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So, with the implementation of .50, the Devs have introduced limited trapping. Trapping is, for those not in the know, is the act of setting of a device that, when activated, will remotely catch an animal. Traps allow you to hunt for food without actually being present (AKA hunting, foraging, etc). Find an animal run, set up multiple traps, and wait. In my perspective, besides knowing edible plant species, trapping small game is the most important skill to know with regards to keeping yourself fed in  long term survival.


Why do you want to trap? Easy, you want some of that tasty, tasty meat. Also, animals provide extra energy in the form of fat, clothing and materials in the form of fur and hides (both excellent insulators against cold and wet when properly treated, which is possible with what the animal corpse provides), as well as bindings and containers in the form of sinews and intestines. I myself am making hunting broadheads for arrows out of the thighbones of a deer.


So, let us discuss traps. There are MANY different "methods" of trapping animals, each aimed at different species, used in different conditions, or to different outcomes. Probably the easiest and most important ones are the twitch-up snare, "Figure 4" deadfall, and the "Spring-Spear". All can be sized differently, are easily capable of taking out game ranging from rabbits and squirrels to deer and bear, and can be made using only cord/wire, a knife, and some ingenuity.


"Twitch-Up Snare": Take the current in-game rabbit snare, attach it to a springy sapling, and you are all set. It traps the animal, (usually) suffocates it quickly and humanely, and removes the prey out of the reach of other predators. I recommend this trap only for small game, as it is inhumane (doesn't kill, only lifts by the leg) for larger animals.




"Figure 4 Deadfall". This is a killer, and easily scale-able from small game to large game. It requires a steady hand, but once it gets set up, it WILL kill anything it ensnares by crushing the head/spine. Only thing is, it doesn't remove the prey from predator access, so check it frequently




"Spring-Spear": This one is really only good for large game and, yes, people. It will kill whatever it hits, through shock and blood loss. Be careful when setting it up and approaching it, because the spring is under a lot of tension, and doesn't require a lot to set off. I've smacked myself in the thigh (with the central spar), when practicing setting one up (no spikes, for safety), and it knocked me on my ass and gave me one hell of a bruise. 


(Look for alternate methods. I prefer the "horizontal version", with a different toggle release)




Now, where to set up a trap? Look for irregular paths between bushes or in tall grass, especially leading to/around watering holes and streams. Most animals do not leave these paths. Be careful when setting up traps, as the prey will smell you on them, so either cover the traps with mud, or make them in the smoke of a campfire.


Finally, set up more than one. Most traps have less than a 5% success rate, lower if inexperienced, so setting up a long "trap-line" will increase you chances of getting something.


For trapping small game like rabbits or squirrels, I actually keep 2 large mousetraps in my pack, with a hole drilled in them so I can stake them to something. Work every time. 

Edited by Whyherro123
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Yes, this is a great idea. Also, I would like more types of hunting, trapping included. Other then big game hunting, we need stuff like waterfowl hunting, small game, etc. and they all need far more advanced AI. If they behave like they do in real life I would play DayZ like it was Hunting Simulator 2014.

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Now this is the kind of survival type thing this game absolutely needs. I really hope that instead of raiding grocery stores for canned food, we'll have to catch our own food if we want to keep eating.

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That spring spear looks terrifying. How can i set one of those up with an m4 as the bait XD

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That spring spear looks terrifying. How can i set one of those up with an m4 as the bait XD

I can confirm that the spring-spear trap is horrifying. I (already mentioned) that I accidentally set a practice spike-less version off by accident, and took the full force of the trap on my thigh. I was knocked down, and it hurt so bad I thought I broke my leg. I ended up having a REAL NICE bruise covering pretty much my entire thigh, and had a "dead-leg" for a couple of days. Don't fuck around with that one.


For a more "person-oritented" trap, how about punji stakes? Easy to make, effective (can easily stop someone from moving, due to leg damage), and can be poisoned/contaminated to in order to kill the afflicted. Just dig a put, insert spikes, cover with lattice of sticks and foliage.




As for the current in-game rabbit snare, it works. REALLY well. TOO well, in fact. I set one up on a hill overlooking Dolina, and within 5 minutes had a rabbit caught in the snare. Really, traps should have a much lower success rate, and you would need to set up a whole trap-line in order to approach an acceptible levels of kills.

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This thread is great, it would add so much to the game world to have everything that OP has suggested. Imagine walking through a forest and noticing a poorly hidden trap. You stop. Hmm there is another trap that is better hidden, more dangerous. And the ground directly in front of you doesnt look right...

OP have you seen apocalypto? The trap they use in the beginning to kill the tapir, that is something totally different or just a different way to set up a spring spear?

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This thread is great, it would add so much to the game world to have everything that OP has suggested. Imagine walking through a forest and noticing a poorly hidden trap. You stop. Hmm there is another trap that is better hidden, more dangerous. And the ground directly in front of you doesnt look right...

OP have you seen apocalypto? The trap they use in the beginning to kill the tapir, that is something totally different or just a different way to set up a spring spear?

Nope, never seen it. However, there are numerous variations of the above traps, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was one.


And, I agree. Traps are the "smart man's" method of waging war. I prefer "guerrilla warfare" to "running in and spray n' praying up a place with automatic gunfire".  A broken limb with infected wounds (and the accompanying terror) is worth more a fully-kitted out assault rifle any day, in my book.

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Nope, never seen it. However, there are numerous variations of the above traps, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was one.

And, I agree. Traps are the "smart man's" method of waging war. I prefer "guerrilla warfare" to "running in and spray n' praying up a place with automatic gunfire". A broken limb with infected wounds (and the accompanying terror) is worth more a fully-kitted out assault rifle any day, in my book.

I have a feeling youre going to enjoy this: http://youtu.be/lYKZfBvORG4

I couldnt find the original version, only this one where some guy edited the audio. But the video is there.

Fighting against traps and infection would be alot more fun than a kid with a duped m4 and a thousand rounds.

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I have a feeling youre going to enjoy this: http://youtu.be/lYKZfBvORG4

I couldnt find the original version, only this one where some guy edited the audio. But the video is there.

Fighting against traps and infection would be alot more fun than a kid with a duped m4 and a thousand rounds.

Yep, that is some good stuff! As you can see, very deadly. 

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Punji pits, with the sharpened stakes smeared with pig or human excrement, were well known for their effects in Vietnam.  Even if you survived the physical wounds inflicted, you'd be almost guaranteed to get a nasty infection and thus removed from the war effort - at great logistical cost as you'd need 2+ people to move you effectively, plus vehicle support, doctors, and eventually being flown home.



Getting a horribly infected wound in DayZ would be a serious trial.  You could achieve similar effects with bear traps smeared with excrement.  Incidentally, bear traps were a firm favourite of mine in the DayZ Mod.

Edited by _Mandrake_

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Yep, that is some good stuff! As you can see, very deadly.

The planning and teamwork shown in that clip would be amazing to experience in any multiplayer video game imo. Just to stop 1 feral pig took those 5 fit men. I imagine setting up something like that would take at least a few days if they were all experienced hunters, not to mention their knowledge of the animal mind and the jungle paths.

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This is a good example of how the "Figure 4" Deadfall (by far my favorite style) can be scaled from small game to large game. (Warning, the 1st video shows a chipmunk being...well, deadfalled.)



(abut halfway through the video) Edited by Whyherro123

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my trap craft idea:


step 1. sticks + use of machete = punji steaks

step 2. shovel and ground = hole

step 3. hole + punji steaks = trap

step 4. remove pants and take shit in hole = infected trap

step 5. harvest leaves from trees/ground + infected trap = covered infected trap

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