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Does anybody know if these pics are from the New DayZ Render?

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how is that possible?


so how my game don't look like that? should I buy a nvidia card?


I am not talking about the first pic I mean the second last one



Edited by John5220

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The animals there sure don't look like they're part of the usual engine...they look a lot nicer. Almost cell shaded in an odd way. 

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What type of video card are you using now? I believe all of those images are from the current rendering engine, but regardless, mine looks pretty awesome; I'm currently using an nVidia GeForce 660 GTX 2GB, with the game settings @ Normal/Medium with a resolution of 1920x1200. So, depending on what GPU you have, you might want to upgrade. Keep in mind, however, that the video settings still haven't been optimized, so the game may not look as good as you think it should, at least not yet.

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The animals there sure don't look like they're part of the usual engine...they look a lot nicer. Almost cell shaded in an odd way. 


this is what I am saying


No way could these animals be from the current engine. It looks like Arma 3.


I am using a HD 7850 radeon

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this is what I am saying


No way could these animals be from the current engine. It looks like Arma 3.


I am using a HD 7850 radeon


Would be in the animation software

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Hi John
To me, this looks like it is the current engine and not Arma 3. I have spent a number of hours in the A3 editor in Chernarus plus. The lighting looks quite different there compared to dayz.
For your reference


Arma 3


I find the time of day/night is very dependent on the way the lighting looks too. Dusk and dawn, always looks amazing compared to the middle of the day   :D 
Hope this helps

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Well the second last one looks more from DayZ and even the other ones could be taken from DayZ. And those are from the current renderer. Nothing different how things currently look like. It's just the right time in the right lighting.

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