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Creating "Care Packages"

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So for the longest time I've always been that kind of lone survivalist / Hero ranger type and it got me thinking about how I could be a better "hero" besides hunting bandits and I hatched a plan about making "care packages". Now what would you say would be my "Care package", simply I'd actively hunt a newly spawned survivor, attempt to meet and greet and give them a package which gives them an early head start.


I'd like some input about the contents of these packages. So here's what I had in mind:


A care package would consist of a Courier Bag as the actual "package", it would be a courier bag because of the simplicity of finding the items allowing for alot to produced. Each courier bag has 12 slots totaly.


inside would be a number of items which include:

  • A 4 slot clothing item such as a Hoodie or a Bomber Jacket
  • Inside said Jacket item would be a weapon primarily a Makarov or a P1 Pistol
  • A full bottle of Water
  • A Compass
  • Either a note or an improvised Stone Knife (more info on the "note" below
  • 1 Bandage or 6 Rags
  • 1 Magazine (Either a Makarov or a P1 Magazine)
  • 1 Box of Ammunition (would normally be a box of ammo rather than loose rounds)
  • A can of food (normally a can of tuna or an opened can of Bacon)

Some items can differ in these packages I hope to give out to new spawns, these include:

  • In place of a Makarov or P1 Pistol, players may get a Derringer with ammunition in their jacket item alongside an extra bandage.
  • If a package had a Derringer it opens up two new slots for items. These will usually be extra food or in some cases, basic traps such as Snares and Fish Traps (Fish Traps will always have some bait inside of them)

Regarding the note, the note would not only give a basic description of the package and some basic survival tips, it will also describe a location or two where a possible stash is. These are home-made by myself for new spawns and will likely hold a random assortment of gear (occassionally even a better "backpack")


So what do you all think, is this a good layout for giving "care packages" to new spawns?

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back in the mod, we used to leave tents of maps & Canteens & food at the suicide lighthouse near komy, then they invented online maps *boo* *hiss*  


I don't even bother with the coast any more, only as a fresh spawn.

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And then said "Newly spawned survivor" would take said pistol and continue to empty it into you, and run off with your gear, I'm all for giving something to someone, but a gun and ammo, no...

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Some items can differ in these packages I hope to give out to new spawns, these include:

  • In place of a Makarov or P1 Pistol, players may get a Derringer with ammunition in their jacket item alongside an extra bandage.
  • If a package had a Derringer it opens up two new slots for items. These will usually be extra food or in some cases, basic traps such as Snares and Fish Traps (Fish Traps will always have some bait inside of them)


This is going to end well  :thumbsup:

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And then said "Newly spawned survivor" would take said pistol and continue to empty it into you, and run off with your gear, I'm all for giving something to someone, but a gun and ammo, no...


Not quite, I anticipated this and figured by placing the Makarov or P1 in the Jacket and the Magazine and Ammunition seperate I figured it would give me plenty of time to leave before they could sort out their stuff. Plus I wouldn't give them a loaded gun or a loaded magazine, they'd have to do that themselves and I won't be sticking around long enough for them to use it on me. Each action they must perform to prepare said weapon uses precious seconds of which I can use to escape to safety.


Plus I doubt many will charge a fully geared player when they got an AKM or a SKS pointed straight at them. These first few "care packages" I will almost always do with a partner hiding nearby in the event things go south.

Edited by Draco122
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Nice idea, beans to you.

2 suggestions from me: 1) if possible make the coat a raincoat - spawning in the pouring rain, getting instantly soaked and then dying from hypothermia is very annoying... and/or 2) include matches. As they are the only way to make a fire they are something I always look for as soon as I spawn and they can sometimes be difficult to find, though I appreciate that the majority of players probably don't care about hunting animals, cooking steaks and relaxing by a fire.

Edit - another thought, might a splitting axe be generally more useful for a new spawn than a pistol and, whether you have an AK pointed at them or not, be a little bit safer for you? ;-)

Edited by krazypenguin
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This is inline with what I'm doing on my less than busy server- but a big part of the benefit is I keep everything hidden away. I grow a bunch of veg (especially pumpkins now), and have a well right on site so they can drink up. Got a water bottle they can use to speed up the process but it's kind of on faith that they give it back. I'll give them the tools they need to craft their own backpack... show them how to craft an improvised knife (probably the most useful tool in the game)... Maybe some seeds to grow?

While I admire your commitment- I can't help but feeling like you're not really providing these folks with the tools they need to survive. Oh yes, you're GIVING them what they need until that stuff runs out... but not really helping them to find alternatives.

With that said- I'm not wanting to come off like I'm dumping on your idea... if someone walked up to me and said- here you go... this will do you for awhile I'd probably be really happy- but VERY suspicious. I wouldn't take it on the grounds that you'll give it to me, get me to turn my back and kill me then give it to the next guy like it's some sick fetish of yours. Why would I feel that way? We all know. (Because dayz)

Then again- they'd probably feel the same way with me doing it my way...

I've got a "shop" set up that I like to call "Chez Eno." It's at a well that has a greenhouse... some good access to common routes (most I've seen running along the train tracks)... I help them craft their improvised knives... give them seeds to grow and ample veg to get them through the trek ahead... If I have any left I had over a melee weapon to protect themselves mostly from zombies...

You are offering my plan on steroids- I couldn't POSSIBLY collect that many resources...

But on topic- if you can provide that it's very, very generous. WAY too generous- in my opinion- for what this game has created at this point.

Edited by ENO75

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Honestly, All the care packages should really contain (In my eyes) are;


Improvised knife or the materials needed alongside a "Crafting note" for said item


One can of both Food and Drink


and at least the minimum amount of ammo needed to fill a weapon with an internal magazine (Preferably the mosin)

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Not quite, I anticipated this and figured by placing the Makarov or P1 in the Jacket and the Magazine and Ammunition seperate I figured it would give me plenty of time to leave before they could sort out their stuff. Plus I wouldn't give them a loaded gun or a loaded magazine, they'd have to do that themselves and I won't be sticking around long enough for them to use it on me. Each action they must perform to prepare said weapon uses precious seconds of which I can use to escape to safety.


Plus I doubt many will charge a fully geared player when they got an AKM or a SKS pointed straight at them. These first few "care packages" I will almost always do with a partner hiding nearby in the event things go south.


I've had plenty and I mean plenty experiences where some freshie who has "Nothing" to lose, would rush me in the attempt to KO me and take my gear, if your thinking the gear your giving them is "Something" they won't want to lose, well, your gear is an upgrade to the stuff they got given to them, ofcoarse they will attempt to take you out, not trying to be a dick here, just, had enough experiences that warrant me never ever giving some random anything that would give them the opportunity to kill me.

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So what do you all think, is this a good layout for giving "care packages" to new spawns?


The idea is very good, just two cents of my own:


1) some of these items are tedious to get (often I find only Makarovs with one avatar and only clips with another), and I doubt you really want to give away the ammo box I'm thinking about. You... you don't have an in-game 3D printer, do you? :) Why not go for more common loot? This way you'll cut the time and help more people. Even water bottles are not that common sometimes. There are plenty of them at the NWAF, apart from that I say it highly depends.


2) If I was on the receiving end of such a package, a rope and matches is what I'd be hoping for. Of rarer items, I'd give you a kiss for a morphine and any kind of a zooming contraption (LRS, longhorn, binoculars). But definitely the matches.


3) I wouldn't worry about giving a gun like the others. One of the main rules of forum users here? Never, ever give ammo. So what did I do twice within 5 minutes, in northern Berezino of all places? Exactly that. My reward? Instead of a bullet in the face, I got an offer to raid the NWAF and a freakin' M5PK dropped on the ground (no mag, but still the first one I've seen with my own eyes).


Nevertheless, why would you bother with providing them guns? More time to build a package and it should be their concern to arm themselves. If anything, I'd give them whatever I could find - shotgun ammo, a random mag, this kind of stuff. Or maybe just a rope. This days, a rope is all you need to have to craft a bow and go hunting.


4) Hell, come to think of it, why give them food instead of teaching how to get it? Give them a rope for a bow, a fishing hook, put down some crafting tips on the note. A set of rope+matches is enough never to open a can again. ;)


All in all, I hope you'll have some good stories to tell after this endeavour, good luck! :)

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So writing this post to let you all now the current state of affairs with my venture in doing "Care Packages". Joined three different servers and managed to meet about 7-8 people on medium to semi-high populated servers. Here's what I've got to say:


My original target was around 5 individual new spawns but ended up trying serving around 7, 3 out of the 5 attacked me on site upon seeing me heavily geared up, no responses at all, just fists up and ready to fight.


Two co-operated without incident and happily accepted the package with thanks and praise, the last two were interesting to say the least. Me and my friends encountered a new spawn who obviously was extremely close to death, despite our efforts, having revived him and restore him to full health, he chose the easy way out and using the makarov inside the Care package to promptly commit suicide, of which we recovered said Care package and thought to try again.


There were a few instances of us handing individual items to new spawns such as rice bags, individual courier bags (just the bags not the gear), water bottles, other food items and sometimes magazines for a certain weapon.


However the last individual was working alongside a hacker of which we all died afterwards.


Afterwards myself and my friends encountered what we thought was a friendly survivor near three valleys, it wasn't until his character started laughing and sobbing like a maniac and a few shots of a Mosin whizzed at us. It was suspicious later once we closed in on his position only to have all three of us die instantly by an aimbotting speedhacker

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Sad... very sad. But beans for your efforts as well as your intentions. 


Just curious if this was on a public server or private? 

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Sad... very sad. But beans for your efforts as well as your intentions. 


Just curious if this was on a public server or private? 


It was on a persistance public server, my friend had a video of where he recorded the entire incident (the part where we encountered the hackers but I'm waiting on him to upload it)

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So for the longest time I've always been that kind of lone survivalist / Hero ranger type and it got me thinking about how I could be a better "hero" besides hunting bandits and I hatched a plan about making "care packages". Now what would you say would be my "Care package", simply I'd actively hunt a newly spawned survivor, attempt to meet and greet and give them a package which gives them an early head start.


I'd like some input about the contents of these packages. So here's what I had in mind:


A care package would consist of a Courier Bag as the actual "package", it would be a courier bag because of the simplicity of finding the items allowing for alot to produced. Each courier bag has 12 slots totaly.


inside would be a number of items which include:

  • A 4 slot clothing item such as a Hoodie or a Bomber Jacket
  • Inside said Jacket item would be a weapon primarily a Makarov or a P1 Pistol
  • A full bottle of Water
  • A Compass
  • Either a note or an improvised Stone Knife (more info on the "note" below
  • 1 Bandage or 6 Rags
  • 1 Magazine (Either a Makarov or a P1 Magazine)
  • 1 Box of Ammunition (would normally be a box of ammo rather than loose rounds)
  • A can of food (normally a can of tuna or an opened can of Bacon)

Some items can differ in these packages I hope to give out to new spawns, these include:

  • In place of a Makarov or P1 Pistol, players may get a Derringer with ammunition in their jacket item alongside an extra bandage.
  • If a package had a Derringer it opens up two new slots for items. These will usually be extra food or in some cases, basic traps such as Snares and Fish Traps (Fish Traps will always have some bait inside of them)

Regarding the note, the note would not only give a basic description of the package and some basic survival tips, it will also describe a location or two where a possible stash is. These are home-made by myself for new spawns and will likely hold a random assortment of gear (occassionally even a better "backpack")


So what do you all think, is this a good layout for giving "care packages" to new spawns?

Won't be able to pack that way with the upcoming .53 update.  Sucks too, good idea and the way most of us pack anyway.

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Its a great idea :)


When i hosted a mod server, way back in the day, we build a "refugee camp" near Kamyshovo. It was very popular, and was based on a "take some, leave some" principle.

Of course some people came by and took as much as possible, but we just went on supply runs and restocked :)

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Sad... very sad. But beans for your efforts as well as your intentions. 


Just curious if this was on a public server or private? 


Beans as well, although I'd say the results are actually not that discouraging. Some freshies were bound to attack you no matter what, because that is what some of them just do, even with the odds 1:1,000,000. And high-pop servers tend to attract hackers, at least in populated areas, so there you go. When I helped freshies it was in smaller villages in towns like Msta and Dolina, there are more honest looters in lieu of berserk bambis there.

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It is fun running with the idea that you're like a provider of charity among warlords- delivering aid but defending it as well.

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This is the care package I dropped between Solnichniy and the Three Valleys spawn point. All the  food and drinks I had left, and essential tools like aviators and a Bible, because y'all motherfuckers need Jesus! Inside the raincoat were some jungle boots.



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I quite enjoy this thought, as others have said I will accompany I had a great time doing this in the mod in different shapes and forms.  If you want a hand I'd be happy to assist in gathering items to place for the care packages. 

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I quite enjoy this thought, as others have said I will accompany I had a great time doing this in the mod in different shapes and forms.  If you want a hand I'd be happy to assist in gathering items to place for the care packages. 


I do appreciate that however with the latest patch its gotten difficult for me to make care packages reliably (as you cant stuff items inside a backpack and store them in another backpack). So largely I'm reduced now to dropping individual supplies, I can do this to a point by using protector cases but I almost never find them so I've had to redesign my care packages as Supply Caches that I can send new players to instead using a written note with some supplies given on sight, it's a safer method as well as I'm not directly giving them a gun but I am directing players to go to a specific place via a note.

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Beans to you for trying to help people out, glad to see more people trying to do good things for new spawns. Its just sad an unfortunate that most people would rather try to knock you out or kill you because they're too damn lazy to find stuff for themselves.

I try to run a trade service, most times people will play along but there are times when I'm robbed or killed. To alleviate the problem I started running with a sniper to oversee the operation. I try to leave little gift bags for people mostly food, water, matches and rope. People generally seem happy to get help when they are fresh but due to the kill everything that moves mentality that the YouTube and other streamers have popularized it is difficult to judge peoples intentions

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Beans to you for trying to help people out, glad to see more people trying to do good things for new spawns. Its just sad an unfortunate that most people would rather try to knock you out or kill you because they're too damn lazy to find stuff for themselves.

I try to run a trade service, most times people will play along but there are times when I'm robbed or killed. To alleviate the problem I started running with a sniper to oversee the operation. I try to leave little gift bags for people mostly food, water, matches and rope. People generally seem happy to get help when they are fresh but due to the kill everything that moves mentality that the YouTube and other streamers have popularized it is difficult to judge peoples intentions


Myself and a few friends decided to do something similar on friday night, we sort of set up a small trade post on the coast. We set up near Krutoy Cap nestled in that little bunch of buildings after we geared up, grabbed some supplies (including one of my friends who literally stuffed a mountain backpack full of water bottles, seeds and canned food) and tried to make ourselves a little garden on the coast. We got alot of traffic, even had one or two greeters on the road who would stop passers by and be welcome in the little village for some nice food supplies. We got some positive comments from some, especially as we were growing pumpkins and very few people had actually seen an edible pumpkin let alone carry one around as a food source.


Alas the majority were hostile to our greeters on a high pop server (we armed our greeters with pistols to make sure they weren't completely defenseless), even had one or two bandit snipers who tried to exploit our trade route by sniping new spawns before they could even get inside the small village. We had a few accusations here and there about being bandits and a few who tried to take everything for themselves. Sometimes fights broke out amongst the garden, ending up in mass fist fights over the garden of pumpkins and other food. We tried not to directly kill the offenders, some of us actively armed ourselves with motorcycle helmets, cattle prods and stun batons as an emergency measure in the event things got out of hand, which they invariably did.


But otherwise things like that went well if not for having the occassional jerk and bandit rove by.

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Not to derail the thread but I've been in a med-pop server and the response I've got so far (private side) has been pretty good. Like I mentioned before- it's like delivering aid to those who need it while defending it against those who want it. I have a few folks helping me do so and unfortunately 1 person so far has been a bit too punchy to survive the encounter. 


We're still providing the tools with which to survive- generally encouraging people who aren't already aware to search for stones and make an improvised knife... then providing them with a burlap sac to fab a carrier bag or improvised backpack... Also telling them to use the knife to extract seeds or just take the pumpkins we have already available. It's quite fun- being kind but also taking charge when needed. 


Again- credits to the op for pursuing these objectives... one person at a time perhaps we can help to show folks that KOS isn't always justified but that caution is ALWAYS a prerequisite. 

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I used to do this all the time,


My care packages were SMERSH backpacks, since they're small little packs with MOLLE all over them and look just like a care package.


I usually put a loaded Makarov, a Water Bottle, Can Opener and a Map of all of Chernarus inside. 


I used to put them on the roads between hotspot towns and cities and light a road flare beside them.


I'd also put a note beside it saying who I was and how I wish them good luck on their adventures.

Edited by mullraugh

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I once made about 5 garden plots next to the kambi road and made another 5 or so fireplaces next to it. I came from cherno so i was bringing tons of raincoats and whatnot and threw it all on the middle of a road. On my way to kambi i dropped a drybag with an axe, teddy bear, bandages and some stuff. First guy who came to kamishowo was wearing my ex bag and axe. I welcome him and offer him pumpkins. First thing he tried to do was to axe my head off whilst giving me some comments about my relatives. Boy i had a pleasure of killing that dude. Some "normal" freshspawns came up later on and they were quite worried about the fire as some were making comments im a cannibal lol.


Anyway, it was obviously a bad idea to pick kamy for this.

All i did was a huge gathering of newspans that ended up with mass murder once two fully decked players arrived lol


to think of, thats how most gatherings in dayz ends up anyway, so it wasnt all that bad while it lasted :D

Edited by halp

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