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About Blankki

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  1. Man, really? Haven't you bumped into those rooms with like 1000 items spawned there, only to be books and clothes and other things people leave behind :D Anyway, persistent servers are nice for their idea of items being where they are through server restarts and such, I think it just don't work that well right now, specifically the spawning part of the loot
  2. Well, if you take away a toy that kid likes and played with for a long time he/she starts to protest. Same thing here, it's kinda too late to change the 3rd person, let alone remove it. If it wasn't a feature in the game to begin with, people wouldn't have much to say to it. Sad thing but what can ya do. Most people just want things easy, and the competitiveness just drives some people to gain upperhand in anyway (thus gamehackers exist, in addition to some people just enjoy ruining other peoples game) Getting bit sidetracked here, yes everyone has the same feature so it's an even playingfield. Just saying that a game that would have wallhack as a feature doesn't make it particularly fun feature. And yes 3rd person cam can be easily compared to wallhack, after all seeing people behind walls and stuff is what wh does.. It would make the 3rd person kinda okay if the game would make people invisible that you can't see when you're behind walls and such, but dunno if it's possible with the engine and would that raise more problems with server sync and such. Seeing DayZ 3rd person cam videos or streams the gameplay is just all about using the camera to see people behind fences and turning the camera behind corners (unless the encounter happens on a field with no vision blocking things around). It just doesn't fit with the nature of the game, isn't it supposed to be atleast somewhat realistic approach to a zombie apocalypse, and being able to magically know exactly where a hostile entity is behind walls doesn't belong in it. That's just my take on this. Or maybe i'm mistaken and that is what the developers have had in mind for the game. Still doesn't mean people can't criticise it.'' (edit: Oh and yes this is alpha and things can change, sorry if I seemed hostile somehow)
  3. Anyone else feel it doesn't fit in with the nature of the game? This may be a topic that's been here like a hundred times but i just think the 3rd person camera doesn't serve the game well. I mean isn't it supposed to be kind of like zombie apocalypse simulator game? Being able to see over fences and walls and behind corners is kinda BS in this kind of game, it takes away a lot of the surprise elements. And yeah there's option to go to 1st person only servers and all that. It's just they are much more rare and harder to find good servers with it. Just wondering why the 3rd person servers are so much more popular, i don't understand it :P end of rambling.
  4. Blankki

    DayZ has become empty and boring

    They haven't made a huge area we can play in only to be used for like 20% of the area. That's just stupid, it's good they have made many different points of interest for the whole area, and they should add even more interesting stuff all around for people to spread around to. Seeing other people rarely makes the encounters more intense and exciting. Sorry to say this, but this game isn't CoD.
  5. Blankki

    Too much food

    Was just thinking how it's so easy to get so much canned and "ready"food in the game. I really love that you can hunt in the game and cook the meat it's awesome, it's just not necessary at all, you find more than enough canned food to take care of the hunger. IMO it would be nice idea that your character would start energized but it would be very hard to find canned foods or fruits and all that, and that your best bet would be to hunt your own food. :P
  6. Blankki

    Is loot finally fixed?

    I can easily say no, if it's persistence servers you mean? Was on one server where loot spawns were focused on specific buildings, there was like hundreds of items in one building while none anywhere nearby towns... I really like the persistence server concept but its biggest problem is people just leave crap loot and pick up useful stuff, then you got houses full of useless junk :/ As for non-persistence the loot has always been fine i guess, just too easy to find everything you need and more though
  7. Someone drove directly towards me and i had a clear shot at the driver, shot few bursts at pretty close distance with AK74 but he didn't seem to take any hits... So just wondering if it's possible to kill the driver from vehicle? And is there factors like server desync or something that makes it difficult.. Although in my situation it shouldn't have been difficult at all when the vehicle was coming directly towards me, and i had him right in my sights.
  8. Blankki

    Hopes for 0.50 stable

    Hopes for patch : Getting the servers to stay up more than 30minutes and fixing gun firing sounds that you can hear someone shooting 2 meters away from you, anything other is just plus
  9. Blankki

    Status Report - Week of 27 Oct 14

    Can't wait for server crashing fix and weapon firing sound fixes... No mentions of those in the post but i really, REALLY wish they will be fixed. Would think getting the servers stay up for more than 30mins should be a pressing matter, the sound bug ain't that big of a deal although it is a bit annoying when people shoot 2 meters away from you and you can't hear any shots
  10. Blankki

    Server specific characters?

    Thanks, yeah found one with private shard. I wish there was way to see more server details in the server browser. It's like going blind to different servers when you can't see what kind of settings they have :(
  11. Ìs there possibility for servers to have server specific characters? Like when you switch servers the character doesn't carry over to new server. Getting fed up with the system where everyone can just server hop at military base and get loaded with everything... And if there are, is there any way to tell which server has this kind of setting?
  12. We were playing the game with friends, me and one of my friends were playing our characters for almost 10 hours without either one of us getting cold. Then we met up with our third member and went on exploring, he gets cold and then freezing, we make a fireplace for him to warm up and we sat there with him, thus far everything is good. Then after like 20min we all are getting cold and soon after freezing... So i'm just wondering why suddenly after being near fire we start getting cold whereas earlier we never got cold. And this ain't the first time i notice this, it happened before too
  13. Blankki

    Servers crashing?

    'kay, just seems to affect certain servers more than others, weird
  14. Blankki

    Servers crashing?

    So why does many servers get the "No messages received for xx seconds" every 30min and then you disconnect, are they crashing or what? And yeah i know it's alpha, just wondering if it's some common problem or does it just happen on certain servers.
  15. Blankki

    Loot amount on different servers

    Okay thanks that was some nice info, noticed that the amount of loot was really horrible when playing with my friend, ran from Gorka to Dubrovka to Krastosnav and to the airport, and we got almost nothing on the way there, and the airport was all empty :/ This was on a different server that i was talking about in my earlier posts