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Calling fellow gardeners...

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Farms have indeed improved player interaction. God Bless Farms...

Indeed it has. I love to expand my player interaction list


Murder someone in a building

Murder someone in the street

Murder someone while they're logging out

Murder someone force feeding me to save my life

Murder someone in the water

Murder someone drinking from a fountain

Murder someone eating/drinking

Murder someone in a truck

Murder someone in a garden

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Please tell me pumpkins are more nutritious than those damned tomatoes

I would certainly hope so given their size. Even on a serving-to-serving basis though, the pumpkin should be more nutritious. A tomato is a lot of water.

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I would certainly hope so given their size. Even on a serving-to-serving basis though, the pumpkin should be more nutritious. A tomato is a lot of water.

Exactly. Tomatoes are not a staple food for a reason.


I like how we can use "leftover" plant material as fertilizer (Is that implemented yet?), but I would like to see a more "natural" version: fish.  The plot is 3x3, enough for 5 mounds of corn and beans and 4 mound of pumpkins. The Native Americans would bury fish within the mounds before planting, to fertilize the soil on top of what the beans would add. So, we could use fish traps to catch fish, or, hopefully, make a net (or just use netting) to catch fish en masse.




very effective system, relative to other organic (without petroleum-based fertilizers, which 99.99% of "modern" fertilizer is, including the in-game DRAKON. Hopefully, DRAKON will become more rare, and we will have to use other methods) methods of agriculture. The corn provides support for the beans and various vitamins, the beans provide protein while nitrogenizing the soil, and the pumpkins protect the plot from insects, and provides carbs and Vitamin A. Add some potatoes as a starchy base, and you have a diet that covers all nutritional dependencies. 

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So I grew 9 green pepper plants, harvested one and was going to let the other plants sit ripened for a bit. After an hour or so, the plants were no longer there... they just disappeared. Server wasn't restarted I believe. Does anyone know if the plants "waste away" if not picked in time?


I don't know but I'll find out when I get home tonight.


My friend and I have started sticking to a couple of servers and we now have a place we're calling home for now. The server we were on rebooted which was great because we placed some things down to test persistence. However, Dayz being Dayz the server never came back up so we swapped to one labelled persistence and I dug some plots in a greenhouse and planted. That was hours ago now so hopefully the plants will still be there when I get back later.


Oh and the other good thing? There's a barn near our camp, red roof one, I ran down there after we swapped and it was full of everything so finding seeds, hoes, lime, etc was easy so we could get out little experiment underway :)

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I like how we can use "leftover" plant material as fertilizer (Is that implemented yet?)

I don't think it works yet, at least I couldn't get it to, tried holding it in hand but no option comes up when you point at a prepared patch of soil, seems like only the gardening lyme 'DRAKON' fertilizer works currently.


So I grew 9 green pepper plants, harvested one and was going to let the other plants sit ripened for a bit. After an hour or so, the plants were no longer there... they just disappeared. Server wasn't restarted I believe. Does anyone know if the plants "waste away" if not picked in time?

I planted 9 pumpkin seeds with fertilizer and went away for about 30 minutes, when I got back 3 of the plants had good pumpkins and the other 6 had rotten pumpkins, I guess if I'd waited a bit longer they would've disappeared completely.

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