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About GeorgieBest

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. To put things in context: -DayZ was a front runner of the zombie survival genre when it entered development/early access. -It's close to two years later, and there have not been substantial improvements. Yes, there is plenty of different types of loot and buggy vehicles, but the fact remains that core game mechanics are probably worse than they intially were. -The zombie survival genre has opened up in the past 2 years, and games like H1Z1 have completely eclipsed and overshadowed DayZ. -The devs are completely delusional. They still think that the Beta will be ready this year (I remember when there similar talk this time last year.) -Instead of fixing the core mechanics of the game, such as the insane D-synch and glitchy collisions, the devs focus on releasing endless streams of broken/semi-functional content, and filling the rest of the updates with tons of clothes/weapons which add nothing to gameplay except throw the already poor loot mechanic system out of balance. -The game in its current state is like the devs are actually trying to make optimisation worse. It was never good in the first place, but now it's pretty much unplayable.​ I was really hopeful for this game, but over the last 9 months I've totally lost faith in it, and I expect to see the plug-pulled within the next 6 months to a year. Do. Not. Buy.
  2. GeorgieBest

    vehicles in for christmas ? beta?

    I thought they haven't even finished reworking the game engine? And then after that comes optimisation. And then beta.
  3. GeorgieBest

    Those Dumb Zombies !

    It seems to be a desync issue when they are chasing you and you close the door but they run through it anyway. Not that I know anything about that sort of stuff. The only thing that annoys me is the rate at which zombies can one-hit-kill you when you're not wearing a helmet. These are uncoordinated, reanimated cadavers, not mike Tyson in his prime. Also I don't see why they've put in so much damage from zombies attacking you. I understand clothes ripping, but would a zombie hitting you really ruin metal bullets just because they aren't in their cardboard box? I understand it's alpha, but that isn't a glitch, that's something that was implemented by choice (as far as I know).
  4. GeorgieBest

    Which map do you use?

    Any explanations guys? I'm trying to use dayzDB but I don't understand some things. Is the search for items thing accurate or just made up?
  5. GeorgieBest

    Which map do you use?

    Out of curiosity, which map do you guys find most useful? Also post reasons.
  6. GeorgieBest

    Why is this a thing?

    Are you seriously trying to argue that our gun laws are inferior to yours, because in the event of a "zombie apocalypse" you would be able to react less than 30 seconds quicker? And you wonder why everyone thinks Americans are dumb... You're also saying that you would go and put the gun away after seeing a zombie? You wouldn't keep it on you and get ready to abandon your house. Do all yanks live in another universe or just you "cowbows"? Ontopic: I believe it should depend where the gun is. In a civialian area where it has clearly been in use, then there should be an empty mag in it, or perhaps a few rounds in the magazine. In military areas like gun storage rooms they should never have the mags in them, as they would never be stored like that in a barracks. I agree that finding ammo should be the limiting factor, not finding a magazine.
  7. I don't think this would be a good idea. But I'm not adverse to the idea of the server keeping track of how many people certain players have killed, and maybe putting out wanted notices for the names of known bandits who have killed lots of people regularly.
  8. GeorgieBest

    Friendly or Bandit?

    1. Where's the need to swear? 2. Plenty of people are idiots.
  9. GeorgieBest

    First Balancing pass on firearms

    When will these changes be implemented to stable?
  10. GeorgieBest

    Friendly or Bandit?

    Who walks around with their gun on their back? Regardless of whether you are friendly or bandit that is silly and will get you killed, OP. The ideal is to see the other player first, and then to stalk them. Watch them for a bit without letting them see you and see what they are up to. If they are roaming around and don't KOS as soon as they see a player then you can approach them and try and communicate. Once you've communicated you can judge whether or not to come out into the open to them. However, if they have a mosin with a LRS and spend all their time moving between vantage points and keeing their eye pressed to their scope aiming at popular areas/buildings then they are probably a bandit and you should kill them.
  11. Boulders are what you need. Run up to them and press F when you get the option.
  12. GeorgieBest

    first bowhunting kill

    If by game you mean other players, then yes, I will only use them when hunting game.