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I wonder...

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Do you think that they'll ever allow you to skin a person and make them into leather goods, or would that morally take a step too far for the game? I mean, how realistic do you think they're going to make this game for a post-apocalyptic environment? I could totally see people running around like Leatherface. Hell, they already developed cannibalization, and that's not too far off. One more nudge and you're basically there. Role-playing would go to a completely darker level.

Edited by IronSights310

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I've thought about this myself while I was crafting a leather vest.  It's one of those things like cannibalism.  I don't morally or ethically care that they added it, but I was a little surprised.  Crafting people clothes might take this a step too far and get some attention BI wouldn't want.  All I can say as a player of this game is this:  If they add it.  I'll try it.

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It'd take a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT of skin to make a fashionable undershirt out of human skin.

Just think about it. You're making underwear out of dead guys.


You want dead people to be touching your dick? eugh.

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Cooking an icon of meat that only says it's human flesh on a fire and your character eating with an animation that is hardly "eating" is a far cry 3MyZhrJ.jpg?1 from wearing skinned human remains. 

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Cooking an icon of meat that only says it's human flesh on a fire and your character eating with an animation that is hardly "eating" is a far cry 3MyZhrJ.jpg?1 from wearing skinned human remains. 


Alright? Well, your lack of proofreading your own sentence tells me that your opinion isn't relevant. Plus, that terrible pun of yours just killed several children in Uganda by proxy. Good job.  :thumbsup:



This is why kids need to stay in school and develop proper grammar skills. *sigh*

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Honestly,i don't think they will allow something like that.

You can already eat people,i don't see why we have to take it on a "Buffalo Bill" level.



Alright? Well, your lack of proofreading your own sentence tells me that your opinion isn't relevant. Plus, that terrible pun of yours just killed several children in Uganda by proxy. Good job.  :thumbsup:



This is why kids need to stay in school and develop proper grammar skills. *sigh*


Be nice now,that was uncalled for.

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Alright? Well, your lack of proofreading your own sentence tells me that your opinion isn't relevant. Plus, that terrible pun of yours just killed several children in Uganda by proxy. Good job.  :thumbsup:



This is why kids need to stay in school and develop proper grammar skills. *sigh*


1) There isn't any incorrect grammar in that sentence. It is long and awkward. It's not objectively incorrect. The point still stands, though, but you have chosen to nitpick at improper grammar that does not exist instead of focusing on the message or the point of the sentence and offering a rebuttal.


2) (I'll make this one bold so you won't miss it) If you think that a person's opinion or idea is made irrelevant because they have a grammatical error in a sentence...you are an idiot. 



Normally it takes more than four posts for a person to make themselves out as a fool. This is why kids need to stay in school and develop proper reasoning skills. 

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Hello there


That's highly unlikely to happen.


I mentioned keeping  (essentially farming) zeds as a commodity and rendering them down for fat/skin and bones etc  (all very useful in real life btw) to Hicks once and got a very disapproving look.


Then again, in general, Hicks *is* very disapproving of me.


But to OP, ghoulish actions like this are unlikely to happen. Not definitely not gonna happen, but unlikely.





Edited by orlok
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Cooking an icon of meat that only says it's human flesh on a fire and your character eating with an animation that is hardly "eating" is a far cry 3MyZhrJ.jpg?1 from wearing skinned human remains. 


How is it any less offensive than wearing an article of clothing (e.g: a vest) made from human skin? If I put a pound of human flesh on the ground, that steak is there for everyone to see; it's not just an icon. It's just a renamed deer-skin leather vest.


If you're going to be fine with cannibalism, how can you snub wearing the skin, which requires the skinning and quartering of a human to acquire? It's cool to make-believe eat people, but bro, wearing them is just wrong. 


I lol'd

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How is it any less offensive than wearing an article of clothing (e.g: a vest) made from human skin? If I put a pound of human flesh on the ground, that steak is there for everyone to see; it's not just an icon. It's just a renamed deer-skin leather vest.


If you're going to be fine with cannibalism, how can you snub wearing the skin, which requires the skinning and quartering of a human to acquire? It's cool to make-believe eat people, but bro, wearing them is just wrong. 


I lol'd


I'm not saying any of this from a moral standpoint, but from a gameplay one. It's the in-game depiction of such items that is different. I am against cannibalism, but that was mostly from a "It's pointless" reasoning. Same as I'm against wearing the skin of other humans. It's pointless.It's not necessary from really any sort of perspective. 


With cannibalism, the difference between getting human meat from a corpse and cooking it and eating it is identical to an animal. In fact, when you get down to it, the only difference between human meat and a deer steak is the name of it in terms of appearances. Similarly, when you cut up a human body, it's not graphic. Your character doesn't actually cut up the body, leaving behind a skinless, gutted model of a human corpse. 


In fact, cannibalism in the game is only "implied". You never see how character gut the flesh, blood doesn't gush everywhere, they don't put it into their bag, any of that. Similarly, when you cook the meat it's identical to how you cook an animal steak. Cannibalism in DayZ isn't graphic. It's mostly a text based affair. Your imagination does most of the work. 


Wearing human skins would require artists to make out and draw human skin versions of masks and whatnot, and for...what? Just the grim factor of it? I can understand that much, but even then...that's really stretching it. No pun intended.


Now, if artists wanted to just use the same leather models for the vests that you make from animals, that would nullify their need to design their own models. If that was the case, then the reason I gave wouldn't hold water. Still another issue that I have with it, though. 


That would mean that every other player would be a potential ten slot leather vest, hat, food source, all that stuff. All this would do, it seems to me, would be to encourage even stronger the Kill-on-sight mentality that already plagues the game. There's no scenario that I can think of where eating another person would be a viable option to survival. With cannibalism, you would have to kill another player, skin it, cook it, make a fire, all that...if you're starving, you don't have that kind of time. I'm not saying it's impossible...maybe there could actually occur an instance where cannibalism was the only way to survive. Maybe. Those times must be incredibly rare, though. Mythically rare. As it stands, the prevalence of food and the ease of farming is a far better option, especially now that you can make stone knives anywhere and cut seeds out of fruit. 



If you're going to be fine with cannibalism, how can you...



I never said I liked cannibalism. I've been against it since it was implemented, but I've never made a huge fuss of it. Basically the idea is that I don't think making the bodies of other players actual resources is a good idea. I can certainly live with it, and I won't complain about the in game use of it. I've never complained about cannibalism while in the game...but I still don't think it was the right move. I can deal with it, though. It's no skin off my ba...




Anyway, that being said, I don't like either things. I never said I liked cannibalism.

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I'm not saying any of this from a moral standpoint, but from a gameplay one. It's the in-game depiction of such items that is different. I am against cannibalism, but that was mostly from a "It's pointless" reasoning. Same as I'm against wearing the skin of other humans. It's pointless.It's not necessary from really any sort of perspective. 


With cannibalism, the difference between getting human meat from a corpse and cooking it and eating it is identical to an animal. In fact, when you get down to it, the only difference between human meat and a deer steak is the name of it in terms of appearances. Similarly, when you cut up a human body, it's not graphic. Your character doesn't actually cut up the body, leaving behind a skinless, gutted model of a human corpse. 


In fact, cannibalism in the game is only "implied". You never see how character gut the flesh, blood doesn't gush everywhere, they don't put it into their bag, any of that. Similarly, when you cook the meat it's identical to how you cook an animal steak. Cannibalism in DayZ isn't graphic. It's mostly a text based affair. Your imagination does most of the work. 


Wearing human skins would require artists to make out and draw human skin versions of masks and whatnot, and for...what? Just the grim factor of it? I can understand that much, but even then...that's really stretching it. No pun intended.


Now, if artists wanted to just use the same leather models for the vests that you make from animals, that would nullify their need to design their own models. If that was the case, then the reason I gave wouldn't hold water. Still another issue that I have with it, though. 


That would mean that every other player would be a potential ten slot leather vest, hat, food source, all that stuff. All this would do, it seems to me, would be to encourage even stronger the Kill-on-sight mentality that already plagues the game. There's no scenario that I can think of where eating another person would be a viable option to survival. With cannibalism, you would have to kill another player, skin it, cook it, make a fire, all that...if you're starving, you don't have that kind of time. I'm not saying it's impossible...maybe there could actually occur an instance where cannibalism was the only way to survive. Maybe. Those times must be incredibly rare, though. Mythically rare. As it stands, the prevalence of food and the ease of farming is a far better option, especially now that you can make stone knives anywhere and cut seeds out of fruit. 





I never said I liked cannibalism. I've been against it since it was implemented, but I've never made a huge fuss of it. Basically the idea is that I don't think making the bodies of other players actual resources is a good idea. I can certainly live with it, and I won't complain about the in game use of it. I've never complained about cannibalism while in the game...but I still don't think it was the right move. I can deal with it, though. It's no skin off my ba...




Anyway, that being said, I don't like either things. I never said I liked cannibalism.

You defended it by drawing a comparison between cannibalism and skinning players to wear their skin as clothing. Your post was definitely against skinning but seemingly fine with consuming other players judging by the comparison. That's why I was confused; how could someone be fine with one and not the other?

As far as artwork is concerned, they could just continue to use the current leather clothing models -- I don't see why they'd have to be different. Deer skin looks pretty damn similar to human skin.

I myself am against cannibalism. I think it's a fucking terrible game mechanic. As you mentioned, the more a player can benefit by killing someone else, the less likely they'll be to interact with one another. Additionally, the idea is fairly appalling. This game isn't even remotely close to being a simulation, nor will it ever be, in my opinion. So why bother with cannibalism?

Implemented in very bad taste.

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You defended it by drawing a comparison between cannibalism and skinning players to wear their skin as clothing. Your post was definitely against skinning but seemingly fine with consuming other players judging by the comparison. That's why I was confused; how could someone be fine with one and not the other?


I literally called the two things a far cry from each other. I even put a little face on it. "Far cry". To clarify this, compliments of the Merriam-Webster dictionary:




far cry (noun)


1   :  a long distance

2   :  something notably different 
"The effects of the new law were a far cry from what was intended."
Edited by Rags

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Cooking an icon of meat that only says it's human flesh on a fire and your character eating with an animation that is hardly "eating" is a far cry 3MyZhrJ.jpg?1 from wearing skinned human remains.

You're insinuating here that eating people isn't as big a deal as wearing their skin.

That's like me saying, "Smacking my dog is a far cry from smacking my kids."

Hitting my dog isn't as bad as hitting my kids.

I literally called the two things a far cry from each other. I even put a little face on it. "Far cry". To clarify this, compliments of the Merriam-Webster dictionary:




far cry (noun)


1   :  a long distance

2   :  something notably different 


"The effects of the new law were a far cry from what was intended."

That wasn't the point I was making... your original quoted statement leads people to think you're FINE with cannibalism as you never said you weren't. You only implied skinning was much worse. Hence my comment asking how you can be fine with one and not the other, as both are essentially the same thing. You can't eat people without cutting them up/skinning them.

You follow?

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That wasn't the point I was making... your original quoted statement leads people to think you're FINE with cannibalism as you never said you weren't. 


If I said that child pornography was a far cry from genocide, you wouldn't say I was appearing to endorse child pornography.


Why would you say that make it seem like I'm find with cannibalism because I said it was a far cry from wearing human skin?

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If I said that child pornography was a far cry from genocide, you wouldn't say I was appearing to endorse child pornography.

Why would you say that make it seem like I'm find with cannibalism because I said it was a far cry from wearing human skin?

I wouldn't say you were endorsing it, just pointing out that the former was less severe than the latter in the context used.

It compares two different things, yes, and IN THE MANNER you presented it, you seemed to be comparing the severity of two things. Otherwise, why make the comparison? It doesn't make sense to point out that two things are different that are... obviously different unless there's an underlying point to be made.

"Smacking my dog is a far cry from smacking my kids." They're obviously different, but A isn't as bad as B.

"Yelling at a police officer is a far cry from assaulting one, Your Honor." Same thing.

"My parents house is a far cry from mine." When comparing size of their houses.

It's a very diverse phrase. It all depends on the context. The context you used it in seemingly compared the severity of the two acts, the latter being more offensive than the former, which was what led to the assumption you were fine with one but not the other.

EDIT: fucking Samsung keyboard, jfc. between its spellcheck and this conversation, not sure which is more aggravating

Edited by Grimey Rick

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Well, I think both are silly. 

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Someone had to go there...


This would be like in Rust, "Hey, we have penises, when are you going to implement...". Then again for DayZ, it's like, "Hey, we can vomit and carve/eat people, when can we...". No, just no. No 2 girls 1 cup, no pooping, no peeing, no fisting, no human leather, no BSDM, no, just no. Jesus people. Can't we just be happy that we can eat each other?

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So we all agree scalps would be a great idea?

Well, I would actually enjoy scalping. Not nearly so.....distasteful as cannibalism or wearing skinned foes, and it would give a handy indication of how many players someone has killed.....


Interesting. I like.

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