georgiapeach 34 Posted January 23, 2015 (edited) i am a bit worried about the SA players going to the mod due to the state SA is. i can see it in reddit, some new people in this forum and even in the TS we are there are coming new players to dayZ (mod). till now i have the impression that there were real interest or curiosity by most of them from what i read and heard.and it is never to late to experience what only dayZ can deliver so i am glad for them. it is not neccesary the kind of new players i am worried about but the sheer amount. the server we play on gets more people on by every day and it is just a matter of time till it is hope is that most of them will try different mods and so they spread out. i was thinking about writing a steam review for the SA where i say bad things about dayZ to scare people away from it.but that would not be fair for some who really might enjoy dayZ as much as i do. while i am glad for them i just wish that the small ecosystem of dayZ i am living in right now won't get disturbed to much. never thought about it before, but i wonder what would be neccesary to get an own server running?*investigate* Edited January 23, 2015 by justadude Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boneboys 7988 Posted January 23, 2015 For official DayZ Mod & SA you should check the Steam stat charts. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georgiapeach 34 Posted January 23, 2015 (edited) cool, did not know about that. thx for the info i will play a bit with it. edited: after a first look i think it might be not very usefull. steam wants to sell me that right now only 3 (in words: three) people on the planet are playing dayZ while about 10000 play SA. if i lookt to the server i play on (gametracker or wahtever) there are already 7 people on (and i doubt that this is really the last official dayZ server). something is wrong here, as always do not trust stats ... on the other hand does the ratio 10000:3 seems pretty interesting in a broader society context ; ) Edited January 23, 2015 by justadude Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AmazingAussie 38 Posted January 23, 2015 (edited) Seems like Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead has gained a lot of users within these past couple of months. Edited January 23, 2015 by Quackdot Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tommy290 941 Posted January 23, 2015 If you don't want to play with more people, then get your own server or find another low-pop server to call home. Having a game grow in popularity is a good thing that should not be discouraged. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georgiapeach 34 Posted January 23, 2015 wtf? where did i talk about low-high-pop servers? for me the growing popularity harmed dayZ as much as it did good. did not need it to start playing and do not need it to play on. if we get a hive back up and running due to the growing popularity, well that would be a good thing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blackberrygoo 1416 Posted January 25, 2015 Don't worry man, your server silence will begin again when all of the people get disinterested in the ridiculous KOS fest that is the dayz mod ( I mean they are most likely just annoyed by some bugs in standalone which is why they take temporary breaks, which is good in the long run) ... I feel so ridiculously disinterested whenever I load up dayz mod, it's so plain and boring in terms of immersion and actually being a survival game ... Ugh you could not pay me to stop playing standalone to play this mess of pvp again , in my opinion in about 6 months the dayz mod will be close to abandoned , seeing how much potential the standalone has and how the dayz mod is only hanging on by a thread of nostalgia (let's face it , all the GOOD dayz mods are DEAD , how could anyone whos interested in playing a survival game have ANY FUN in a mod like over watch or overpoch , it's unrealistic , not immersive one bit and the only thing It has is many vehicles and base building). To each his own though , but for me , dayz mod is in the past , the future is with dayz standalone and it's great to see people still living in the past but most of us need something new to breathe life into this genre (seeing as dayz mod made it , but definitely didn't perfect it , dayz sa truly feels like a survival game , the mod does NOT) and dayz standalone does just that , sometimes standalone is ust so frustrating (seeing as it's in Alpha) that many of us desperately flock to what once made us happy... But after a good three hours of playing a still buggy , very underdeveloped (in terms of survival , immersion and potential) dayz mod , most of us realize that the mod is in the past for a reason , and that our expectations have been raised by standalone so for a huge majority of us we can't stay on dayz mod for long as the negatives out weigh the nostalgic positives . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cartoonrboy 94 Posted February 4, 2015 (edited) I feel so ridiculously disinterested whenever I load up dayz mod, it's so plain and boring in terms of immersion and actually being a survival game ... Ugh you could not pay me to stop playing standalone to play this mess of pvp again , in my opinion in about 6 months the dayz mod will be close to abandoned , seeing how much potential the standalone has and how the dayz mod is only hanging on by a thread of nostalgia (let's face it , all the GOOD dayz mods are DEAD , how could anyone whos interested in playing a survival game have ANY FUN in a mod like over watch or overpoch , it's unrealistic , not immersive one bit and the only thing It has is many vehicles and base building). I campaign for the love of DayZ, about the ability for DayZmod to provide a harsh survival game by using restraint. The flexibility DayZmod provides means that it can do survival very well indeed, but unfortunately many server admins like the colour pink and/or tanks and shopping (reminds me of a certain gender demographic). Over time this has disillusioned the very people DayZmod was created for and has driven a lot of players away to either DayZsa or other games. I cannot express enough my contempt for the majority who have destroyed the DayZmod player-base by adding uber starting gear, tanks, traders etc. If you want to mindlessly shoot things, there is an entire industry of games catering for exactly that. What's galling is reading threads on this forum asking whether DayZ is a survival game? To me that is the single most stupid question put forward and wreaks of a total misunderstanding of the games intention and yet which validates my opinion that the majority do not realise that DayZmod can actually become a very difficult survival game. I have seen players die on my server within 40 minutes, not from zombies or shots, but from hypothermia and/or infection. Starvation is the next biggest killer, then we worry about the undead. DaZmod is dead in it's common form. But there is a core of dedicated players who adore DayZ survival who keep the mod alive. They deserve to be counted. Edited February 4, 2015 by Cartoonrboy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted February 4, 2015 Hello there In all honesty OP's "worries" are completely unfounded. Even if it were true, whats the problem? Rgds LoK 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georgiapeach 34 Posted February 4, 2015 in all honesty, you might be right or wrong. worries are not unfounded but due to empirical data collected by actually playing the game this forum was created for. anyways we decided to support the server we are playing on right now and if the overall 120 slots which are available for vanilla dayZ right now are always full we will run our own server. or we go back to 1st person where slots never seemed to be a problem. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sula 1205 Posted February 8, 2015 What? I don't want standalone players coming and playing my mod! We might have fun and maybe get a good game going or something like that! :o Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cucu (DayZ) 8 Posted February 18, 2015 Yes, this is exactly what we need! SA players realizing that SA is still far from finished/playable/enjoyable and come back to vanilla Dayz Mod (not the mod mods like epoc and overpooch things) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skydive (DayZ) 71 Posted February 18, 2015 I have two 100-slot vanilla DayZ Mod server I run that are in need of players. If more are coming from SA to the mod, I say bring it on! I can always add more server instances and my servers are hived together so you can jump from one to the other with your gear. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites