Cpanther 221 Posted October 3, 2014 (edited) This seems to be the issue, When the mod was first made the idea was that we were just after the outbreak, which was fine at first when players were struggling to survive just for a few hours, but once you get past that stage and start to live for extended periods what we see around us just doesn't make sense, not just the enviroment but also the pristine gear and fresh fruit we find. I would definitely support moving the scenario a few months after day 0, adding more signs of destruction and decay and making pristine gear the ultimate rare find.Well.. it isn't really a background story that leads to "why" you start in the coast.. you could easily been in a ship for months, or even years.. i always like to use "Rify" as the reason why i start in the coast. Edited October 3, 2014 by Cpanther Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Karmaterror 982 Posted October 3, 2014 I agree totally, even the lack of road wrecks and those shoddy home made barricades with washing machines and bits of pipe making them up takes away from the immersion. The missing piles of corpses and body bags aswell. On the mod server I used to play I did a load of map updates, not lootable buildings r new PoI's, just a shit load of clutter, especially at mill bases to give it that feel. The only thing I can think of as to why they haven't started on clutter and more post apoc textures is that the map is unfinished, and some locations may be altered a lot before release. Once they have the towns the way they want and the layout all finalised for each, I think this will move up the priority list a lot. Gotta build the house before ya paint it :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mostly Harmless 28 Posted October 3, 2014 As great as the map is already, I would love to see more decay, damage and stuff that pulls me deeper into an apocalyptic scenario. Doesn´t have to be in every part, but more frequent than now. There are some nice touches to that in the "new" build areas in the NE and N of the map, I think. Entering Svetlo via the road from the gas station for example, there is something blocking parts of the street (a tree or powerline pole, can´t remember right now). A small thing maybe that had been added long ago, but I thought that it fits fine into the gameworld and there should be more stuff like that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Conrad_The_Comrade 577 Posted October 3, 2014 Dude,seriously,would you expect a guy with over 7000 posts under his belt making pointless threads without doing research beforehand?In the DayZ roadmap ( ) there is no mention of planned work for the enviroment.The Alpha is the right time to introduce such changes.If the devs were planning on doing so,work would have already been underway.Before you pass judgment,i suggest reading the whole post first,if you fail to do so,you are in danger of providing unconstructive feedback.In all fairness, yes, my not reading the whole thing beforehand isn't the wisest, and sorry for the confusion. I didn't mean (If this is what you thought) they have it official on the road map, I meant that they had discussed this, and said they intend on revising the "world" after working on the new towns and such. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Conrad_The_Comrade 577 Posted October 3, 2014 LMAO you are talking down on one of the oldest and most seasoned players of DayZ. Watch that tone young-ling, you are talking to a legend.Lol, my bad, but sometimes (Doesn't mean I'm talking about this specific person) the "Elder and wise" can be wrong, they can still make mistakes, they're still human, even if that's against popular belief xD Plus, as a human myself, I make mistakes (Not saying this is one of them), so just forgive me when I do :P Oh and yeah, I do talk down on people, no matter their "position", just my nature cx So once more, my apologies if I was disrespectful, but what I said before still stands. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Judopunch 523 Posted October 3, 2014 Now you mention it Hets, what happened to the disused road mask that was added in pre-alpha ?I'll have to check next time and see if they didn't do a sly quickstep on that one.Perhaps they are waiting on the new rendered for much of this as it is very graphics intensive? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ld-airgrafix 403 Posted October 3, 2014 realease? WTF ITS THE GAME FINISHED? NO WAY!where in my post did i mention the game is finished??? The game was released as an alpha end of last year, so i really dont know what your problem is??? You might want to let go of the CAPS key. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gannon46 788 Posted October 3, 2014 I assume the world will end up as you want it OP hell as I want it but I think it'll be something that comes at the very end when everything has been added and cities/towns are final and stable. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chompster 171 Posted October 3, 2014 (edited) Yes its an alpha, we all know it, but just because its an alpha, does that excuse art department from doing very litlle since release. surely they can spare one artist to work on post apocalyptic textures, cracked roads, ruined walls etc.Yes it does, because it isn't important. yet. The game has enough performance issues as it is. Priority needs to be on content(as in items) and features. Pretty(well ugly in apocalyptic way) looking cities can be hold off for later. Edited October 3, 2014 by Chompster Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mor (DayZ) 57 Posted October 4, 2014 (edited) Actually it can't be held off for later, it has to become part of the roadmap and time\resources are allocated to it during the production phase, while later only comes feature locked status. Hence the topic, because its obviously important to some Dayz Edited October 4, 2014 by Mor Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LanceroxD (DayZ) 75 Posted October 4, 2014 where in my post did i mention the game is finished??? The game was released as an alpha end of last year, so i really dont know what your problem is??? You might want to let go of the CAPS key.does it matters if i use caps or not? i mean is written stuff , i didnt mean to be so harsh making my letters bigger! SORRRRRRRRRY BRO , I DIDNT MEAN IT , BTW THEY ''RELEASED'' THE ALFA CUZ THE COMMUNITY WAS YELLING TO PLAY THE GAME AS FAST AS THEY COULD EVEN IF IT WASNT FINISHED, NOW JUST ACCEPT IT AND MOVE ON :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hetstaine 10852 Posted October 4, 2014 O how the populace has changed, I agree in alot of aspects Het. I am a huge sucker for environment and after watching alot of the Nova Zona videos by meshcarver on A3 it gives you a true feel of what direction you can go in to create a more immersive environment. Since alot do not follow off topic and or meshcarver I'll just make a post showing off the beauty one can achieve with some time. Loving his work, following with interest..might have to finally get A3 :) I agree totally, even the lack of road wrecks and those shoddy home made barricades with washing machines and bits of pipe making them up takes away from the immersion. The missing piles of corpses and body bags aswell. On the mod server I used to play I did a load of map updates, not lootable buildings r new PoI's, just a shit load of clutter, especially at mill bases to give it that feel. The only thing I can think of as to why they haven't started on clutter and more post apoc textures is that the map is unfinished, and some locations may be altered a lot before release. Once they have the towns the way they want and the layout all finalised for each, I think this will move up the priority list a lot. Gotta build the house before ya paint it :) Makes sense, hopefully that is the case :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mortaug 8 Posted October 4, 2014 (edited) They can call it an alpha all they want, it doesn't make it true.When you release to the general public, you are in beta. Anything outside of your company & select testers is beta. 2 million+ is NOT alpha.The company knew they could scam a ton of money from those that had played the mod or had watched vids of the mod & they did just that. This game will never be finished as the company has spent the money on other games.Just move along to another game as this goes the way of Rust. Edited October 4, 2014 by mortaug Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Smokey420 (DayZ) 74 Posted October 4, 2014 Or god damn. it would be sofa king amazing to have an environment like that movie. atm it doesn't even feel like an apocalypse game the way it is. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Judopunch 523 Posted October 4, 2014 They can call it an alpha all they want, it doesn't make it true.When you release to the general public, you are in beta. Anything outside of your company & select testers is beta. 2 million+ is NOT alpha.The company knew they could scam a ton of money from those that had played the mod or had watched vids of the mod & they did just that. This game will never be finished as the company has spent the money on other games.Just move along to another game as this goes the way of Rust.What if you make a contract, with an investor, that they can have 'early' acces to a game as its being built. Lets call it an 'alpha'. Do you think that this contract would be enough to inform people that the game is unfinished? "WARNING: THIS GAME IS EARLY ACCESS ALPHA. PLEASE DO NOT PURCHASE IT UNLESS YOU WANT TO ACTIVELY SUPPORT DEVELOPMENT OF THE GAME AND ARE PREPARED TO HANDLE WITH SERIOUS ISSUES AND POSSIBLE INTERRUPTIONS OF GAME FUNCTIONING." Lets make sure they are informed and click on it at least twice before they invest, and once before they get to play each time they load up the program. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 164 Posted October 4, 2014 tjdr..yep.Apocalyptic world.Start off alone, thirsty, cold, hungry.No camp, no supplies, no place to call home, no friends.Yet..we are fit, toned, basically super healthy..just need a drink and a few cans of food.The environment looks like a streetsweeper just went through yesterday.The world is cleaner than it has ever been, minimal rubbish, decay, destruction..a severe lack of any nature takeover of any sort.Don't mow your lawn or clean your house for two months and see how you looks worse than a dump. Damn, if i don't water my plants for a few days or clean my loungeroom for a week it looks like the world ended.Yet in dayz i am running around on polished wooden floors and entering most places that look like the cleaner just left three days ago.Imagine what a even a small shithole of a town would look like after a few months with nobody maintaining it.Hoping there will some ..even some minimum focus on the actual environment in dayz besides just the addition of just another new joint, or a new dam or some dressing up with new buildings in an existing town.Of course i realise there has been some work done with some blood splattery action..and then some random ancient world war two looking bombed out buildings that don't seem to fit with the rest of the town surrounding it..and we always have that broken tile in the barracks..what about the nature factor ? nature don't fuck around..ask my lawn.Love the game like mad, love the concept since day 1, but i have always felt a real lack of the actual feeling and immersion- a disconnect with a world gone peopleless for an extended period of time.Where is the part of this game where you feel like you are struggling in a cold hard broken down world , the actual feel of DayZ ? Easy enough to capture in a nicely edited video with cinematic music and a super sexy deep voiced narrative..not so easy to actually recreate the experience in game.Namalsk would have to be the mod closest to the apoc feel because of the elemental factor and the blustery winds and worrying cold .. the environment fucked you up and made you feel the cold and desperation of needing warmth/supplies/shelter..i remember worrying about that more than anything else in my Namalsk treks rather than wondering about whether i needed a bigger backpack to fit my 160 rounds of sks or which gun i should select out of the so many options available to me.Spending more time shuffling clothes to look good like a GTA game or painting an item because i am bored and i need to do something ...because actual survival has been so easy in the SA it is null and void. Where is the worry that i am a struggling person in a world gone to shit ? Bandits ? KoS ? That's all part of any game with guns...where is the DayZ struggle ?Even something as basic as THIS is a start regards environment. I've walked down streets like that in my home town of Brisbane on a bright and sunny day in suburbia and shook my head and wondered what the hell. DayZ being a post apoc type world can't even compete with what i see in a modern, first world countries major city outer suburb. I have always been a pretty massive proponent of DayZ, i fucking love the whole idea, i like Deanos attitude..especially his early mod passion and aggressiveness but it seems to have just got far far easier as time goes by and focused more on the whole guns and items deal than any sort of immersion for the player. Sure..items are cool, new joints are cool, new gun attachments are cool..but where is the environment at all ? besides the you are are cooling off yadda yadda stuff..which is also far to easy to get past..and doesn't gel with the environment at all in any sensible way. Try the experimental patch .50. It is a truly difficult survival experience. One where I have not even met a bandit yet because people are more worried about their next meal than their next kill. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hetstaine 10852 Posted October 7, 2014 Try the experimental patch .50. It is a truly difficult survival experience. One where I have not even met a bandit yet because people are more worried about their next meal than their next kill. Controls (auto run, head movement getting stuck) were so bad i had to go back to stable unfortunately :) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Inception. 9443 Posted October 7, 2014 (edited) Quit the alpha!!11!!!!! shit and discuss the suggestion. Edited October 7, 2014 by Inception. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Irish. 4886 Posted October 7, 2014 Controls (auto run, head movement getting stuck) were so bad i had to go back to stable unfortunately :) Yeah, i had no issues with survival or gearing up.. heard of others with trouble but none on my end (tends to be the trend for me with exp.) but that damned bug where you would just strafe for no reason until you mashed the keys was literally killing me.. I got hit several times, only because of the bug, by zeds. So after having it happen like 5x in a row, I rage quit.. still alive, but too frustrating to play. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slippery gypsy 107 Posted October 7, 2014 god damn. it would be sofa king amazing to have an environment like that movie. atm it doesn't even feel like an apocalypse game the way it is. haleks did it with 2018 ... but for some unexplained reason mention of his name on the forums gets your post hidden ... still worth a look if you get to see it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Twixxer 159 Posted October 7, 2014 Judging by the environment, the apocalypse didn't happen longer ago than a week - and that's hardly enough time for nature to start growing up through roads pavements and buildings. Sure, there'd be debris lying around from the panic stage of the outbreak - and more of that can be added later in development - but there's no way they should be adding major decay to structures and roads, unless they overhaul the entire setting for the game. "Day Z" means "The Day" of the disaster, as I see it, or perhaps the day after. Having said that, perhaps they should alter the scenario. Perhaps they should eliminate fresh fruit and vegetable spawns, and make the rest of the environment look more decomposed. After all, a player's character might be alive for months on end, and it doesn't square that they are permanently in a world where every day is the only a few days after the emergency that they didn't witness. By setting the game scenario further from the outbreak, it allows you to maintain the authenticity of a non-dynamic environment, because changes brought about by nature's reclamation of the human world become less noticeable day-to-day the longer it goes on.Judging by the environment you say? What about the rusty cars that could've stood there for 10 years? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AlfalphaCat 66 Posted October 7, 2014 Maybe the infected clean when we aren't looking. :P 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
call him Steve 46 Posted October 7, 2014 Wow you guys have some nice pictures, can't wait for the polish on the DayZ world. But that is for the beta team, fix bugs and polish up everything. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Count_Grishnackh 65 Posted October 7, 2014 WHAAAAA BUTT ITS APHAAAAAA WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *makes me sick* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chompster 171 Posted October 7, 2014 Actually it can't be held off for later, it has to become part of the roadmap and time\resources are allocated to it during the production phase, while later only comes feature locked status. Hence the topic, because its obviously important to some Dayz Actually it can be held off. They are still very much in the "production phase" with no real sign of leaving it anytime soon. So there will be plenty of time for it to get worked on and again, there are things that are simply far more important like the actual gameplay. Quit the alpha!!11!!!!! shit and discuss the suggestion.if they're suggestions shouldn't this be moved to the, oh i dont know.. part of the forums that is dedicated to suggestions? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites