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Too much food

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Was just thinking how it's so easy to get so much canned and "ready"food in the game. I really love that you can hunt in the game and cook the meat it's awesome, it's just not necessary at all, you find more than enough canned food to take care of the hunger.


IMO it would be nice idea that your character would start energized but it would be very hard to find canned foods or fruits and all that, and that your best bet would be to hunt your own food. :P

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Well, conider this


maybe DayZ has the loot table to favour spawning food items to help playtest the features in the game?


Like, Long searches for helecopter crashsites to test out deliberatly rare items?

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Wasnt the plan to make fruit and veggies rot over time? That would make it harder to find eatable foods.

They will probably tweak the spawnrates eventually, depending on how they want the game. (or how the majority of players wants it)

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Yes I totally agree ... Hunting and fishing should be much more viable. I mean animals should be everywhere so we don't need to hunt for canned goods (but animals take a big hit on server fps I could imagine so it's an optimization issue for now) and in my opinion the only areas that should have over 4-5 canned goods would be untouched pantrys in houses or stashes that other survivors have made ...

So once in a rare while it would be great to come across some sort of "survivor stash" where the loot is delibrately over spawned to make it look like a stash but almost every other house will be close to empty . But they are getting closer to item degradation like that last guy above me was talking about , so that should definitely reduce canned goods and when they start reducing the numbers well really see the apocalypse levels of canned goods lol .

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I think fruit and veg should be completely removed.  I cant remember the exact duration from the outbreak (its intended to be months rather than years), but no matter how long its been, all the fruit would be rotten in days.  I look forward to the day where we rejoice when we find a can of tactical bacon and almost have an orgasm when we find rice.


Im sure they will tweak the hunger/food system in due course when it is the right time to do so.


I actually play on a loot borked persistent server on one of my alts for the simple reason that its so hard to find food that I am forced to find rope/knife/axe etc to allow me to hunt.  A glitch meant that my bow disapeared on me so Im on the long search for more rope to make another and to allow me to make a fishing rod.


Its a much more enjoyable experience than RUN>LOOT FOOD>FIND GUNS>KILL.  I think I have almost died twice now due to starvation, but its loads of fun playing the survival role on servers that dont spawn much of anything.  If I find a loot explosion in a town on the map, Im going to keep travelling until it ends.


On the hunt for a fishing lure now and a plastic bottle.

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I think fruit and veg should be completely removed.  I cant remember the exact duration from the outbreak (its intended to be months rather than years), but no matter how long its been, all the fruit would be rotten in days.  I look forward to the day where we rejoice when we find a can of tactical bacon and almost have an orgasm when we find rice.


Im sure they will tweak the hunger/food system in due course when it is the right time to do so.


I actually play on a loot borked persistent server on one of my alts for the simple reason that its so hard to find food that I am forced to find rope/knife/axe etc to allow me to hunt.  A glitch meant that my bow disapeared on me so Im on the long search for more rope to make another and to allow me to make a fishing rod.


Its a much more enjoyable experience than RUN>LOOT FOOD>FIND GUNS>KILL.  I think I have almost died twice now due to starvation, but its loads of fun playing the survival role on servers that dont spawn much of anything.  If I find a loot explosion in a town on the map, Im going to keep travelling until it ends.


On the hunt for a fishing lure now and a plastic bottle.

Which is why the Devs have included, and are still working on, an agriculture system.

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I wish there were a few plants around the map, ( and i mean a few )  That you could pick the Fruit/Veg from , Peppers , peas , corn , Zuccini ,  Then it takes time or a restart to grow them again. Instead of just finding them or growing them. Would be nice then just finding a random pristine Kiwi sitting on a table. Only i don't think they have Banana trees in Russia :(


Edited by LoveAffair
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not only food but clean water also needs to eventually be tweaked we should have to boil water from wells and from creeks or risk some kind of infection. with the heat turned up i understand the water bottle spawn being raised hell i carry 4 on me. now could you imagine the heat raised and not having the abundance of clean water and having to boil it with fire wooo sounds exciting to me thats for sure.

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I wish there were a few plants around the map, ( and i mean a few )  That you could pick the Fruit/Veg from , Peppers , corn , Zuccini ,  Then it takes time or a restart to grow them again. Instead of just finding them or growing them. Would be nice then just finding a random pristine Kiwi sitting on a table. Only i don't think they have Banana trees in Russia :(


I mean, I seriously do not understand why people think starving to death would be a fun time.


If there were only a few harvestable plants scattered around the map, you would NEVER be able to do anything. You would never be fully energized, never be able to heal from wounds, get sick all the time, etc. There is a difference between "survival" game and "fuck you" game.


I, on the other hand, want canned goods and sodas to be as rare as tits on a bull. That way, if/when you find one (HOLY SHIT, food that doesn't go bad!), you hoard it for when it is really needed. 


Relatedly, agriculture and animal husbandry is NOT easy. You don't just stick some seeds in the ground and you get food, or let animals run around in a field. You actually have to work pretty hard for your food, especially in a post-apocalyptic world where there aren't an overabundance of tractor fuel and synthesized fertilizers. (However, I would LOVE to see a tractor with interchangeable attachments as a vehicle) However, if you put that hard work in, you should be able to get enough food to survive, and if you are lucky or skilled, get a surplus, for trading or storing. I also want there to be means of preserving food, like smoking, drying, canning, so grown food/hunted animals don't go bad.


I proposed agriculture take about a week to grow. That way, it is a fast enough process where we can actually get enough food to survive with hard work, but slow enough for us to appreciate the work we put into it, as well as truly fucking you over if something bad happens (crop failure, wild animals eat the crop, bandits burn it down). You should also have to check on it, to weed it and chase away animals (maybe build a fence, and a scarecrow? BASEBUILDING AHOY). You would also need to ensure you have enough food saved up from last harvest to tide you over to the next one, as well as the current harvest being big enough to both feed you, as well as providing enough future seed.


IRL, until the last couple hundred years, agriculture was the basis of the economy, as well as the "basic" unit of barter. Medieval peasants paid taxes with wheat, American colonists bartered with carn-made whiskey, etc etc etc 

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The thing is that this game is in early access...which mean it is intended to be tested constantly...making a proper loot table when it comes to food would help in not getting this goal acomplished. So they give us the meanings to test the features implemented while letting us enjoy a little survival. I think is just fine at the moment...specially when you go out to the woods by yourself and get NO canned food

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From my perspective, I believe the loot tables will be fixed one day. Cans of beans won't be common.

But killing a deer (or any animal) needs to drop a lot more meat than currently. It's only four to six steaks, should be more like 12.

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Agreed to OP. Compared to previous experimental build where I managed to die of starvation a couple of times FOR THE FIRST TIME in almost 600 hrs of gameplay, the current build is way too abundant with food. I mean, there is no need to hunt, grow tomatoes, pick berries and cook humans AT ALL.

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not only food but clean water also needs to eventually be tweaked we should have to boil water from wells and from creeks or risk some kind of infection. with the heat turned up i understand the water bottle spawn being raised hell i carry 4 on me. now could you imagine the heat raised and not having the abundance of clean water and having to boil it with fire wooo sounds exciting to me thats for sure.

Most wells ARE clean water though. Drinking from a pond that has stagnant water gives a much greater risk of bacterial poisoning. That's why they have the water purification tablets. Right now though you don't get sick from water. Once that aspect is implemented then either using the tablets or drinking from a well are your only options. Perhaps they could make Wells more scarce. You really wouldn't find those old crank wells in the city so maybe country only

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Most wells ARE clean water though. Drinking from a pond that has stagnant water gives a much greater risk of bacterial poisoning. That's why they have the water purification tablets. Right now though you don't get sick from water. Once that aspect is implemented then either using the tablets or drinking from a well are your only options. Perhaps they could make Wells more scarce. You really wouldn't find those old crank wells in the city so maybe country only


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I wish there were a few plants around the map, ( and i mean a few )  That you could pick the Fruit/Veg from , Peppers , peas , corn , Zuccini ,  Then it takes time or a restart to grow them again. Instead of just finding them or growing them. Would be nice then just finding a random pristine Kiwi sitting on a table. Only i don't think they have Banana trees in Russia :(


I concur.


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