kakysas666 191 Posted October 13, 2014 So I accidentally found a magic server. After each restart loot doubles in it. 2 times than in regular servers, then for 4 times more loot than in regular servers, then 8 times (and then crashes). In one place you find 8 identical items. If it is AKM, you will find 8. If it is drum mag - 8 drum mags, if mosin ammo - 8 boxes. I guess it is some weird glitch? However, after a day, I joined it again, and this glitch seems to be repeating everytime, so not sure if someone intentionally does that or not. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilgrim* 3514 Posted October 13, 2014 So I accidentally found a magic server. After each restart loot doubles in it. 2 times than in regular servers, then for 4 times more loot than in regular servers, then 8 times (and then crashes). In one place you find 8 identical items. If it is AKM, you will find 8. If it is drum mag - 8 drum mags, if mosin ammo - 8 boxes. I guess it is some weird glitch? However, after a day, I joined it again, and this glitch seems to be repeating everytime, so not sure if someone intentionally does that or not. Please tell where that is (IP) so we can all avoid it. Thank you. 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
umm_me 77 Posted October 13, 2014 Do you really think posting an IP would help people avoid it or send dozens of people into to abuse it? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Karmaterror 982 Posted October 13, 2014 Please tell where that is (IP) so we can all avoid it. Thank you. Do you really think posting an IP would help people avoid it or send dozens of people into to abuse it? Rumbled lol :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
byrgesen 1341 Posted October 13, 2014 I can pretty much garantuee you, this is not intended and will be fixed at some point :)Perhaps its a bug related to the persistance they are working so hard on, i dont know. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilgrim* 3514 Posted October 13, 2014 (edited) Do you really think posting an IP would help people avoid it or send dozens of people into to abuse it? I think two or three serious responsible players could locate themselves at the main loot points to make sure the others didn't take advantage of this unfortunate situation. I could take half an hour from my normal playing time to help with this boring duty, if you can tell me exactly what time the server respawns please. But you are probably right - and it's best if you just mail me the IP address, so the irresponsible players don't swarm us while we're cleaning up (I mean.. carrying sackloads of ace top loot away to hide it safely). Of course, what else could I mean ? I hate loot. One can of beans and a pair of sneakers and a nice book is all I EVER carry. I am a typical honest DayZ player, and also a non-violent vegetarian. I don't know even which end of the gun the bullet comes out. Is there a problem? Edited October 13, 2014 by pilgrim 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kakysas666 191 Posted October 13, 2014 My guess was also that it is somehow related to persistence. But I am not sure, hadn't had time to test persistence on that server and the server name doesn't indicate it at all. I have been hearing about such servers some time ago, but never found them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilgrim* 3514 Posted October 13, 2014 (edited) Is that the same server where 15 zombies spawn with the loot inside each barracks every 3 minutes ?(heh) Edited October 15, 2014 by pilgrim Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StarLord (DayZ) 39 Posted October 13, 2014 I will say this much. I typically like to play on full vilayer or fragnet servers. The loot is typically very scarce and usually in bad condition.This weekend I played with a friend of mine on a server that's not consistent. I can't remember the exact name but an example would be"Pop's Map". Anyway, so I join up as a fresh spawn at Kamishovo and start looting enough to make it to Berezino. Low and behold I'm finding GREAT loot, all pristine. A backpack, ton's of food, an axe, canteen, a pistol w/ mag and rounds, cargo pants, military top...Almost every single house I went into had some form of food in it. Most had clothing/supplies. It was a server that restarts every two hours, but I didn't see multiples of anything. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blackberrygoo 1416 Posted October 13, 2014 (edited) [sniiip]Lol you fake advertising troll if you're going to place fake advertisements you better at least SPELL CORRECTLY .. "Harsh oil" ? Try hash oil fucking robot . Edited October 13, 2014 by Max Planck Please don't quote spambots, you are doing their work for them. Just report instead. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Calvin Candie 189 Posted October 13, 2014 I am a typical honest DayZ player, and also a non-violent vegetarian. I don't know even which end of the gun the bullet comes out. Is there a problem?Count me in for the rescue team.And after we take care of the item infestation problem by safely stashing at least dozen tents of high end loot, we can sing Kumbaya together and draw flowers on pieces of paper in Berezino. I also only eat berries so we can go collect some in our yellow raincoats. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilgrim* 3514 Posted October 13, 2014 (edited) Count me in for the rescue team.And after we take care of the item infestation problem by safely stashing at least dozen tents of high end loot, we can sing Kumbaya together and draw flowers on pieces of paper in Berezino. I also only eat berries so we can go collect some in our yellow raincoats. At last - someone who understands !You Are My Brother ! Kumbyaya is good.. but how about an old-fashioned traditional verse or two of Amazing Grace ? but if you really feel it.. sure brother.. let's Kumbaya,.. and share some berries. Ya know.. it's a bit 'old style' campfire stuff.. but sometimes those forgotten grandad's yellow-raincoat songs are still ok..This one should be the DayZ survival theme tune. xx pilgrim Edited October 13, 2014 by pilgrim 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grundlesmuggler 41 Posted October 13, 2014 Only way to respawn loot at the moment is to restart the servers. Given the limitations on gameplay during this alpha, it doesn't make sense to have a night server since it's all PVP anyway and the majority of the community would rather do that during the day so again they have to restart. Currently we have servers restarting all the time, hoppers hopping all the time, and loot gets really buggy due to this. Asking for a change or a buff or any sort of help in this regard is futile since it is an alpha and the process with which loot spawns is a gimmick and a shell of what it should and will be later on in the game's life. Then end goal is to have a loot spawning system that doesn't require a server restart, and more in game functionality that lets a server progress from day to night and back to day. Cycling is one way, but coding a more definitive re spawn system is obviously the goal here. I think you are asking for trouble if you want look to be exponentially increased like in that server. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Death By Crowbar 1213 Posted October 13, 2014 Why don't you do the responsible thing and report the server? 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted October 13, 2014 Hello there PM a mod with the details and we will look into it. Dont, for the moment post it here, please. Rgds LoK 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kakysas666 191 Posted October 14, 2014 (edited) Why don't you do the responsible thing and report the server? Because I do not believe in reports. I have let the mod know the server name and IP. The thing is, I suspect the server is used by one cheater group (mostly kids), they all have each other in their friend lists (thanks to my pet detective skills). Also they spend a lot of time duping items with tents and other ways (which I already submitted, but don't think it will be fixed in 50 patch). Edited October 14, 2014 by MaxRain Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CANUCKinNZ 108 Posted October 15, 2014 Hello there PM a mod with the details and we will look into it. Dont, for the moment post it here, please. Rgds LoKAww orlok, always ruining our fun! :( 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Judopunch 523 Posted October 15, 2014 Aww orlok, always ruining NOMNOMING our fun! :( 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lrp1984 199 Posted October 15, 2014 At last - someone who understands !You Are My Brother ! Kumbyaya is good.. but how about an old-fashioned traditional verse or two of Amazing Grace ? but if you really feel it.. sure brother.. let's Kumbaya,.. and share some berries. Ya know.. it's a bit 'old style' campfire stuff.. but sometimes those forgotten grandad's yellow-raincoat songs are still ok..This one should be the DayZ survival theme tune. xx pilgrim Hey, I'm down to join in on this. Could we sing "row row row your boat" around the camp fire? I really feel like DayZ staff should stop working on more guns and vehicles and add the things we really need to the game.. Like acoustic guitars, tambourines, humus, marshmallows (to attach to a stick and then cook on the camp fire), and add a feature where our hair grows the longer we're alive so those of us living in the forest around a camp fire can have beards and dirty long hair. Is that too much to ask? Also, the longer we don't carry a gun in game, the more health we gain from eating organic vegetables and weird ethnic food. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilgrim* 3514 Posted October 15, 2014 (edited) Hey, I'm down to join in on this. Could we sing "row row row your boat" around the camp fire? I really feel like DayZ staff should stop working on more guns and vehicles and add the things we really need to the game.. Like acoustic guitars, tambourines, humus, marshmallows (to attach to a stick and then cook on the camp fire), and add a feature where our hair grows the longer we're alive so those of us living in the forest around a camp fire can have beards and dirty long hair. Is that too much to ask? Also, the longer we don't carry a gun in game, the more health we gain from eating organic vegetables and weird ethnic food. Another Brother has seen the light ! AND also we should have funny-shaped tents - all different shapes and colors, like IRLMaybe we could pain them ? If you have a stranged-shaped tent - or you have a tent with some neat swirly artwork painted on it - bring it right along!Join our brothers-and-sisters singing evenings and our "adopt a zombie" campaign. But remember, we are non-violent so we we have a kind-of- rule (not an obligation) that you shouldn't have more than ONE anti-material rifle and 50 rounds per PERSON. Sorry about that, but they take up so much space!If you have more than one - just give it away to one of the ladies, or anyone with a beard. Specially the girls love them - and that can't be bad, can it?Wear what you like (if clothes are your thing) .. and share your tent.. there's always room for 1 or 2 extra folk, we live in difficult times (some of us) and It's friendly to share tent-space on those rainy evenings when people need a hug. I like marshmallows - and also it's cool to make your own tent-decorations or body-jewelry out of fishing-rope, uniform buttons, old cans and spent cartridge cases, or what you like!. That's what the pliers are for!Let's hope dogs, cats pet snakes, candles and tattoo-kits are soon in the game too. We might need some self-defence equipment if we go out collecting berries, etc (and uniform buttons). - but when MaxRain sends us his secret IP address, that won't be a problem at all! Brothers and Sisters -. Kumbaya! Edited October 15, 2014 by pilgrim Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lrp1984 199 Posted October 15, 2014 Another Brother has seen the light ! Yeah, and it'd be good to be able to dance around a fire too, whilst wearing our used bean can jewellery. Maybe we could trade our organic food with other survivors? We could have hugs as our official currency. We don't need guns dude, just love. But if we need to defend ourselves how about bows and arrows? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites