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The struggle when you look too sexy.

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This isn't COD man.....it is DayZ....



did you even read his post ? gsh...


I allways find myself "gearing down" to the likes of improvised courier bag and only keep pressvests really.


My mates laugh at me but really, it keeps me activly searching for food and stuff. Iam not a horder...for what anyways..one bullet is enough to destroy everything acumulated.

Edited by {Core}BlackLabel

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Why does everyone say marin? There is a L in it and an obvious picture of a MARLIN

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I ran around for a few weeks looking like an adult Kyle from South Park. Green ushanka, orange raincoat, green pants, brown boots. A shame there aren't green gloves in the game!

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My current 1st person character. He's been hanging around Berezino with a friend. Most of our encounters have been hostile with others and I don't like loose ends. Only met one person so far who cooperates with banditry but the risks were too high to leave him alive so I shot him (Though he dropped his rifle, a Blaze, I switched mine out for his) as you don't just leave someone you just robbed in a room with a gun he probably has ammo for.


Afterwards, I was told to suck a dick by some guy with an axe as I told him to stop. Wonderful.




Light build, loved this guy.




This is what I call decked out, too.

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Why does everyone say marin? There is a L in it and an obvious picture of a MARLIN

Cause I can't type worth a shit.

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You're still insulting people for not going what you consider 'better'. Get over yourself, you can be killed by a pantless puff jacket wearing face masked guy with a Sporter .22 and a magazine even if you have all your helmets and shit, your gear doesn't make you 'better' - Skill does.



Insulting people it was ment as a joke! Jeeeeezus WTF did I ever say gear matters skill dosnt???? Really...your putting words in to my mouth!!! WTF?  Your serously putting words in my mouth..Theres nothing more that I hate on the forums then that. The only reason changed what I said is I simply decided I'm not giving advice anymore. Im just not. NOT becuase YOUR RIGHT dont kid your self buddy. I'm sick and tired of getting into stupid debates with mis guided people like you here. Im finding more and more its not even worth it. You wanna suck.....great.....less asshats I gotta worry about in game. I finding more and more becuase of people like you, there is zero benifit of me helping anyone in this game, expect freinds in this game, or trying to teach people in this game....none. Between people like you and kosers/asshats in game pretty much me turned me into a really mean spirited player in this game unless your my freind. I tried the hero thing....dosn't work you get back stabed, tried helping people dosn't work, I tried giving advice to people who clearly don't know what there doing like the person who started this thread (What forums are normally for, but not this one)....theres no point...Im done with it....so you know what...keep dieing in game and keep sucking at it. Why do I want you to be good for, your probably the guy kosing people anyways.


Speak for your self budy with this getting shot by a "pantless puff jacket wearing face masked guy with a Sporter .22"! What in the hell are you talking about!


Cant give advice, cant joke with people and cant suggest things on this forums, because you end up having to debate with some word twisting mis guided person. Thats what I learned.. theres no point. I'm just going to goto dayz tv for now on and the wiki. Its the worst I have ever seen here.

Edited by CJFlint

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Insulting people it was ment as a joke! Jeeeeezus WTF did I ever say gear matters skill dosnt???? Really...your putting words in to my mouth!!! WTF? Your serously putting words in my mouth..Theres nothing more that I hate on the forums then that. The only reason changed what I said is I simply decided I'm not giving advice anymore. Im just not. NOT becuase YOUR RIGHT dont kid your self buddy. I'm sick and tired of getting into stupid debates with mis guided people like you here. Im finding more and more its not even worth it. You wanna suck.....great.....less asshats I gotta worry about in game. I finding more and more becuase of people like you, there is zero benifit of me helping anyone in this game, expect freinds in this game, or trying to teach people in this game....none. Between people like you and kosers/asshats in game pretty much me turned me into a really mean spirited player in this game unless your my freind. I tried the hero thing....dosn't work you get back stabed, tried helping people dosn't work, I tried giving advice to people who clearly don't know what there doing like the person who started this thread (What forums are normally for, but not this one)....theres no point...Im done with it....so you know what...keep dieing in game and keep sucking at it. Why do I want you to be good for, your probably the guy kosing people anyways.

Speak for your self budy with this getting shot by a "pantless puff jacket wearing face masked guy with a Sporter .22"! What in the hell are you talking about!

Cant give advice, cant joke with people and cant suggest things on this forums, because you end up having to debate with some word twisting mis guided person. Thats what I learned.. theres no point. I'm just going to goto dayz tv for now on and the wiki. Its the worst I have ever seen.

You are turning this into a flamewar. This is a topic on cosmetics and character design, not your rage outlet. PM me this agitation, not in a public thread with an angry text wall...

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You are turning this into a flamewar. This is a topic on cosmetics and character design, not your rage outlet. PM me this agitation, not in a public thread with an angry text wall...

Dont try to pretend now like your some how have the high ground. Its going to remain public becuase you made it that way. You putting words in my mouth the whole time...serously you are. Its frustrating. The 1st post I put up was to give there person advice and help him out. It really was. He clearly seemed to be in a rut. Hes spending allot of time gearing up then going on a high pop and dieing right away....I know how not to let that happen...I do. It really is crappy to have that happen, to gear up for several hours just to get shot in your 1st attempt at anything on a high pop...we both can aggree to that atleast. It really does suck, its a bumber. So I gave him real advice, so atleast he could survive for a while, and enjoy playing with his "sexy avatar" for a while. He may have posted the thead in a joking mannor but he needs help. So what do I get for it. My words twisted by you, and told not to give advise. May have been harsh advice but in the long run he would be so much better off following it. Its just the truth. You know why I changed my post? Becuase I serously didn't want to get into a word twisting debate again. Serously was the reason. I just said screw it its not worth helping this person out..hell just have to go through the school of hard knocks...here we go again. I figure I would just turn into a joke and leave it at that. I wouldn't even have come back to this thread if you didn't say anthing...I was totally going to leave it....I really was.

Edited by CJFlint

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Lets try to keep it back on topic gentlemen, the debate is over and has now lead to a derailing topic of different sorts.  Just drop the approach and leave it be.  As for OP and back on topic, my thoughts are quite simple, I am one who finds great pleasure in regearing my character.  I used to get worked up/worried when I had alot of decent gear of a possible death mostly because I like to hold items for new players/spawns and share gear with them aswell as friends who may come into the server.  However overtime I came to realize I was holding myself back from enjoying alot of other aspects to the game by remaining hidden only to maintain a few items which I could eventually come across again if I had spent as much time hiding as looting.  I prefer my current outlook/approach which is death could be imminent to an extent but there is more to experience ingame.   This keeps me cautious but not over the top where I am missing out on things because of a few items. 

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Lets try to keep it back on topic gentlemen, the debate is over and has now lead to a derailing topic of different sorts.  Just drop the approach and leave it be.  As for OP and back on topic, my thoughts are quite simple, I am one who finds great pleasure in regearing my character.  I used to get worked up/worried when I had alot of decent gear of a possible death mostly because I like to hold items for new players/spawns and share gear with them aswell as friends who may come into the server.  However overtime I came to realize I was holding myself back from enjoying alot of other aspects to the game by remaining hidden only to maintain a few items which I could eventually come across again if I had spent as much time hiding as looting.  I prefer my current outlook/approach which is death could be imminent to an extent but there is more to experience ingame.   This keeps me cautious but not over the top where I am missing out on things because of a few items. 

I'm totally with you.

With 400 hours of playing time, I've experienced a lot of things. The epic ones were probably those moments where I was not pretty geared and killed some pretty geared.

DayZ is not DayZ if you don't encounter other people, either friendly or badly ;D

I haven't thought that this simple topic would turn into a flamewar. 

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I don't struggle at all.  In fact most people just stand their with their jaws dropped in awe on my look and beauty.

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Lets try to keep it back on topic gentlemen, the debate is over and has now lead to a derailing topic of different sorts.  Just drop the approach and leave it be.  As for OP and back on topic, my thoughts are quite simple, I am one who finds great pleasure in regearing my character.  I used to get worked up/worried when I had alot of decent gear of a possible death mostly because I like to hold items for new players/spawns and share gear with them aswell as friends who may come into the server.  However overtime I came to realize I was holding myself back from enjoying alot of other aspects to the game by remaining hidden only to maintain a few items which I could eventually come across again if I had spent as much time hiding as looting.  I prefer my current outlook/approach which is death could be imminent to an extent but there is more to experience ingame.   This keeps me cautious but not over the top where I am missing out on things because of a few items. 

This is vary true.


Death really is always going to happen at somepoint in this game. Its one of the reason I pretty much gear leaning more towards function vs looks (which does end up looking kind of cool anyways). I try to select gear that really works for what I need it to do. Like you said you have exp the game, and exp you do end up dieing at some point. My goal is to survive as long as posible, but something always gets me at some point LOL....its just the way this game is. 


But as far as the forums goes. I sorry to say, Im really tired of it, its just not worth it, someone always trys to derail it. I really don't think one eye even bothered to read my 1st post. He may have not thought the way he did if he did. Instead he asumed things and put words in my mouth(one thing I really don't like), Im sure hes probably a nice guy. I really was just trying lighten up with a joke which normally works anywhere else. I was not trying to insult anyone. Quite honestly I just didn't feel like bothering with another dumb debate, I changed it and left it as a joke. I really try to stay focused on real exp in the game when I post here, and things the really do regard the game. I play this game allot and love it. It dosn't seem to work sometimes, infact much of time. Infact maybe people should not get any advice and have to go through the school of dayz hard knocks...Maybe that part of the exp as well. The person who started this thread is going through something many players go through. Its kind of a tough game at 1st, infact its vary hard at 1st. Hes playing gearing up to what he thinks is prefect, then dieing right away on a high pop. I know how that feels, it kind of sucks....infact it really sucks. The 1st time you realize this game is perma death. To survive at least a while is so much better.


What kind of amazes me about the forums sometimes, is people have played with in the game in team speak have always been good, sometimes vary funny and positive. Its rare that I don't get along with people. Most people I play with on team speak are really thick skined and love to joke around...both female and male....The forums its vary different its like night and day in that respect. I'm being really honest.

Edited by CJFlint

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The struggle was real with this guy.  You know how many firestations we had to visit to get this beauty.


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All i can think of is this song with this damn title LMAO xD


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All i can think of is this song with this damn title LMAO xD


Meh, LMFAO came to mind instead.

Edited by Caboose187
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Oh man with the OREL suit... I had the complete suit, decked out with a blue taloon backpack, black tactical vest, Navy beanie, Aviators, black gloves and black combat boots. He looked like a serious SWAT guy. Was even better when I held my MP5 out.

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Well im feeling this thread right about now...




This is an older one but I felt the same when I had him...




I like getting to a stage like this, if basebuilding were in id be starting work on a campsite about now, but the server I play has no persistence yet. Now the challenge for me is how long can I last.....and not letting zeds get a lucky hit and ruin something. Anyone else still struggling with the sexy looks...lets see pics :)

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I recently dumped my black assault vest cause it looked bad on my nice red 'n black jacket. Found a chest holster which i'm using now, still doesn't look right, but since i'm playing a character that sells weapons for drugs, it probably works.


Screw funcionality, we need some civilisation in DayZ!

Edited by Greaves
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Damn, that does look nice. But I don't mind loosing everything I have...I can alwasy start over and that's the funniest part of the game, because I actually have SOMETHING to do lol

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I agree, sometimes I just can't stop looking at my character, its so lovely.


One reason why I prefer 3rd person view.

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One reason why I prefer 3rd person view.


The one in my top pic is on a 1pp server.....im forever forgetting and trying to swap to 3rd for a look at him when I see his inv pic lol

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