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me th3 n00b

Chem lights as "armbands" in the night

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I'm liking the armbands as a way to identify your friends and I keep thinking something similar with the chem lights would be awesome. I realize this makes you vulnerable to bandits, but I would love the option to attach a chem light to your backpack zipper so it just hangs there on the side/bottom/whatever. That way you could run as a pack of friends in the night and see each other easily. Again, yes, you would be super exposed. But that happens regardless. Just being able to distinguish who's on your side AND be able to see in the dark a tad more would be fun.

Edited by me th3 n00b
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I like the idea, but replace chem lights with gas lamps...

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By just holding a gas lamp in your hands you can flick it on and off with the F key.

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I would say it would be nice to put a chemlight in your armband not just as a source of identification but as a means of being hands free, more over I think more items should be able to be stored in armbands (granted only 1 slot items could be stored)

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Wish they would bring back not needing to hold an 'area' light source like chemlights or lanterns.  They did used to do something similar in the mod 'everybody use blue chemlights' or something like that.

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You're not looking at the big picture; what we need is a general system to attach items to our clothing/backpacks that can include chemlights and gas lamps - similar to attaching a fishing hook to a boonie hat. Sadly I suspect that both the OPs request and my own are not likely to ever happen due to the amount of code required for what would be a largely superfluous feature.


Awesome, but superfluous.

Edited by Mithrawndo

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Not a bad idea, doubt we will see it.. maybe in the future.. but lanterns on a backpack would be nice or even hanging one off your weapon which would be a rifle could be interesting but again i doubt we would see that anyway.. there is no way stuff like this would take place until light obeys the world correctly.. atleast

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