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Can opener--handy tool or cruel taunt?

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So, I am on a particular private shard that shall remain moist, err nameless and it is tough getting a character going, in spite of picking berries and apples I just can't seem to keep any characters from starving to death.  There aren't many canned items around in any sort of abundance and the only thing I can find to open the cans I do find are the brass knuckles, which if you have tried that you know how much food you spill, every drop counts at this point, spilling food is not an option (which reminds me DEVS, how about the 5 second rule???).  Getting off the coast is becoming a serious bitch.


Finally, I am a few kilometers off the coast and inland, this is try number six. I find a worn can opener in a house that has some boots and some jeans, but that's about it, no cans.  At this point I am orange hungry but I am in the back woods and try my luck with some berry bushes I find near a feeding station.  Yes, 8, count them 8 red berries, I am cooking with gas here, now to find water but that is abundant out here where I am, hydration isn't the issue.  I make it up the trail to a small village at the head of Three Valleys, color vision is fading and stomach is grumbling but it is here that I begin to find stuff that will get me energized, hydrated and healthy.  Thankfully I still have the can opener and can use canned goods to maximum benefit.


Life is tough on DayZ persistent private shards, but it is tougher if you don't have a can opener...

Edited by Barnabus

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Tin openers used to be like gold dust, but now lots of things open cans from screwdrivers to hacksaws to bayonets. It all depends on the server of course but I've not been stuck with tinned goods without a way of opening them for some time.

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crafted stone from beach maybe? Easy to find and works for me mostly with 99% in can.

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Tin openers used to be like gold dust, but now lots of things open cans from screwdrivers to hacksaws to bayonets. It all depends on the server of course but I've not been stuck with tinned goods without a way of opening them for some time.

Yeah, I just couldn't find any hacksaws, axes, crowbars or screwdrivers, nothing sharp at all, not even a hoe. At least not until I had already found the can opener.

crafted stone from beach maybe? Easy to find and works for me mostly with 99% in can.

Yep, and I should have mentioned that I had forgotten all about that.  I was lugging around netting and burlap sacks for a long way AND I had a stone knife all along that I could have both open cans with and cut the sacks into strips!!  I got tunnel visioned.

Edited by Barnabus

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Open stuff outside inventory=high chance of more food %

Good tip, I too noticed that but never really cared much about the loss since I am not playing on public servers much.

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I grabbed a pickaxe and 100+ seeds in Cherno, last time I spawned, and then ran north.


I got enough tomatoes and peppers to feed an army right now.

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I lost my SKS bayonet and, without a can opener, have been opening cans with a fire axe.


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crafted stone from beach maybe? Easy to find and works for me mostly with 99% in can.


Stone crafted knife works like a charm and only takes one slot. Can use for arrowmaking etc.

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Stone knife is the first thing I make when I spawn on the coast.  Indispensable for early game.

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never new there was a stone knife in the game. what a clown...sigh

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