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Why do the majority of players i encounter suck?

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You'll have to explain that mate, because you just totally disagreed with yourself in one sentence.


Still - no harm.. I guess you mean...  typing is unrealistic and breaks immersion but chat servers are realistic and enhance immersion.. er ... right ?


Notice - in fact you can not stop people using side channel either, except by turning it off. So, to play DayZ without breaking the mystical  in-game immersion, everyone should have an agreed chat server and go around in groups talking across the map, while no one else can hear them doing it.. that's SO immersive you gonna totally drown yourself in post Apocalyptic realism. I already mentioned some servers force you to join the same voice channel or else they kick you. (Is that like side chat or is it like immersion, please explain ?)


Is a sad thing - after the Apocalypse the evacuees left all those naff radios that don't work lying around, but luckily we all got washed ashore with our own headsets and a selection of fully working internet connections with our friends so we could talk across country, or across servers even. Hey! ..maybe it would be more realistic and less mystical to have mobile phones lying around that still worked in the game without electricity and without transmitters, etc).. nice..... immersive?

But chat servers are so much more convenient than ANYTHING else! When you're in a team and you can agree beforehand which channel, which DayZ server, and when and where exactly you're going to join up, so you can make your plans for the day before you even meet. that's immersive. that's so immersive you can't even see the surface no more.

And easy.


Dude, you didn't read my last line  - so here it is again:


Simple Suggestion :

If you've got a radio, you can type on side chat and be read far away

If you've got a radio, you can see what's typed on side chat.

If you don't have a radio, you don't see the sidechat unless you're in voice range...OK ?

And leave the rest (the details, distances, channels.. the 'development'..) for later..hu  ?


I guess we're not on the same channel?  You didn't hear me and I'm right here in Europe ?? The immersion has echo, feedback, and a crap ping I guess?  Too many folk all too immersed at once maybe?




Honestly dude I have no idea what you're trying to say to me.  I don't mean any offense by it, but I'm really confused because it seems like you're trying to argue something with me but it also seems like you're saying the same thing I am.


All those things you recommend for the radio are exactly what I said.

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you're not even helping the development of the game if your only motive is to hop on, server hop 30 million times, just to kill everyone along the way while you loot every military loot spawn. 

It's going to be in development forever (the perfect excuse for failure) until they kick the bucket, people have to be able to enjoy the game for what it is, eventually lol it's not like it's our job to play this game.. oh wait.

How can you help the development of the game by playing the opposite of the way you mentioned... So by interacting with players in Roleplay, being friendly or something :huh: , I'm helping the development of the game? HOW? It would be better if I logged bug reports EVERYDAY, Uploaded footage of bugs everyday AND STILL KOS'd everything i saw... Rather than play safe and friendly and not log bugs or upload footage of bugs etc. 

How have you helped the development of the game by playing the way you play? 

It's a horror game, it#'s fucking scary out there, put youself in other ppls shoes if you can. You run  around for hours, days.. not seeing a soul and by word of mouth.. don't trust anyone..then bam a player. I am surprised.. that you are surprised.  It's like the spider.. are you more scared of it, than it's scared of you?

(if they sound like a kid, more or less.. waste them, fuck em, shouldn't be playing anyways and don't try to be the good guy, be the guy who survives.. there's no such thing as good or bad)

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I try not to KoS in low danger areas, like the spawn coast, but most players whether fresh spawn armed with fists or a bloke who found a Mosin often have a go at killing me. Military bases or anywhere in the west for that matter I'll KoS everytime if I'm spotted or if the player poses a real threat, If I see some lad running across a field away from me or some such I usually don't bother.

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I'm saying

- in the Mod players used to communicate by typing in side channel

It worked

It got a bad reputation because some idiots used to talk over sidechannel, have long voice conversations like they were on Skype; play music and shout insults

So side channel got a bad reputation

In the Mod a lot of people started using third-party chat and then some servers banned side channel altogether


None of this has anything to do with "the integrity of game immersion"


Text-only side chat IS the SAME as "radios that work". It does the same thing except its easier and it works now .. but it is Turned Off..

There are many people, especially solo players and the people I mentioned in the last post, and people who maybe can't afford headsets even, and plenty who can't shout and talk and laugh in their house at 10 pm  - plenty of people would APPECIATE side chat

It would change the game for them.

And isn't this what OP is really getting at ?

In the Mod I made GOOD FRIENDS I'd never met before.. long term friends. You think that happens now in DayZ SA ?.. nah..


You can (if ya LIKE)  use the radios as an excuse or a limit for side chat - "you can't side chat unless you have a radio"  but its STILL side chat, and you don't need batteries or distances or different frequencies for it to work right now.. those could be introduced later, if at all, and argued about, and modified later..


Text-Only side chat. And the groups who share headset coms are the people talking about "immersion" and "mystical game integrity". No one else.

So text-only side chat with or without radios is what I'm saying.. what's the difference?


.. text only side chat: Start now,   If it's no good, take it away or modify it.



Edited by pilgrim

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HA! Thats the longest undocumentet bs I have read on this forum in a long time. If someone can kill you without you seeing them is because YOU are bad at the game for not looking around and taking precautions. What makes you think KOS will disappear when the game is out just because of less weapons? 

Longest on the forum?  It's not even the longest in this thread.  What exactly is "undocumentet"?.  If you think it's BS, you're probably one of the butthurt kids I was referring to.  Also, how is one bad because kids hide and wait for people to run by so they can snipe them?  You can look around all you want, but you won't see some kid prone on a roof, or lying in a bush in full camo, idc who you are...But nice try.  Kind of sounds like you're one of those guys, hopelessly trying to defend such a pathetic playstyle. I'm not saying KOS will disappear entirely, but it's gonna be mighty difficult to play the game simply to KOS.  When this happens, all the baddies will quite because they can't be bad anymore.

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So yes, im salty. Im really fucking salty. Because when I used to play this game before it blew up, the player base was decent. Not every 12 year old i encountered was a shoot on sight prick. I dont understand how that's fun to anyone to just simply kill every player that they see. Its not call of duty. In fact, you're not even helping the development of the game if your only motive is to hop on, server hop 30 million times, just to kill everyone along the way while you loot every military loot spawn. Since the newest Stable update, i have been shot on sight or have had people go, "oh you're friendly? im friendly to. here have some ammo." *take ammo* "oh also, fuck you guy". (you are dead). Lets fucking stop making this game geared towards those 12 year olds by not playing death match, unless the server says, "DEATHMATCH! FUCK EVERYONE!!!". Ive made some close internet buddies by not being an asshole and letting people live.


During my conquest to find the lever action rifle, ive been killed probably 4-5 times on third person servers. I have had bambi gear to moderately geared stuff. But the people decide to just shit on me. Many times when i choose to be a good guy. Is it wrong to be a good guy in this game? Because it's really hard for me to be a shitter, but for the majority it seems really easy to be. Do i need to be a shitter now?

Lastly, not all of them are 12 year olds. Alot of them are teenaged to about early twenties that also do this douche baggery. Come on guys. Lets be cool and make this game not suck dick because of the players.


Anyone who killed you with the "oh also, fuck you guy" bit can't get a kill any other way.  I encountered two morons who defended me from Zombies, fed me, and then said "Hey, hey man.  I've never hand cuffed anyone before, can we try it on you?  Oh no we won't kill you man, just let us handcuff you."  Stupidest shit, as I say yeah that's ok I'm not going to be your entertainment and run off, I hear the fucking genius say "Don't make us do this", it was absolutely hilarious.  The only way they could get a kill is to befriend and then shoot someone less than 10 feet away.

If you're killing someone less than 10 feet away, it should be with a melee weapon or because you got the absolute fucking drop on them.  Giving someone food and then asking to handcuff them isn't getting the drop on anyone, same with giving someone ammo and then shooting them.


The fact is, with public hive looting the way it is, and server hopping, Public servers will always be this way.  I've already seen a huge difference with the few private servers a forunate and thankful few are footing the bills for.  Private servers don't have server hopping for loot, at least right now (you can get a private server based on your first hive, so that two different private servers function off of the same characters), and probably never will.  A base 40 person Private server runs at least $100 a month, and a satelite which requires the base is probably at least another $70 a month.  Someone would have to have a lot of dedication to gearing to have a second locked server just for personal looting, and some spare change.


You'll learn how to play the game the way you need to.  For me it changes as I'm playing each character.  When I have nothing I'm much more inclined to befriend others and see what the world will serve up.  When I've got a bunch of nice gear for some killing to do, I'm not going to give much of a fuck about helping a bambi gear up and survive when I'm with just my buddy and we're two manning it.  Figure out how you need to play the game, if you're playing by yourself and you're not trying to create a community to play with you of even a small group of friends, why are you trying to be friendly with anyone beyond simple exchanges that benefit yourself as well?


If you're trying to meet people, why are you so concerned with gear?  By interacting with players you're going to put yourself into situations where you will get killed sometimes, by not interacting with them, you'll never know.  If you want to meet people, care less about gear and being the victim.  That gets old pretty fast when you keep running into the same types of asshats, but you won't always.  I met a seemingly great group of people the other night, and played with them for hours, and plan on playing with them for several more.  Simply because I spawned at the right spot, at the right time, on the right server, with not a bunch of asshats around the corner. 


They're out there, but they are unfortunately in the minority right now.

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KOSers are actually just really bad at this game and they know it, that's why they kill you before you even know they're there, or kill you when you're not expecting it.  Don't ever let anyone tell you "Oh, it's the playstyle I like and it's a sandbox blah blah bah"...They're just making excuses because they aren't good enough to actually play the game and "getting kills" makes them feel like they've accomplished something.  It's gonna be really funny when the game gets done and all the KOSers quit because they can't just raid military loot and camp for hours at a time without dying...This game will be cleansed soon and all the baddies are gonna get butthurt and quit, just a matter of time.

Your mind is amusing, your words telling.

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KOSers are actually just really bad at this game and they know it, that's why they kill you before you even know they're there, or kill you when you're not expecting it.  Don't ever let anyone tell you "Oh, it's the playstyle I like and it's a sandbox blah blah bah"...They're just making excuses because they aren't good enough to actually play the game and "getting kills" makes them feel like they've accomplished something.  It's gonna be really funny when the game gets done and all the KOSers quit because they can't just raid military loot and camp for hours at a time without dying...This game will be cleansed soon and all the baddies are gonna get butthurt and quit, just a matter of time.

"Anyone who doesn't conform to what I deem a correct playstyle is a shitter."

Or they're bored as fuck because for nearly a year we've had NOTHING TO DO besides run around eating beans and shooting each other. There is no endgame right now, you spawn, get a weapon, and then have nothing left to do because thats all there is.

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Honestly dude I have no idea what you're trying to say to me.  I don't mean any offense by it, but I'm really confused because it seems like you're trying to argue something with me but it also seems like you're saying the same thing I am.


All those things you recommend for the radio are exactly what I said.


Definitely Keyboard Chat inside the game would be more 'realistic' than headphone chat


and here's a long boring explanation. First I apologise:


OK fair enough - I understand you. My misunderstanding was - I was  trying to suggest to the OP that side channel would a good option for him and many others.

In the mod we typed on side channel - not a lot.. sometimes.. sometimes when there were only 2 or 4 players around we typed conversations.. ya know.. we got to know each other .. except for one guy who lived in the North Woods on one server and we all knew him and said good morning and he replied, asked questions sometimes, but in 2 years Nobody Ever Saw the dude. Not ever. .. also.. ya know..  people put out calls for help, "Ive broken my leg in Berezino no morphine" (it was a quiet town then except for zombies). One server had a team with a helicopter who replied often to distress calls..


But in general we just got to know each other - without a LOT of talk... If people abused it by using voice on side channel we typed <please no voice over sidechannel> at them 100 times.. or until a moderator turned up to warn them.

So for me it worked - I was a solo player, still am. But I REALLY met people and we became friends in the game, even if we crossed paths rarely. And a lot of funny stuff happened that you saw in the corner of your eye  - guy typing to his mare "hey! !!  I'm here on the roof of the school building Can you see me waving. Im wavin', you see me. Im on the TOP" then "oh, shit someone shot me".. 

And people would also lie and try to set traps "give me a lift I need a car".. etc.. You picked up interesting stuff.. clues.. all kinds of character traits, much stuff.


But just in this thread we got on to Radios (I guess this is why I misunderstood Borom) - which Firstly

- Don't Work ATM

- Even when they Did "work" they were Completely Useless and anyone who tried them, threw them away after a short while.

- So I thought there was a way side-channel could be brought back into the game - text only - even limited distance side channel (but at least 3 or 5 km ) by making use of the (unfortunately useless, unused, short distance, worthless, unworkable) Radios as an ACCESS to side channel.


That's all. Sorry about that. But this argument always calls up the 'realism' freaks.. and THEY nearly always turn up with headsets on.

The problem there - apart from their total illogic- is that a group of friends sharing a chat room NEVER join up with other people and hardly EVER speak to them. Look at the 1000000 examples on YouTube and you'll see how obvious it is. They are 'playing' DayZ, but they are kind of staying OUTSIDE the game at the same time. And also check YouTube to see HOW OFTEN the loner they meet gets killed (sooner or later, yes?).. if one of the headset gang wants to help him, another of his friends just wants to shoot him in the back.. etc.. This is because they are sitting at their homes "in a group".. chatting, voice-talking about anything at all, and laughing.; and ALSO they are between 100% and 5% playing DayZ while they have a good time amongst themselves.

Maybe half the time they're not even "playing", just chat-rooming in DayZ ?

Even the serious player police-team/military groups are NOT looking for friends or answering calls for help (because natch, they can't hear calls for help, except from each other). by the nature of their setup they have to be indifferent or antagonistic towards players who are not sharing their out-of-game conversation.


If one of the headset dudes gets killed, the others keep on talking to him, guard his gear, meeting up is easy.. "where did you respawn" no gear lost, death not important.; "lets move to another server, I'll go check it out, tell me when you arrive, you there yet?" etc


If you want to meet them, go to a barracks.. nearly everyone who turns up at those is a headset team. (There are some hardcase loners [Pilgrim's respect to you loners] ready to take them on, and some beginners, but the Headset-Cases - let's call them the head-cases? - they have a HUGE advantage. That's why they do it. It's hard to deal with them. yes?


OK everyone plays differently, no prob. (really no prob at all)  But "realism" arguments from anyone using a chat server, just - ya know - pisses me off...


Definitely Keyboard Chat inside the game would be more 'realistic' than headphone chat.

- its FAIR to everyone, including loners and new players

- it reduces that 'headset team' advantage CONSIDERABLY

- it enables you to meet people and suss them out before you're standing in front of the dude with the shotgun and and his friend who likes to break legs


So - I THOUGHT - If keyboard chat could be linked to Radios - but VERY SIMPLY - then these problems are solved...for instance, you can hear the newcomer asking for help because he's lost and you can decide to reply or NOT.. and you can see who DOES reply.. or you can tell your friend you're hiding in a bush outside Berezino BUT plenty of other players can see that info.. You can use codewords, or shared experiences, or lies, or "ask" if the dude is a killer .. right or wrong, you can decide before its too late.


Face to face to say "hello" is not good - it's not something experienced players like to do a lot  - its not good for beginners - it's great for KOSers and sadists.


To do this  we don't need radios with many channels we need radios JUST as access to side chat AND it has to work over a CONSIDERABLE distance. I'd go for - the whole map.

If TEXT side chat across the whole map drives players nuts then we can cut down the range.. but ..; whatever

Thought it would be a neat thing. Worth looking into.

A way of getting the "realism" closer to the DayZ game and a little further from the chat servers



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Yeah there are a lot of people who treat DayZ like a giant team death match arena and these people have KOS'd me on more than one occasion as the rip along the cost killing everything that moves. However while annoying, especially when fully geared You just have to move on from it. If you can't straight away just remember eventually odds dictate they will one day be shot and killed, perhaps in a similar manner as they killed you, and laugh at that.

I totally agree KOS, especially in an asshole manner is terrible, but nothing can be done. I am someone who says DayZ should cater to as many play styles as possible, while still being a good DAYZ game, so I have to take the good play styles and the bad, regardless of my feelings about it. I am sure when the game is finished, if it it, you'll be able to go on a server that caters more to socialisation rather than PVP KOS playstyles.

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I have a story about why it sucks to encounter me. 


I survived a very long time (not sure exactly how many hours), gearing up during .53 and surviving all the way until the end of .54.  I was fully geared, with a kitted out M4, some ammo, fire axe that still worked, pot, camp stove and not really a care in the world. 


I ran into a couple players while scouting the prison island for a possible exploration.  As I was scoping the island and looking for any players nearby who may be a threat, along comes these two through the woods near me.  They were quite well geared up as well, but did not have weapons in hand so I decided to try to contact them.


The first guy came over a rise and I pointed my M4 at him and told him to stop, stay back and don't bring out a gun.  I saw a scoped mosin on one and a shotgun on the other (or something like this, can't remember exactly now). 

We chatted for a bit as his buddy was trying to sneak around me.  I could see this happening and after giving the buddy a little time to get into a position I could easily shoot him too, I called them on it.  Fast forward 10 mins or so of this partial standoff while we felt each other out for trustworthiness.  Eventually, I decided it was a good plan to group up with them while we headed North to the military camp a couple km away.  I wanted to try for more ammo for my M4 but couldn't go in alone because of the zombie danger.


We spent about 20 mins or so exploring other buildings on the way, chatting about game stuff and generally having a laugh.  I was careful though, keeping myself beside or behind them and my gun in hand whenever we slowed or stopped.  We approached the military camp carefully.  One of my new partners suddenly called out that he saw someone in the camp.  They spread side to side of me while I moved ahead, being the best armed.  I couldn't see anyone, and the guy behind me said, "there, in the window", and suddenly POP POP POP POP, into my back and I am dead!


Classic distraction, get me looking ahead after building up my trust and keep my eyes off him while he pulled out the pistol I never saw him carrying and shoot me in the back.  I'm sure they enjoyed splitting up my gear.  I actually enjoyed that death and wish they could have heard my, "well played sirs".


But I learned a lesson.  Trust nobody, ever, no matter what.  If I don't know you in real life and we don't play together then I will kill you on site in game.  If I have the upper hand I reverted back to my behavior pre-betrayal, get what I can from you while keeping the upper hand and backing away and getting the hell out of there or more preferably, kill you. 

I kill whoever I see if I can, because I can't trust anyone, neither can you, because everyone has a similar story.  Everyone has learned or will learn the hard way that you will be killed by other players if you don't kill them first.

Edited by Slyder73
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I have a story about why it sucks to encounter me. 


I survived a very long time (not sure exactly how many hours), gearing up during .53 and surviving all the way until the end of .54.  I was fully geared, with a kitted out M4, some ammo, fire axe that still worked, pot, camp stove and not really a care in the world. 


I ran into a couple players while scouting the prison island for a possible exploration.  As I was scoping the island and looking for any players nearby who may be a threat, along comes these two through the woods near me.  They were quite well geared up as well, but did not have weapons in hand so I decided to try to contact them.


The first guy came over a rise and I pointed my M4 at him and told him to stop, stay back and don't bring out a gun.  I saw a scoped mosin on one and a shotgun on the other (or something like this, can't remember exactly now). 

We chatted for a bit as his buddy was trying to sneak around me.  I could see this happening and after giving the buddy a little time to get into a position I could easily shoot him too, I called them on it.  Fast forward 10 mins or so of this partial standoff while we felt each other out for trustworthiness.  Eventually, I decided it was a good plan to group up with them while we headed North to the military camp a couple km away.  I wanted to try for more ammo for my M4 but couldn't go in alone because of the zombie danger.


We spent about 20 mins or so exploring other buildings on the way, chatting about game stuff and generally having a laugh.  I was careful though, keeping myself beside or behind them and my gun in hand whenever we slowed or stopped.  We approached the military camp carefully.  One of my new partners suddenly called out that he saw someone in the camp.  They spread side to side of me while I moved ahead, being the best armed.  I couldn't see anyone, and the guy behind me said, "there, in the window", and suddenly POP POP POP POP, into my back and I am dead!


Classic distraction, get me looking ahead after building up my trust and keep my eyes off him while he pulled out the pistol I never saw him carrying and shoot me in the back.  I'm sure they enjoyed splitting up my gear.  I actually enjoyed that death and wish they could have heard my, "well played sirs".


But I learned a lesson.  Trust nobody, ever, no matter what.  If I don't know you in real life and we don't play together then I will kill you on site in game.  If I have the upper hand I reverted back to my behavior pre-betrayal, get what I can from you while keeping the upper hand and backing away and getting the hell out of there or more preferably, kill you. 

I kill whoever I see if I can, because I can't trust anyone, neither can you, because everyone has a similar story.  Everyone has learned or will learn the hard way that you will be killed by other players if you don't kill them first.

Amen brother.  I KoS ANYONE who has a gun.  I've played 850 hours of this game, long enough to tell you that friendly players are in the EXTREME minority, and anyone with a gun will kill you if they deem it worthwhile (it's worthwhile if you have gear).

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Amen brother.  I KoS ANYONE who has a gun.  I've played 850 hours of this game, long enough to tell you that friendly players are in the EXTREME minority, and anyone with a gun will kill you if they deem it worthwhile (it's worthwhile if you have gear).



I have a story about why it sucks to encounter me. 


I survived a very long time (not sure exactly how many hours), gearing up during .53 and surviving all the way until the end of .54.  I was fully geared, with a kitted out M4, some ammo, fire axe that still worked, pot, camp stove and not really a care in the world. 


I ran into a couple players while scouting the prison island for a possible exploration.  As I was scoping the island and looking for any players nearby who may be a threat, along comes these two through the woods near me.  They were quite well geared up as well, but did not have weapons in hand so I decided to try to contact them.


The first guy came over a rise and I pointed my M4 at him and told him to stop, stay back and don't bring out a gun.  I saw a scoped mosin on one and a shotgun on the other (or something like this, can't remember exactly now). 

We chatted for a bit as his buddy was trying to sneak around me.  I could see this happening and after giving the buddy a little time to get into a position I could easily shoot him too, I called them on it.  Fast forward 10 mins or so of this partial standoff while we felt each other out for trustworthiness.  Eventually, I decided it was a good plan to group up with them while we headed North to the military camp a couple km away.  I wanted to try for more ammo for my M4 but couldn't go in alone because of the zombie danger.


We spent about 20 mins or so exploring other buildings on the way, chatting about game stuff and generally having a laugh.  I was careful though, keeping myself beside or behind them and my gun in hand whenever we slowed or stopped.  We approached the military camp carefully.  One of my new partners suddenly called out that he saw someone in the camp.  They spread side to side of me while I moved ahead, being the best armed.  I couldn't see anyone, and the guy behind me said, "there, in the window", and suddenly POP POP POP POP, into my back and I am dead!


Classic distraction, get me looking ahead after building up my trust and keep my eyes off him while he pulled out the pistol I never saw him carrying and shoot me in the back.  I'm sure they enjoyed splitting up my gear.  I actually enjoyed that death and wish they could have heard my, "well played sirs".


But I learned a lesson.  Trust nobody, ever, no matter what.  If I don't know you in real life and we don't play together then I will kill you on site in game.  If I have the upper hand I reverted back to my behavior pre-betrayal, get what I can from you while keeping the upper hand and backing away and getting the hell out of there or more preferably, kill you. 

I kill whoever I see if I can, because I can't trust anyone, neither can you, because everyone has a similar story.  Everyone has learned or will learn the hard way that you will be killed by other players if you don't kill them first.


I guess im not a murderous sociopath, atleast not enough for this game. I just can't shoot someone i see when i first see them without shouting out. id rather hold them up then kill them. this game is just to tiresome to try and start all over. especially on the same server. i just dont want to encourage people to quit playing because all your going to do is run around mindlessly for hours picking up pixels just to have someone kill your pixel character out of nowhere for the pixels that you've picked up. Atleast talk before you shoot. Give some kind of entertainment value to other people. I guess thats what i miss most about the mod. i met far more people there that were more clever in fucking you over. they'd get the drop on you, hold you up, but then befriend you. then eventually youd take them into your group just so they could slaughter you all when you weren't looking (true story). that's an awesome encounter. not running in a buliding or across a street, and then shooting because what the fuck, they have a gun, give me that shit. But this thread can die now. it's nice to hear other people's side of this topic. If im to pussy to kill someone just for "the fun of it", then i guess thats my own damn fault.


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this game is just to tiresome to try and start all over. 


Huh?  Re-gearing is the funnest part of this game!  


Some people have different goals, motives, and viewpoints.  I've died a large number of times in DayZ now, it really doesn't  bother me.  I value my life very little.  I value your life even less.


This is DayZ.

This is my story.

In my story, you die.

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Unless I'm feeling really twitchy or startled or plain acting in self-defense I don't try to kill other players. Killing other players isn't nearly as fun as talking with them or messing with them or even just watching them. Aside from not dying there doesn't seem to be anything to gain from killing other players because then they're just dead and meh that's not fun. I fully intend to steal someone's boots someday, nothing else, just their boots. That day hasn't happened yet but it will and I'll make screenshots.

I get that other people have different motivations though or just plain lack imagination and that's fine. I don't really mind dying, I happily suicide with every non-wipe patch anyway. Other people seem to really care about their gear and so I get the whole "ask questions later" approach even if I don't share it.

I'd suggest finding your own way to make peace with it, OP, as I imagine this behavior isn't changing anytime soon.

Edited by Ebrim
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So yes, im salty. Im really fucking salty. Because when I used to play this game before it blew up, the player base was decent. Not every 12 year old i encountered was a shoot on sight prick. I dont understand how that's fun to anyone to just simply kill every player that they see. Its not call of duty. In fact, you're not even helping the development of the game if your only motive is to hop on, server hop 30 million times, just to kill everyone along the way while you loot every military loot spawn. Since the newest Stable update, i have been shot on sight or have had people go, "oh you're friendly? im friendly to. here have some ammo." *take ammo* "oh also, fuck you guy". (you are dead). Lets fucking stop making this game geared towards those 12 year olds by not playing death match, unless the server says, "DEATHMATCH! FUCK EVERYONE!!!". Ive made some close internet buddies by not being an asshole and letting people live.


During my conquest to find the lever action rifle, ive been killed probably 4-5 times on third person servers. I have had bambi gear to moderately geared stuff. But the people decide to just shit on me. Many times when i choose to be a good guy. Is it wrong to be a good guy in this game? Because it's really hard for me to be a shitter, but for the majority it seems really easy to be. Do i need to be a shitter now?

Lastly, not all of them are 12 year olds. Alot of them are teenaged to about early twenties that also do this douche baggery. Come on guys. Lets be cool and make this game not suck dick because of the players.

if I see you I will shoot you in the face, because crybabies who cant handle the Russian apocalypse suck dick, and if you are dead, that means there are more resources for me.

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7 months later : and crybabies who cant handle the Russian apocalypse suck dick  :rolleyes:

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