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Which map do you use?


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  1. 1. What map do you use?

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Not everyone will be using external map, not in the heat of the battle, to calculate range.


As for civilian range finder being extremely rare, that is open for the debate.

I doubt the basic hunting range finder should be extremely range, not when it's range isn't that great and there most likely will be better military  model.


Lastly, after some ingame experience, one does not really need to calculate range that much, but simply guess it.

Might not be 100% accurate everytime, but works pretty well.


And it is really waste of time to despise 3rd party stuff like TeamSpeak and DayZdb.

It is simply the way it is, nothing can be done about it.


Not to rehash the old debate, but I'd posit that it's not that nothing can be done about it... it's that nothing is being, or will be, done about it. For a variety of reasons.


Doesn't mean I'll change my attitude towards it, I don't like it. However, it is certainly unrealistic to expect the developers to do anything about it... but, again, doesn't mean I have to just accept it without voicing my disagreement. And then again, I'm not expecting anything to change... but I can point out the blatant flaws in the act of not even attempting to mitigate third-party influence.


I doubt any sort of rangefinding capability would be used in the heat of battle, because anyone who'd be at ranges at which it is prudent to use a rangefinder/map would already be removed from the "heat of battle." I can't really recall any time I've been trying to whip out a rangefinder or map out when under fire. And besides, that's not even the issue.


The issue is that, an in-game item = the expending of time/effort/risk to acquire. Third-party capability = the expending of zero time/effort/risk to acquire. You can't have some people playing by the rules and others giving the middle finger to the game's in-game systems.


Rangefinders, aptly, grant the player the ability to accurately find the range to a target. So does DayZDB, the difference being (and it's a massive one) that one actually is an acquired capability (and thereby justified in-game) and the other is something that is outside the auspices of the game itself, thereby requiring nothing but a whim to acquire.

Edited by Katana67
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You don't need to keep the pieces, you should combine them N with S, E with W and so on.  This way you get one map that takes up only one space.


On this point and why I selected other, once I have an in game map that is complete I feel free to use iZurvive on my iPad.  I don't really use a map too much these days though, mostly compass if I get disoriented in the woods.

But the pieces combine system is very flawed. E and W parts don't combine with N and S. A whole map can take three slots from your inventory because of this.

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But the pieces combine system is very flawed. E and W parts don't combine with N and S. A whole map can take three slots from your inventory because of this.

That's not a flaw, pretty sure that is as intended, certain map parts go with certain map parts.  It's like putting an LRS on an SKS, just can't be done in game but I bet it could be rigged in RL.  Just flow with it.

Edited by Barnabus

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I would use the ingame map if it came in one piece, rather than dicking around looking for 4. 

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I'm a Day Z purist. I prefer to immerse myself into the game completely. So much so that I haven't used teamspeak in quite awhile.


It would be cool to be able to use the duct tape to tape all the maps together...and I'd like to be able to use the compass in conjunction with the map.

only use TS if you have a walkie talkie

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I just use the in-game map. When I first started playing just using the in-game map added a level of fun and difficulty in which I'd try to be in areas for which I had a map for until I got the complete map. As a result I rarely need the map anymore for navigation as I've pretty well learned Chernarus. I still use it though after patches to look for new areas to explore and to plan "my next step" in my wanderings.

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External maps r fur nubz



Maps in its entirety are for noobs


Everyone who voted for in-game maps lied. Admit it.


Oi you two...




Serious note. A complete/combined N and S Map is the best map because of the topographic features and that means those sexy, curvaceous, contours. The only time i would use DayZ DB would be to measure a perfect 1km stretch for the purposes of determining the navigation timing of walking/running/sprinting a 1km straight line but only if they add proper compass functionality :(

Edited by Trizzo

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IMO using anything outside of the game is sort of cheating in a sense of the game play itself..HOWEVER... with the status of the game being alpha and the maps/navigation system involved not being a priority right now for developers, external help is okay some times since its quite inadequate because the street signs do nothing for you without a reference. I use the DayZDB map to find out WHERE I am since I play off and on for months at a time and might forget the locations over time. Since I have a pretty decent photographic memory I'm fairly good at using the map once in a blue moon and just going off that once Ive actually pin pointed my location. Its really fairly easy once you establish landmarks and know how to take advantage of the coasts location (is it to your right or left as you travel), wind/cloud direction, sun rise/set, etc etc.  The old days even had a way of using a watch and shadows to determine your directions, but I haven't seen a watch in SA since I started playing again in the last few weeks. I love the compass though.


However, since the loot system is jacked, its actually kind of important to utilize the time your character does have in traveling by foot to a place that MAY actually contain stuff that will keep you alive. Ive lasted weeks on a character only to be glitched to death...then turned around and had a character die 4 times in one or two nights because the loot was so poor or non-existent that my guy starved to death and got hypo in places like Elektro or Cherno...yes...that bad of a loot issue in a city where you should get sick to your stomach on the amount of resources available to you. Since I only play SA right now, I may need to check the ones with persistence turned off. I heard those have better loot which means random towns and not needing precise direction is more acceptable because at least I'd stumble across enough to survive.


What I'd like is possibly the ability to draw a decent map for myself with pen/paper, sort of like tracking your own explorations (with notes on where you found what). Kind of adds to the whole survival post-apocalypse theme.  I wish they'd add the journal back..cause something like that could be added to a journal and you could mention what you found where.


Though when you die from stepping on some shrubbery or looking at a tree the wrong way, it's pretty much all lost lol

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........... but only if they add proper compass functionality :(


Ever noticed that the compass isnt pointing straight forward when u hold it? If u hold north straight forward in the compass, the compass box is tilted slightly to the right...or was it left, cant remember. Its tilted.

Edited by svisketyggeren

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I actually enjoy hunting down the parts of the map to make a nice pristine whole map.

I am looking forward to different types of maps...tourist, topographic, military even those maps that show you where the stars live so you can leave a nice deposit in Phil Collins letterbox.

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Ever noticed that the compass isnt pointing straight forward when u hold it? If u hold north straight forward in the compass, the compass box is tilted slightly to the right...or was it left, cant remember. Its tilted.


Yes i believe it is! It looks ever so slightly offset. It's not chronic, chronic but it looks odd. Without the ability to overlay the compass on the map for grid bearings we will never know what the error (if any) there is.


I fucking hate the compass choice as well, it's antiquated. Base plate compass is the standard not this geologist/lensatic compass, the latter is very much out of favor. It's an annoying regression and they double down on this annoyance with the aforementioned lack of map/compass overlay.

Edited by Trizzo

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when people say were they are, I can never remember the names even of the major towns so I have to find it, then I put the map away and walk there. Like all the other tough guys here who dont use maps, I have the map memorized from many 100s of hours walking on it.

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Mostly the Dayz Sa Central app my phone.

But i know the Mayo pretty well now and really only use it to find out where friends are. I know most of the city and landmark locations week enough, plus getting lost can be fun. I've been getting better at judging ranges.

But I've been considering using the in-game maps. They're pretty detailed, and have the topography lines. Since the combined Mayo only takes a single slot, and I've stopped hoarding, a large boar Backpack and vest is good enough.

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I selected other as really the only map i rely on is the map in my memory ( way to long playing on this map in arma even before dayz) , sure there new towns etc but they are pleasant surprises and actually make navigation easier( the north use to be so much empty space and bush but i liked it that way lol .


In game i do collect all the parts of the map as i like to play by house rules and collect the things i believe a survivor would want in strange country in the middle of an apoc lol. This means i even carry around useless tools like pliers and ductape as in real life there pretty handy for many situations( i love and use the old saying if you cant fix it with a can of WD40 and a roll of ductape it cant be fixed!)..

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I use Izurvive.

Why? Because it's easier for me to know where I can find friend especially when you're not playing at the same time. I just want to be near them on the next session.

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IMO using anything outside of the game is sort of cheating in a sense of the game play itself..HOWEVER... with the status of the game being alpha and the maps/navigation system involved not being a priority right now for developers, external help is okay some times since its quite inadequate because the street signs do nothing for you without a reference.

Oh yes the street signs and map's names is one of the biggest things why in game map is pretty much useless for new people. It's very weird to have latin map only when every sign is in cyrilic.

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but I can point out the blatant flaws in the act of not even attempting to mitigate third-party influence.


Rangefinders, aptly, grant the player the ability to accurately find the range to a target. So does DayZDB, the difference being (and it's a massive one) that one actually is an acquired capability (and thereby justified in-game) and the other is something that is outside the auspices of the game itself, thereby requiring nothing but a whim to acquire.



I would not say there is "blatant" flaw anywhere. Really can't see anything being done about folks printing dayz map, having it on other device or simply alt+tabing to check it. I understand your sentiment about this...but that's what it is, no flaw on game's side.


Player with range finder will still have advantage over players, since range finding with it will still be quicker than gaping at the map.

That, plus not everyone even uses map for range finding in the first place.


So again, I don't see any flaw, just wishful thinking that people would not metagame.

Noble wish, but that's about it.

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thus why I voted for other because Survival man LEVISKI NEEDS NO BABY MANS MAP, ONLY BOTTLE OF URINE AND WITS!



A little bit more on topic, if those duckers would take out the terrible pieced map implementation and give us full maps again, we might actually use maps again in game.

Yeah i was gonna say, have fun with your four inventory slots just for a god dam map but as you say, if they just make the map use up 1 slot or even none considering it is a piece of paper then why would i bother using an external site.

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