if anyone ever has any issue with CQF members to PM me on here on our site.

Also, our numbers continue to grow and as a unit, we have decided to resume rescue operations to shuttle friendly survivors from the south to the north. Keep an eye out :)


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Found these guys at the NW airfield scouting, managed to get close enough without being shot, to be able to let them know I'm friendly. I was told that any sudden movement would result in a round to my skull... What an awefully good time for my cat to walk across my keyboard. Pew, splat, brain matter everywhere before my first step had even finished.

These guys mean it! Shame I died and all, but at least you followed up with what you said!

Loving the work, even if I did die. :( Lost alot of good stuff, but it was good fun.

Hope this doesn't hinder my chances of joining.

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Found these guys at the NW airfield scouting' date=' managed to get close enough without being shot, to be able to let them know I'm friendly. I was told that any sudden movement would result in a round to my skull... What an awefully good time for my cat to walk across my keyboard. Pew, splat, brain matter everywhere before my first step had even finished.

These guys mean it! Shame I died and all, but at least you followed up with what you said!

Loving the work, even if I did die. :( Lost alot of good stuff, but it was good fun.

Hope this doesn't hinder my chances of joining.


Sorry that ended that way, but we are a friendly force... and if you say you are friendly but still shoot at us at NW Airfield... you are going to be put down.

Though even there we'll ask and leave you alone at when we are at NW Airfield though we are more tensed there. That does not hinder your chances. You should come our on website at www.thefirstcav.com and register and apply for the CQF. Also, hop on our teamspeak as well.

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It wasn't that I was shooting you, but forced movement resulted in a bullet to the head (I could of been reaching for my gun, and I assume thats what I was put down for.) Enjoy the gear though! I had fun :D. Application was sent (I think?) too!

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I love this thread so much! Just sent my inquiry :) I longed so much for friendly faces I searched the forum and I found the CQF and now maybe I can play a bit more in peace with you! Message was sent to capecodcaper (Johnny). Hoppe to see you all soon :)

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I killed someone at Stary military tents earlier today, luckily with a one shot macarov bullet to the head over on US 20.

Sorry if that was anyone affiliated with this group, It took me a while to get there in the dark, spotted him alternating through the tents as I was approaching from the south, I was scared that he might shoot me if he saw me, he looked pretty well kitted out. So I went prone behind a bush and took the shot.. he had a fair amount of good stuff on him but only a shoddy backpack which leads me to believe he was just gathering supplies.

I hate killing like that, especially before asking the 'friendly' question, but I had been burned bad in a prior lifetime in cherno just looking for a map in the apartments. I was hunted like a deer, until I was surrounded, killed by what I believe to have been a silenced MP5 :( I went back for revenge (2 or three times haha) but they just did the same lol

So yeah.. sorry dude whoever you were. This was not like me at all. Therefore, if you miraculously read this I would be more than willing to leave your loot consisting of rifle, ammo and 5 cooked meats in a spot for you to collect. Lemme know.

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You could of hopped on our Teamspeak server and asked around. Honestly I dont know if it was one of because I havent been on yet today, but anytime if youre on our server you can just hop on our TS server, it makes you, and us, a whole lot safer.

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nice i feel safeish on your servers full of CQFs

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Defo like to play with you guys looks fun!

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Whats the usual way to join? Jump onto TS and run with you guys or just send in an application first?

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Whats the usual way to join? Jump onto TS and run with you guys or just send in an application first?

Whatever you feel more comfortable with, as long as you hop on ts and send the application.

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Sent my application and look forward to hearing from you guys!

Also, feel free to add me on Steam as well. This goes for any CQF members and survivors alike!


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General reminder:

Anyone playing in our servers is welcome to hop on ts and chat with us as this usually is beneficial to our members and other friendly survivors that may stumble upon us.

With side chat removed alot of friendly players are intimidated or unwilling to announce themselves to a large group and this is detrimental to our objective of helping our fellow survivors.

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What happened to your server us21 ? It seems to have a version other than your other servers. 1.60.93965 and i have 1.60.93825

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What happened to your server us21 ? It seems to have a version other than your other servers. 1.60.93965 and i have 1.60.93825

Servers are usually updated to the most recent and functioning beta.

Exceptions to this are when a beta version is reported to give players issues. As US21 is the most frequented server, it probably got updated first.

But I can't give you a guarantee on that because I don't do the server management.

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What happened to your server us21 ? It seems to have a version other than your other servers. 1.60.93965 and i have 1.60.93825

Servers are usually updated to the most recent and functioning beta.

Exceptions to this are when a beta version is reported to give players issues. As US21 is the most frequented server' date=' it probably got updated first.

But I can't give you a guarantee on that because I don't do the server management.


I was playing on this particular server earlier today, then i lost connection and when i saw it up again it had another version. Where would i get this new version, i can't find any new patches.

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The beta patches are hosted here http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php

You can always update to the most recent one because they offer backwards compatibility with previous ones.

I believe six updater can also update you to the latest beta patch, but i'm not sure on how that functions so sadly I can't really advise you on that. I always install my mods and stuff manually.

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Thanks, i was looking at the wrong place and thought i already had the latest beta patch.

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